Joint Core Strategy

The Joint Core Strategy has now been superseded following adoption of the Greater Norwich Local Plan in March 2024.  This page is retained for information only.

The Joint Core Strategy for Broadland, Norwich and South Norfolk is the key planning policy document for the Greater Norwich area. It forms part of the Local Plans for the districts of Broadland, Norwich and South Norfolk setting out the broad vision for the growth of the area and containing strategic policies for the period 2008 – 2026.

The Joint Core Strategy for Broadland, Norwich and South Norfolk (JCS) was adopted on 22 March 2011. Following a legal challenge a High Court Judgment, in February 2012, ruled that the parts of the Joint Core Strategy concerning the North East Growth Triangle (NEGT) should be remitted for further consideration and that a new Sustainability Appraisal for that part of Broadland in the Norwich Policy Area be prepared.

Following further consultation and an examination in 2013, the proposals for the Broadland part of the Norwich Policy Area were found sound, subject to a number of modifications, by the inspector appointed to oversee the public examination.  The Joint Core Strategy: Broadland part of the Norwich Policy Area Local Plan was subsequently adopted by Broadland District Council, Norwich City Council and South Norfolk Council on 10 January 2014.

The complete adopted Joint Core Strategy for Broadland, Norwich and South Norfolk comprises the JCS document adopted in March 2011, as amended by the Broadland Part of the Norwich Policy Area: Local Plan, adopted in January 2014.


Documents supporting the adopted Joint Core Strategy are:

Inspector's Report (168.82 KB)





Adopted Statements

Broadland (50.09 KB)


Norwich (50.87 KB)


South Norfolk (60.28 KB)


Sustainability Appraisal for the Broadland Part of the Norwich Policy Area



Report (2.46 MB)


Technical Appendix (6.18 MB)




Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA)







Stages of the Joint Core Strategy

This page sets out the various stages in the development of the Joint Core Strategy for Broadland, Norwich and South Norfolk. The stages are in chronological order with the most recent being at the top of the page.

Inspector’s Report, November 2013

On 13 November 2013 the Inspector issued his final report. The report concluded that, subject to a number of Main Modifications, the Joint Core Strategy for Broadland, Norwich and South Norfolk, the Broadland part of the Norwich Policy Area Local Plan is sound and is an appropriate basis for the future planning of the area. The Inspector’s report and the Main Modifications Appendix are available to view below:



The Local Planning Authorities considered the Inspector’s Report and made resolutions for adoption, subject to adoption by the other 2 authorities and the necessary legal and administrative processes, at the meetings below:

Norfolk County Council considered a report at its Cabinet meeting on 6 January 2014. 

Examination in Public 2013

Broadland District Council, Norwich City Council and South Norfolk Council, working with Norfolk County Council as the Greater Norwich Development Partnership submitted the Joint Core Strategy for Broadland, Norwich and South Norfolk: Submission Content to the Secretary of State for independent examination on Monday 4 February 2013.

The Planning Inspectorate appointed Inspector David Vickery DIPT&CP MRTPI to conduct the examination and an independent Programme Officer, Mrs Annette Feeney, to coordinate and administer the examination process.

The content below is a collection of archived news concerning the Examination in Public Core Strategy and its examination. The news items are listed in chronological order, with the most recent first.

Main Modifications Consultation

During the examination hearings the Councils wrote to the Inspector (view letter here) formally requesting that any necessary Main Modifications be made under Section 20 (7C) of the 2004 Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act where judged necessary to make the submitted JCS ‘sound’.

A Schedule of Main Modifications to the JCS was published for consultation from 9 September to 21 October 2013. A Sustainability Appraisal (SA) Addendum Report, Addendum to Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) and schedule of Additional (minor) Modifications to the submission document were also published.
The responses received have been passed directly to the Inspector for his consideration in the preparation of his examination report.

9 September 2013 – 21 October 2013

Main Modifications Consultation Documents





Main Modifications Consultation Responses

9 September 2013 – 21 October 2013






















The following responses were received after the deadline






3 September 2013

The Inspector has asked for the following note to be placed on the website:

A new suite of emerging guidance on Development Management and on a range of other topics, including Local Plans, was published by the Government on 28 August 2013. This emerging National Planning Practice Guidance is available only on the web at:

I do not consider that the draft Guidance flags up any important future likely change to an area of existing guidance which would significantly affect the identified issues that are to be dealt with in my forthcoming report.

