Main Modifications - Sites

This schedule contains Main Modifications (MMs) which, at this stage the Inspectors consider are necessary for the plan to be sound. These modifications are put forward without prejudice to the Inspectors final conclusions on the plan and they will have regard to the representations made in respect of them in reaching their final conclusions.

The modifications below are expressed in the conventional form of strikethrough for deletions and underlining for additions of text.

The page numbers and paragraph numbering below refers to the submission local plan, and does not take account of the deletion or addition of text.

To comment please click where you see a blue speech bubble to the left of a proposed modification.

MM21 - Policy/Paragraph: Multiple

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Move the following strategic sites from their current chapters to a new section at the beginning of the Sites Plan with consequential modifications as detailed below. Any further modifications to the policies/supporting text to be made in accordance with the changes listed in this schedule.

Policy GNLP0360/3053/R10 - East Norwich Strategic Regeneration Area - move policy plus supporting text paragraphs 2.6 - 2.27 and policy map to new strategic sites section.

Retain the East Norwich title and add new paragraph of text to read:

The policy and supporting text for the East Norwich allocation can be found in the strategic sites section at the beginning of the Sites Plan.

Policy GNLP0506 - Anglia Square, Norwich - move policy plus supporting text paragraphs 2.72 - 2.74 and policy map to new strategic sites section.

Retain the Anglia Square title and add new paragraph of text to read:

The policy and supporting text for the Anglia Square allocation can be found in the strategic sites section at the beginning of the Sites Plan.

Add the words Strategic Allocation at the beginning of Policy GNLP0506 Anglia Square

Policy GNLP1061R - Land known as 'Site 4' Norwich Airport - move policy plus supporting text paragraphs 2.75 - 2.80 and policy map to new strategic sites section.

Retain the Policy GNLP1061R: Land known as 'Site 4', Norwich Airport title and add new paragraph of text to read:

The policy and supporting text for the land known as 'Site 4' Norwich Airport allocation can be found in the strategic sites section at the beginning of the Sites Plan.

Policy R38 - Three Score, Bowthorpe - move policy plus supporting text paragraphs 2.361 - 2.362 and policy map to new strategic sites section.

Retain the Policy R38: Three Score, Bowthorpe title and add new paragraph of text to read:

The policy and supporting text for the Three Score, Bowthorpe allocation can be found in the strategic sites section at the beginning of the Sites Plan.

Policy COL1 - Land adjacent to Norwich Research Park (NRP), Colney - move policy plus supporting text paragraph 3.6 and policy map to new strategic sites section (this allocation to be combined with GNLP0331BR and GNLP0331CR which are to be deleted).

Retain the Policy COL1: Land adjacent to Norwich Research Park (NRP), Colney title and add new paragraph of text to read:

The policy and supporting text for the Norwich Research Park allocation can be found in the strategic sites section at the beginning of the Sites Plan.

Policy COS3/GNLPSL2008 - Longwater Employment Area, Costessey - move policy plus supporting text paragraph 3.18 and policy map to new strategic sites section.

Retain the Policy COS3/GNLPSL2008: Longwater Employment Area, Costessey title and add new paragraph of text to read:

The policy and supporting text for the Longwater Employment Area allocation can be found in the strategic sites section at the beginning of the Sites Plan.

Policy GNLP0307/0327 - Land north of the A11, Cringleford - move policy plus supporting text paragraphs 3.27 - 3.30 and policy map to new strategic sites section.

Retain the Policy GNLP0307/GNLP0327: Land north of the A11, Cringleford title and add new paragraph of text to read:

The policy and supporting text for the land north of the A11, Cringleford allocation can be found in the strategic sites section at the beginning of the Sites Plan.

Policy EAS1 - Land south and east of Easton - move policy plus supporting text paragraph 3.42 and policy map to new strategic sites section.

Retain the Policy EAS1: Land south and east of Easton title and add new paragraph of text to read:

The policy and supporting text for the land south and east of Easton allocation can be found in the strategic sites section at the beginning of the Sites Plan.

Policy HEL2 - Land at Royal Norwich Golf Club, either side of Drayton High Road, Hellesdon - move policy plus supporting text paragraph 3.48 and policy map to new strategic sites section.

Retain the Policy HEL2: Land at the Royal Norwich Golf Club, either side of Drayton High Road, Hellesdon title and add new paragraph of text to read:

The policy and supporting text for the land at the Royal Norwich Golf Club allocation can be found in the strategic sites section at the beginning of the Sites Plan.

Policy GNLP0132 - Land off Blue Boar Lane/Salhouse Road, White House Farm, Sprowston - move policy plus supporting text paragraph 3.65 and policy map to new strategic sites section.

Retain the Policy GNLP0132: Land off Blue Boar Lane/Salhouse Road, White House Farm, Sprowston title and add new paragraph of text to read:

The policy and supporting text for the land off Blue Boar Lane/Salhouse Road, White House Farm allocation can be found in the strategic sites section at the beginning of the Sites Plan.

Policy GNLP0337R - Land between Fir Covert Road and Reepham Road, Taverham - move policy plus supporting text paragraph 3.72 and policy map to new strategic sites section.

Retain the Policy GNLP0337R: Land between Fir Covert Road and Reepham Road, Taverham title and add new paragraph of text to read:

The policy and supporting text for the land between Fir Covert Road and Reepham Road allocation can be found in the strategic sites section at the beginning of the Sites Plan.

Policy HETHEL2 - Land south and south west of Lotus Cars, Hethel - move policy plus supporting text paragraph 4.44 and policy map to new strategic sites section.

Retain the Policy HETHEL 2: Land South and South West of Lotus Cars, Hethel title and add new paragraph of text to read:

The policy and supporting text for the land south and south west of Lotus Cars allocation can be found in the strategic sites section at the beginning of the Sites Plan.

Policy HET1 (part of GNLP0177A) - Land north of Hethersett - move policy plus supporting text paragraph 5.31 and policy map to new strategic sites section.

Retain the Policy HET 1 (part of GNLP0177A): Land north Hethersett title and add new paragraph of text to read:

The policy and supporting text for the land north of Hethersett allocation can be found in the strategic sites section at the beginning of the Sites Plan.

Add the words 'Strategic Allocation' at the beginning of Policy HET1

Policy HNF2/GNLP0466R - Land east of the A140 and north of Norwich International Airport, Horsham St Faith - move policy plus supporting text paragraph 6.75 and policy map to new strategic sites section.

Retain the Policy HNF2/GNLP0466R: Land east of the A140 and north of Norwich International Airport, Horsham St Faith title and add new paragraph of text to read:

The policy and supporting text for the land east of the A140 and north of Norwich International Airport allocation can be found in the strategic sites section at the beginning of the Sites Plan.

Make the following consequential changes to Sites Plan Introduction resulting from moving the strategic sites policies:

Amend paragraph 1.2 to read:

1.2 This document is The first section of this document contains the strategic allocations and the remainder is then organised according to the settlement hierarchy by:

  • Norwich and the fringe parishes.
  • Main towns,.
  • Key service centres.
  • Broadland village clusters.
  • Non-residential allocations in South Norfolk.
  • Gypsy and Traveller sites are grouped together at the end of the document.

Maps and site policies are included for all allocated sites.


To ensure the plan is effective and justified