The Regulation 19 period for making representations on the GNLP closed at 17:00 on Monday 22nd March 2021. Representations received after that time are not “duly made” and will not be added online to the GNLP website. However, these late comments will be provided to the independent planning inspector, including details of when they were received. This will give the planning inspector the ability to judge how best to consider comments which were not “duly made” during the publication period. The GNLP team are now considering the representations received, and working with elected councillors on next steps in the plan-making process. After consideration by the Greater Norwich Development Partnership, decisions on the submission of the GNLP to the Planning Inspectorate will be taken by the constituent authorities of Greater Norwich. Submission is currently timetabled for late July.
The GNLP will supersede the current Joint Core Strategy for Greater Norwich and the Site Allocation Plans in each of the three districts.
Changes required to the Policies map on adoption of the GNLP are shown in the settlement maps in Part 2 of the plan (in the various settlement chapters). These show the new allocations and carried forward allocations that replace the existing allocations in the superseded documents. Previously defined Settlement Boundaries have been brought forward into the plan without amendment and are also shown in the settlement maps, except for the South Norfolk Villages that are to be included in the proposed South Norfolk Village Clusters Local Plan. All the defined Settlement Boundaries can be seen in the interactive map by ticking the Settlement boundary layer.