The web site says that the Government considers that whilst the draft guidance is a material consideration, it is likely to have limited weight. It also says that when the draft Guidance is finalised later this year that it “expects the Secretary of State to specify that the new guidance applies only to Local or neighbourhood Plans which have not yet been submitted for examination. Any Local or neighbourhood Plans submitted before the new guidance is issued may rely on the previous guidance.”

Therefore, taking all the above in to account, I do not intend to delay the Examination of the submitted part-JCS, or to permit further representations to be made on the draft Guidance, or to ask the parties for further comment on the implications of the draft Guidance. If you disagree with my decision, please let my Programme Officer know, with brief reasons, within two weeks of Monday 2 September 2013.

David Vickery, Inspector

19 August 2013

The Inspector asked the Councils to respond to Barton Willmore’s comment on page 18 of DV32, made on behalf of Landstock Estates, regarding MM7 and TP15. The Councils’ note is below.


Documents relating to the reconvened hearings are available below:

30 July 2013

At the hearings, Barton Willmore were asked to comment on the Housing Land Supply position, this can be viewed below.


25 July 2013









24 July 2013








Documents and information submitted or published during the hearing adjournment 24 May – 23 July 2013

All updates since the adjournment of the hearings on 23 May, are available below. The most recent updates are at the top of the list.

22 July 2013

The Inspector has provided his agenda for the reconvened hearings sessions, to be held on Wednesday 24 July and Thursday 25 July 2013 at Broadland District Council Offices, Thorpe Lodge, 1 Yarmouth Road, Thorpe St Andrew, NR7 0DU.


19 July 2013

An update to DV21: Updated information on housing land supply (reference document DV 35) and GNDP update to the examination – Publication of the East of England Forecasting Model Update (reference document DV36) have been published and are available to view below.



17 July 2013

Ahead of the reconvened hearings the Inspector has advised the following: The Planning Advisory Service has recently published:

“Ten key principles for owning your housing number – finding your objectively assessed needs”
This document is available here.
The Inspector will take its advice into account, particularly in relation to demonstrating a five-year housing land supply (section 7) and in determining whether there should be a 5% or 20% flexibility allowance (section 9).
On the latter point, representors should also be aware of the Chief Planning Inspector’s conference speech reported on 12 July 2013 on the Planning magazine web site:
“It’s left to inspectors to determine what is persistent [under delivery].”
“Inspectors are looking back to the situation before the economic downturn to see if the authority was not delivering well when the economy was good and still not delivering well, that’s an indicator that you are a persistent under-deliverer.”
“If you were delivering really well and on target pre the economic downturn and have had problems since, then that might be an indicator that you are not a persistent under-deliverer”

16 July 2013

The viability model runs used for testing (reference document DV 22) have been formatted for publishing and are available below


As referenced in the Council's Evidence Statement, Document DV 28.

10 July 2013

Responses to the further evidence submitted on 21 June 2013 have been received and are available to view below:







3 July 2013

An error in the Councils’ proposed main modification MM7, as submitted on 21 June 2013 (document DV23), has been corrected and resubmitted to the Inspector. The original document has been replaced by the corrected version which can be viewed as document DV23 in the list of submitted evidence below.

24 June 2013

In accordance with the Inspector’s request, additional evidence was submitted on Friday 21 June 2013. The further evidence submitted is available to view below.









17 June 2013

The Councils have written to the Inspector to respond to Barton Willmore’s Supplementary Response to Matter 1 Question 6 (document DV6).



4 June 2013

Correspondence between the Councils and the Inspector regarding additional viability work



The document below was submitted by the Councils on the first day of the hearings but was inadvertently missed off the list on the website.


24 May 2013

Following the adjournment of the hearings, the Programme Officer has written to all participants regarding the next stages of the process.


Documents related to the first hearings sessions, prior to adjournment

The programme for the hearings and the detailed agendas for all sessions are available below:


Agenda - Matter 1 (25.59 KB)


Agenda - Matter 2 (27.13 KB)


The following documents were submitted during Day 3 of the hearings sessions.  

24 May 2013



DV14 Harman Report – Viability Testing Local Plans




The following documents were submitted during Day 2 of the hearings sessions.

22 May 2013








The following documents were submitted during Day 1 of the hearings sessions.

