Urban Fringe: Costessey

MM74 - Policy COS3/ GNLPSL2008

Page 190


Amend the policy to read (see separate schedule of map changes for boundary change):



Longwater Employment Area, Costessey (approx. 15.29 11.06 ha) is allocated for Employment uses.

The development will be expected to address the following specific matters The development will achieve the following site specific requirements:


  1. Principally for E(g), B2 and B8 Use Class (2020) employment uses.
  2. Other employment uses that are not identified as main town centre uses in the National Planning Policy Framework, specifically further car showrooms and petrol filling stations.


  1. Appropriate and proportionate contributions to short, medium and long-term improvements to the A47 Longwater Junction to ensure that capacity does not become a constraint on development.
  2. Proportionate contributions to public transport improvements on the Dereham Road corridor and other public transport enhancements in accordance with the latest version of the Transport for Norwich implementation plan.
  3. Safe and convenient pedestrian and cycle links to key locations including access to Longwater retail and nearby residential locations at Queens Hill, New Costessey and Easton.


  1. 6. Wastewater infrastructure capacity must be confirmed prior to development taking place.
  2. 7. 6. Protection of Long Dale County Wildlife Site to the north of Employment Area.
  3. 8. Norfolk Minerals and Waste Core Strategy Policy CS16 applies, as this site is underlain by safeguarded minerals resources and is within a minerals and waste consultation area. The benefits of extracting the minerals, if feasible, will be taken into consideration and developers will need to consult Norfolk County Council (Minerals and Waste) as part of any future applications on the site.

Move wording of deleted policy requirement 8 to the supporting text. Insert after current paragraph number 3.18.


To ensure the plan is effective and justified.

MM75 - Policy COS4

Page 192


Amend policy COS4 to read:

Policy COS4

Redevelopment of existing uses within the Costessey Longwater Development Boundary, Costessey

Within the Costessey Longwater Development Boundary proposals for the redevelopment or change of use of existing employment, retail, commercial and leisure uses, commercial, business and service uses, and complementary sui generis uses will should demonstrate that retention of the site for the same or similar uses the existing use has been fully explored without success. This would involve:

  1. 1. Demonstrating that the area is already adequately served by the type of use to be lost; or
  2. 1. 2. Conformation that the site has been offered on a range of terms agreed in advance to be reasonable, with any disagreement resolved by an independent assessor, plus Ssix months marketing for the permitted and similar uses, using an appropriate agent.; and
  3. 2. Confirmation that the site has been offered on a range of terms agreed in advance to be reasonable on the advice of an independent assessor; or
  4. 3. It can be demonstrated that the area is already adequately served for the type of use to be lost.

Where this has been demonstrated, sites within Costessey Longwater Development Boundary, will be considered positively for E(g), B2 and B8 employment uses or other employment uses ancillary and complementary to the strategic employment function of the area where they are not (underlining in the original) defined as a Main Town Centre use in the National Planning Policy Framework, specifically further car showrooms and petrol filling stations.


To ensure the plan is effective and justified.

MM76 - Paragraphs 3.20 and 3.21

Page 194


Delete paragraphs 3.20 and 3.21:

3.20 There are no new allocations however site GNLP2043/0581 is proposed as a contingency allocation should additional housing be required over the plan period as referenced by the trigger point detailed in the site policy.

3.21 Please see separate section at the end of the plan for the contingency site policy.


To ensure the plan is effective and justified following deletion of the Costessey Contingency Site.

MM77 - Policy COS5/ GNLP2074

Page 194


Amend the policy to read:


Royal Norfolk Showground, Costessey

Planning applications for the use of the identified area for leisure, tourism, recreation, arts and exhibition uses will be considered positively provided that:

  1. The open character of the site is retained, including the impact of ancillary uses such as car parking.
  2. Other than for development under clause 6 below, Any any new buildings and extensions are required to support the main functions of the Showground.
  3. Harm would not be caused by the nature, scale, extent, frequency or timing of proposed activities, including:
    a) any Any noise or vibration likely to be generated, including from motorised sports or flying; and,
    b) any Any light which could have an impact beyond the site itself.
  4. Highways and transport improvements are agreed with Norfolk County Council and, where appropriate, the Highways Agency, to be proportionate to the form and scale of development and includes pedestrian and cycle access across the A47. Depending on the scale and type of development, applications will be supported by a Transport Assessment/Statement and any required highway mitigation measures will be provided.

    5. Wastewater infrastructure capacity must be confirmed prior to development taking place.
    5. Small scale Food retail, including an anchor unit selling a significant proportion no less than 70% of locally produced goods; café/restaurant/public house uses; and other leisure and service uses, to serve the wider function of the showground will also be considered.

Make consequential change to section title:

Policy COS5/GNLP2074: Royal Norfolk Showground, Costessey

Make consequential supporting text change to paragraph 3.22:

3.22 Recognising that the Norfolk Showground has a need to support its role as a major visitor attraction and events location, and that it is located within and supports the Food Enterprise Zone, it is proposed to alter the existing showground policy to permits small scale food, dining and leisure-led development that also helps to meet the needs of local residents who live in the immediate area. To ensure that the development supports the local food and agri-tech sectors any food based retail unit should sell a clear majority of locally produced goods and will therefore be conditioned to ensure that no less than 70% of the net retail floor area is used for the display and sale of goods produced in Norfolk and Suffolk.


To ensure the plan is effective and justified.