Broadland Village Clusters: Buxton with Lamas

MM121 - Policy GNLP0297

Page 382


Amend the policy to read:


Land east of Aylsham Road, Buxton with Lamas (1.68ha) is allocated for residential development. The site is likely to accommodate approximately 40 homes.

More homes may be accommodated, subject to an acceptable design and layout, as well as infrastructure constraints.

The development will be expected to address the following specific matters The development will achieve the following site specific requirements:

  1. Access (vehicular and pedestrian) will be from Aylsham Road.
  2. Lower 30 mph speed limit area will need to be extended to the northern edge of the site.
  3. Footway will be required at north east side of Aylsham Road to connect with existing facility and provide continuous pedestrian route to the school.
  4. Some hedgerow and tree removal likely for visibility and access but aim to minimise loss of contribution to the landscape Any loss of trees and hedgerows that are necessary to accommodate a visibility splay should be compensated for by new frontage planting within the site.
  5. Landscaping to mitigate the potential for noise pollution and vibrations resulting from proximity of the site to the Bure Valley Railway and to mitigate for the potential loss of views experienced by users of the nearby Public Right of Way Noise and vibration issues arising from the railway line shall be addressed as part of the development proposal.

    6. Provision of appropriate landscaping to the edges of the site to maintain the rural character of the area.
    6. Development will need phasing in line with upgrades to the Aylsham Water Recycling Centre.


To ensure the plan is effective and justified.