21 May 2013







Submissions on the Inspectors Matters for the hearings have been made and can be viewed below:

14 May 2013

Matter 1








Matter 2








14 May 2013

Statements of Common Ground have been submitted to the Inspector by the Councils











The following documents have been added to the evidence library and copies provided to the Inspector:




Broadland Development Management DPD (BD-B 15)

In addition, the Inspector has requested that attention is drawn to document BD-B3.3, including the Issues and Options Consultation on the Growth Triangle Area Action Plan, which is available here: Growth Triangle Area Action Plan, and to the latest Annual Monitoring Report – document MN2 – which is available here:

 JCS AMR 2011-12 (3.10 MB)


Other correspondence relating to the examination

2 May 2013


22 April 2013


10 April 2013


26 March 2013

Correspondence from Barton Willmore to the Inspector and the Inspector’s response



The Programme Officer has issued the following documents on behalf of the Inspector:




27 February 2013

The Programme Officer has written to all those who made representations on the proposed submission content, or who requested to be notified


Submission of the JCS: Broadland Part of the Norwich Policy Area Local Plan February 2013

Broadland District Council, Norwich City Council and South Norfolk Council, working with Norfolk County Council as the Greater Norwich Development Partnership, submitted the Joint Core Strategy for Broadland, Norwich and South Norfolk: Submission Content addressing the Judgment of Mr Justice Ouseley in Heard v Broadland District Council, South Norfolk District Council and Norwich City Council on Monday 4 February 2013.

The submission documents are available below:




SDJCS 3 Sustainability Appraisal Report for the Broadland part of the Norwich Policy Area following the High Court ruling of 24 February 2012 comprising:















SDJCS 9 Copies of all representations made in accordance with Regulation 20












Proposed Submission Publication August 2012

The proposed submission document was produced to address the Judgment made by Mr Justice Ouseley in the High Court on 24 February 2012, in the case of Heard v Broadland District Council, South Norfolk Council and Norwich City Council. Rather than being a review of the whole JCS; the proposed submission was a reconsideration of only those parts of the JCS which were remitted by the Judgment and Court Order. The published documents are available below:

PSJCS 1 Joint Core Strategy Proposed Submission Document, Including A Schedule Of Proposed Submission Content


PSJCS 3 Sustainability Appraisal Report for the Broadland part of the Norwich Policy Area following the High Court ruling of 24 February 2012















Legal Challenge, May 2011

legal challenge to the adoption of the JCS was received on 3 May 2011 from Stephen Heard, Chairman of Stop Norwich Urbanisation. High Court Judge Mr Justice Ouseley made his judgment on 24 February 2012 and published his final order regarding the legal challenge to major growth in the Greater Norwich area on 25 April 2012. The Judgment and Order are available below:



The Judge prepared a note which accompanied the Order and this is available to view below:


Mr Justice Ouseley issued the final order following his ruling in the High Court on February 24, 2012. He found that those parts of the GNDP’s Joint Core Strategy concerning the North East Growth Triangle (NEGT) should be remitted for further consideration and that a new Sustainability Appraisal for that part of Broadland in the Norwich Policy Area be prepared.

The judge rejected the arguments put forward by the claimant that the text promoting the expansion of Broadland Business Park and the chart showing overall homes figures should be included in the remittal.

The Adopted Joint Core Strategy March 2011, Highlighted to show the remitted text, is available here:


All notation on the Broadland Proposals Maps relating to the ‘Old Catton, Sprowston, Rackheath, Thorpe St Andrew Growth Triangle’ boundary were also subject to the Judge’s remittal.



All other supporting documents are available under the ‘Adoption’ stage below.

Adoption, March 2011

At Full Council meetings held on 22 March 2011, Broadland District Council, Norwich City Council and South Norfolk Council each resolved to adopt the Joint Core Strategy for Broadland, Norwich and South Norfolk. The formal date of adoption was 24 March 2011.

Following adoption a legal challenge was made and as a result of this parts of the text, and some associated maps and diagrams, were remitted by High Court Order and taken back to the Regulation 19: Publication of a Local Plan stage, to be treated as not having been subject to examination or adoption. Those parts of the Joint Core Strategy not remitted remained adopted.

