Key Service Centres: Hingham

MM112 - Policy GNLP0503

Page 345


Delete Policy GNLP0503, supporting text paragraph 5.38 and Policy Map (see separate schedule of map changes)

5.38 Development of up to 20 dwellings would be acceptable on this site subject to provision of a safe access and a continuous footway at the west side of Dereham Road from the site access to Pottles Alley. A 30mph speed limit extension would be required to include the site frontage. Minor carriageway widening may also be required.

Policy GNLP0503

Land north of Springfield Way and west of Dereham Road, Hingham (approx. 0.85 ha) is allocated for residential development. This will accommodate 20 homes.

More homes may be accommodated, subject to an acceptable design and layout being achieved, and any infrastructure issues addressed.

The development will be expected to address the following specific matters:

  1. 1. The provision of a safe access onto Dereham Road, including promotion of a Traffic Regulation Order to extend the existing 30mph speed limit along the site frontage.
  2. 2. Provision of a continuous footway at the west side of Dereham Road from the site access to Pottles Alley.
  3. 3. The design and layout of the scheme will need to consider and mitigate potential amenity impacts of the neighbouring farm operations.
  4. 4. Design and layout of the scheme will need to consider and mitigate the areas of surface water flood risk.
  5. 5. Avoid contamination of groundwater.

Amend supporting text paragraph 5.36 to read:

5.36 Two sites are One site has been allocated providing for at least 100 new homes in the key service centre (one for 80 homes, one for 20 homes). There are no carried forward residential allocations and a total of 20 additional dwellings with planning permission on small sites. This gives a total deliverable housing commitment for the key service centre of at least 120 homes between 2018 - 2038.

Correction issued 6th November. Paragraph 5.36 should in fact say: “One site has been allocated providing for at least 80 new homes in the key service centre. There are no carried forward residential allocations and a total of 20 additional dwellings with planning permission on small sites. This gives a total deliverable housing commitment for the key service centre of at least 100 homes between 2018 - 2038.”


The site is no longer available for allocation so is withdrawn. Policy deleted as it is not justified.

MM113 - Policy GNLP0520

Page 348


Amend the policy to read:


Land south of Norwich Road, Hingham (approx. 6.92 ha) is allocated for residential development. This will accommodate approximately 80 homes.

More homes may be accommodated, subject to an acceptable design and layout being achieved, and any infrastructure issues addressed.

The development will be expected to address the following specific matters The development will achieve the following site specific requirements:

  1. TPO oak trees on south side of Norwich Road to be retained.
  2. Design and layout of the site to create properties that front onto the footway an active frontage along Norwich Road and show regard to the site's gateway role.
  3. Provision of an adequate visibility splay incorporating footways, to be provided along the whole site frontage Provision of adequate visibility splays, and a footway alongside the site frontage.
  4. Pedestrian refuge in the proximity of Ironside Way, to access local employment opportunities.
  5. Connectivity of the site to Public Right of Way (PRoW) Hingham F9.
  6. Mitigation and further investigation with regards to the site's susceptibility to surface water flooding. Avoid development in areas at risk of surface water flooding and provide flood mitigation measures that significantly reduce the existing surface water flood risk.
  7. Avoid contamination of groundwater.
  8. Mitigation of impacts on Sea Mere SSSI.
  9. Any development must conserve and, where opportunities arise, enhance the significance of Lilac Farmhouse and Blenheim Cottage to the south of the site, including any contribution made to that significance by setting. This includes but is not limited to landscaping along the southern edge of the site.


To ensure the plan is effective, justified and consistent with national policy.

MM114 - Policy HIN2

Page 350


Amend the policy to read:


Land adjacent to Hingham Industrial Estate at Ironside Way, Hingham (approx. 2.24 ha) is allocated for employment uses in Classes E(g)/B2/B8 as an extension to the existing industrial estate.

The development will be expected to address the following specific matters The development will achieve the following site specific requirements:

  1. 7. 1. Local road improvements and a safe access with road access to the site from the existing industrial estate at Ironside Way A Transport Statement will be required to demonstrate how safe and sustainable access would be achieved, and implementation of any approved measures.
  2. 8. Wastewater infrastructure capacity must be confirmed prior to development taking place.
  3. 9. 2. Retention of existing tree belts along northern, eastern and southern boundaries.
  4. 10. 3. Any development must conserve and, where opportunities arise, enhance the significance of Alexander's Farmhouse to the east and White Lodge to the north of the site, including any contribution made to that significance by setting. This includes but is not limited to landscaping along the site boundary.
  5. 11. 4. An archaeological assessment will be required prior to development. Historic Environment Record to be consulted to determine any need for archaeological surveys prior to development.
  6. 12. 5. Mitigation and further investigation with regards to site susceptibility to surface water flooding. Development should avoid areas at risk of surface water flooding.
  7. 13. 6. Avoid contamination of groundwater.

Move the original wording of policy requirement 11 (now 4) to supporting text. Insert after current paragraph number 5.40.


To ensure the plan is effective, justified and consistent with national policy.