Main Towns: Wymondham

MM101 - Policy GNLP0354R

Page 305


Amend the policy to read:


Land at Johnson's Farm, Wymondham (approx. 5.39 ha) is allocated for residential development. The site is likely to accommodate approximately 100 homes.

The development will address all the following specific matters The development will achieve the following site specific requirements:

  1. Submission of a masterplan and transport assessment with or in advance of the first application for planning permission with implementation of agreed approved measures.
  2. Vehicular access via London Road with a minimum 5.0 metre carriageway width, and 2.0 metre footway provision across the site frontage.
  3. Provision of a 2.0 metre wide pedestrian/cycle access via Preston Avenue.
  4. Mitigation of the impact of development on the Conservation Area and listed buildings to the north of the site.
  5. The trees and hedgerows bordering the site will be protected, enhanced and incorporated into the scheme, acknowledging that an access to Abbey Road or pedestrian/cycle access at Preston Avenue will be required.
  6. Mitigation of the amenity impacts of the development on the existing dwellings to the east of the site.


To ensure the plan is effective and justified.

MM102 - Policy GNLP3013

Page 307


Amend the policy to read:


Land North of Tuttles Lane, Wymondham (approx. 2.54 ha) is allocated for residential development. The site is likely to accommodate at least approximately 50 homes.

More homes may be accommodated, subject to an acceptable design and layout being achieved.

The development will address all the following specific matters The development will achieve the following site specific requirements:

  1. Provision of an appropriate visibility splay and frontage footways that link with existing connections.
  2. Landscaping to protect the amenity of the neighbouring dwelling to the west (known as the Judith Fox Ballet School).
  3. Consideration and mitigation of surface water flood risk.
  4. The trees belts and hedgerows surrounding the site will be protected, enhanced and incorporated into the scheme.
  5. Provide an ecological assessment Environment Agency to be consulted to determine any need for mitigations to address impact on the River Tiffey and its tributaries.


To ensure the plan is effective and justified.