The Joint Core Strategy, as adopted in March 2011, Inspectors report and other supporting documents are available below:






  • Sustainability Appraisal:



Habitats Regulation Assessment / Appropriate Assessment:

Appropriate Assessment Task 1 Report 2008











  • Changes to the adopted proposals maps:






Inspectors Report, February 2011

Examining Inspector, Mr Roy Foster MA MRTPI, and the Assistant Inspector, Mr Mike Fox BA (HONS) DIPTP MRTPI, issued their final report on the Joint Core Strategy (JCS) for publication on 25 February 2011. They concluded that, subject to certain changes, the JCS was sound, legally compliant, and an appropriate basis for planning of the area of Broadland, Norwich and South Norfolk, over the next 15 years to 2026.  The Inspector’s report is available to view below:



Upon consideration of the Inspectors’ report Broadland District Council, Norwich City Council and South Norfolk Council, at Full Council meetings held on 22 March 2011, each resolved to adopt the Joint Core Strategy and the principles it sets out as a legally binding framework within which the area will develop over the next 15 years. 

Examination in Public 2010

The Independent Examination into the Joint Core Strategy formally opened, at The King’s Centre, Norwich, on Tuesday 9 November 2010, at 10.00am. Hearing Sessions were initially held over a three-week period with the Inspectors then calling an additional sitting day on Thursday 9 December 2010.

The Inspectors’ agendas for the Examination Hearing Sessions held between 9 November and 9 December 2010 are available below.

9 November 2010



10 November 2010


11 November 2010


12 November 2010



16 November 2010



17 November 2010


18-19 November 2010


23 November 2010


24 November 2010


25 November 2010


26 November 2010


9 December 2010



Documents submitted during the public hearings are available in the document library. Please search by reference RF.

Hearing Statements (HS) and Statements of Common Ground (SCG) submitted to the Inspectors ahead of the commencement of the Examination in Public are available in the document library here. 

During the course of the EiP , from submission to the commencement of the public hearings, the Inspectors asked the GNDP to provide additional information over various issues. Other participants also submitted further information. 

Following the session on 9 December 2010 the Inspectors requested that a number of possible changes discussed at the hearings be advertised so that interested parties, including the Greater Norwich Development Partnership, could express their views in writing.

The Inspectors’ Possible Changes and supporting documents can be viewed below:

Inspectors' Note (28.45 KB)





The Programme Officer, Louise St John Howe, managed this part of the process on behalf of the Inspectors. 

Statement of Focussed Changes 2010

A Statement of Focussed Changes to the Joint Core Strategy for Broadland, Norwich and South Norfolk sought to address, and provide clarity to, the issues raised by the Inspectors at the Exploratory Meeting. The Statement was published for comment over a six-week period between 19 July 2010 and 31 August 2010.

Exploratory Meeting / Pre-examination Meeting 2010

An Exploratory Meeting was held by the Inspectors on 13 May 2010.  The Inspectors conclusions were received on 24 May 2010 and can be viewed here:



Regulation 30: Submission 2010

The Joint Core Strategy for Broadland, Norwich and South Norfolk was submitted to the Secretary of State on 5 March 2010. 

The Secretary of State appointed Inspector Roy Foster MA MRTPI and Assistant Inspector Mike Fox BA (HONS) DIPTP MRTPI from the Planning Inspectorate to conduct the Examination. The Examination determined the soundness and legal compliance of the Joint Core Strategy Development Plan Document.

Regulation 27: Publication 2009

The Joint Core Strategy submission document was published under Regulation 27 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Development) (England) Regulations 2004 as amended from 2 November 2009 to 14 December 2009.












Regulation 25: Consultation 2008 – 2009

This stage had 2 parts, a technical consultation with a range of statutory bodies, utilities and service providers, and key local, district and county wide organisations and a public consultation, where residents and businesses were also consulted. Consultees were invited to comment on the draft of the Joint Core Strategy and the Sustainability Appraisal, including the favoured option for major growth in and around the Norwich Policy Area.





Regulation 25: Representations



this has since been superceded by: 







Regulation 25: Technical Consultation Representations



Issues and Options 2007-2008

Early consultation with the community and stakeholders on the issues that the Joint Core Strategy needed to address and the options which are available to deal with those issues. This was undertaken in Winter 2007 / 2008.



Stage Issues And Options Representations

Evidence Gathering

The evidence base for the Joint Core Strategy contains studies and surveys on the social, economic and environmental characteristics of the three districts. This provides information on the needs, opportunities and constraints of the area to inform documents in the LDF. A full list of the documents which support the Joint Core Strategy is available here: