South Norfolk Villages Non-Residential Sites: Brooke

MM148 - Policy BKE3

Page 472


Amend the policy to read:

POLICY BKE 3 Brooke Industrial Estate, Brooke (approx. 4.8ha) is allocated for employment use.

The development will be expected to should address the following specific matters:

  1. New development on the site shall be limited to E(g), B2 and B8 uses;
  2. Adequate landscaping and boundary treatments are to be provided on the southern and north eastern boundaries to ensure development does not have an adverse impact.
  3. Any development must conserve and, where opportunities arise, enhance the significance of the grade II listed Arlington Hall to the east of the site, including any contribution made to that significance by setting.
  4. Significant information will be required at a planning stage to mitigate heavy flood constraints A Flood Risk Assessment will be required at planning application stage.

    5. Norfolk Minerals and Waste Core Strategy Policy CS16 applies, as this site is underlain by safeguarded minerals resources. The benefits if extracting the minerals, if feasible will be taken into consideration.

Number bullet points

Amend paragraph 7.1 to read:

  1. The site was allocated in 2015 as part of the South Norfolk Local Plan. Brooke Industrial Park has experienced incremental growth over time and has now become an established employment site. There remains some opportunity around 1.2 hectares available for growth, which this policy seeks to promote. It is important that the site remains as an employment site and that other uses, such as residential development, are resisted given its location removed from established settlements such as the villages of Brooke and Poringland.

Move the current policy wording of policy requirement 5 to supporting text. Insert after current paragraph number 7.1


To ensure the plan is effective, justified and consistent with national policy.