Urban Fringe: Taverham

MM88 - Policy GNLP0337R

Page 243


Amend the policy to read (see separate schedule of map changes for boundary change):



Land between Fir Covert Road and Reepham Road, Taverham (81.69ha 78.5ha) is allocated for residential development. The site will accommodate at least approximately 1,400 homes including specialist care housing and older persons housing units, associated public open space, local centre, primary school and local medical centre.

More homes may be accommodated, subject to an acceptable design and layout, as well as infrastructure constraints.

The development will be expected to address the following specific matters The development will achieve the following site specific requirements:

  1. Preparation of a masterplan to guide the development of the whole site, submitted as part of the first application for planning permission.
  2. Provision of on-site recreation to encourage healthy lifestyles, in accordance with relevant policies.
  3. 2ha safeguarded for provision of primary school.
  4. Land safeguarded for provision of medical care facility.
  5. A local centre at the heart of the development, easily accessible to surrounding residential areas. The local centre should consist of a small group of shops or services and amenities to enhance placemaking and vitality of the development, and to ensure residents have access to services which provide for day to day needs.

The masterplan should demonstrate:

  1. Detailed arrangements for access (vehicular and pedestrian) such as from Reepham Road and Fir Covert Road, pedestrian/cycle links at Felsham Way, Ganners Hill, Breck Farm Lane, and Kingswood Avenue.
  2. The distribution of land-uses across the site. The school and medical care facility should be centrally located on the site.
  3. Off-site improvements to the highway network which may include provision of a new roundabout on Reepham Road, and Fir Covert Road including proposed link road.
  4. No adverse effect on the operation of the water treatment works.
  5. Safeguarding landscape enhancements and buffer of the Marriott's Way.
  6. The approach to phasing of development across the site.
  7. Provision of an significant appropriate landscape buffer adjacent to A1270 and adequate noise mitigation measures to protect residential amenity.
  8. Inclusion of pollution control techniques to ensure that development does not lead to pollution of the water environment as the site falls within source protection zone 3.
  9. Submission of an Arboricultural Impact Assessment (AIA) to protect or to mitigate any harm to trees on site.
  10. Submission of ecological assessment to identify key ecological networks and habitats to be preserved and enhanced through the development.
  11. Mitigation of surface water flooding onsite.
  12. Approach to infrastructure delivery on and off site.

    18. Norfolk Minerals and Waste Core Strategy Policy CS16 applies, as this site is underlain by safeguarded minerals resources. The benefits of extracting the minerals, if feasible, will be taken into consideration

Add a new paragraph of supporting text following current paragraph 3.72 to read:

The site will need to be masterplanned to provide a local centre consisting of a small group of shops, services and/or amenities to promote placemaking and meet the day to day needs of residents. A supermarket has recently opened on the opposite side of Fir Covert Road, as such the local centre is not expected to include facilities already provided. The masterplan should also provide detail of community and recreation facilities including a school and medical care facility.

Move wording of deleted policy requirement 18 to the supporting text. Insert after current paragraph number 3.72.


To ensure the plan is effective and justified.

MM89 - Policy GNLP0159R

Page 245


Amend the policy to read (see separate schedule of map changes for boundary change):

Land off Beech Avenue, Taverham (0.97 2.00 ha) is allocated for residential development. The site will accommodate up to 12 approximately 25 dwellings.

The development will be expected to address the following specific matters The development will achieve the following site specific requirements:

  1. Vehicular and pedestrian access through the site to the east.
  2. Mitigation for impact on trees and woodland (established through an Arboricultural Impact Assessment).
  3. Submission of ecological assessment to identify key ecological networks and habitats to be preserved and enhanced through the development.

    4. Norfolk Minerals and Waste Core Strategy Policy CS16 applies, as this site is underlain by safeguarded minerals resources. The benefits of extracting the minerals, if feasible, will be taken into consideration

Make the following corresponding change to supporting text paragraph 3.73:

  1. This site off Beech Avenue is allocated with access via the adjacent site with planning permission (20191065) under the same land ownership. The total area allocated reflects the mature trees on site as well as other buildings shown on the site map below. The Site is currently under consideration (planning application 20211698) for twenty-five dwellings on the same boundary as the allocation.

Move wording of deleted policy requirement 4 to the supporting text. Insert after current paragraph number 3.73.


To ensure the plan is effective and justified.