Broadland Village Clusters: Marsham

MM141 - Policy GNLP2143

Page 452


Delete Policy GNLP2143, supporting text paragraphs 6.87 and 6.88 and Policy Map (see separate schedule of map changes)

POLICY GNLP2143: Land south of Le Neve Road, Marsham

4.87 This site to the south of Le Neve Road is allocated for residential development. The historic nature of the setting is recognised and development will need to respect the setting of the adjacent Grade I listed church and nearby listed buildings as well as providing an extension to the cemetery.

4.88 There is currently not enough capacity in Aylsham Water Recycling Centre permit to accommodate development and no plans to upgrade in terms of flow in PR19, only plans to increase storage at intermittent CSOs. Development will therefore require phasing in line with upgrades to the Water Recycling Centre and evidence of liaison with Anglian Water on this matter will need to be provided.


Land south of Le Neve Road, Marsham (approx. 1.98 ha) is allocated for residential development and extension to the cemetery at All Saint Church. The site is likely to accommodate approximately 35 homes.

More homes may be accommodated, subject to an acceptable design and layout, as well as infrastructure constraints.

The development will be expected to address the following specific matters:

  1. 1. Access (vehicular and pedestrian) to be from Le Neve Road.
  2. 2. Land to be made available for 0.27ha extension to existing cemetery.
  3. 3. Any development must conserve and enhance the significance of the grade I listed Church of All Saints, the grade II listed Old Rectory, Colenso Cottage and the Marsham War Memorial to the east of the site, including any contribution made to that significance by setting. This includes but is not limited to landscaping to the east of the site and a concept diagram showing where open space and landscaping would be located. Due to the sensitivities of this site a Heritage Impact Assessment will be required.
  4. 4. Safeguard existing public right of way in the south east corner.
  5. 5. Development will need phasing in line with upgrades to the Aylsham Water Recycling Centre
  6. 6. Norfolk Minerals and Waste Core Strategy Policy CS16 applies, as this site is partly underlain by safeguarded minerals resources. The benefits of extracting the minerals, if feasible, will be taken into consideration.


Policy deleted as it not considered justified due to heritage issues.