
MM22 - Norwich Policy GNLP0360/ 3053/R10

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Amend the policy to read:


Policy GNLP0360/3053/R10: East Norwich Strategic Regeneration Area (ENSRA) incorporating:

  1. Land at the Deal Ground, Bracondale and Trowse Pumping Station in Norwich and the former May Gurney site at Trowse in South Norfolk (approx. 21.35 ha).
  2. Land at Carrow Works, including Carrow House, Norwich (approx. 19.91 ha).
  3. Utilities Site, Norwich (approx. 6.92 ha).
  4. Land in front of ATB Lawurence Scott (0.39 ha).

The East Norwich Regeneration Area is allocated for residential led mixed use development including housing, community, education and leisure facilities, employment and retail, local greenspace, biodiversity areas and recreational open space as part of a balanced mix, together with all necessary supporting vehicular, pedestrian, cycle and public transport access infrastructure. The site is expected to deliver in the region of 4000 homes subject to confirmation through detailed master planning as defined in policy 7.1 of this plan.

The dDevelopment across the East Norwich Strategic Regeneration Area will achieve the following site-specific wide requirements:

  1. Development must should be undertaken comprehensively in accordance with the masterplan and be guided and informed by the SPD for the East Norwich Strategic Regeneration Area required by policy 7.1 (including in accordance with any phasing plan). Proposals should not prejudice future development of or restrict options for the other sites within the East Norwich Strategic Regeneration Area.

    1a. Development should be guided and informed by the movement and connectivity framework set out within the SPD. Proposals must enable connectivity and permeability within and between the sites in the strategic regeneration area and beyond. Proposals should be designed for ease of access to, and by, public transport, with appropriate bridge provision to ensure the sites are fully permeable by sustainable transport modes. The travel impacts of the sites on the transport network must be appropriately managed. Planning applications must be supported by a comprehensive Transport Assessment which considers the whole of the strategic allocation.
  2. Development must create an inclusive, resilient and safe community in which people of all ages have good access to high quality homes that meet housing need along with opportunities to access high quality jobs and services.
  3. Co-ordinated delivery of new social infrastructure (e.g. a new primary schools, neighbourhood shopping centre, community health facilities and recreational spaces including public open spaces and child play spaces) and economic infrastructure (e.g. transport routes, bridges and utilities) and services, as informed by the detailed masterplan for the East Norwich Strategic Regeneration Area SPD.
  4. Make the most of its riverside location, including provision of a riverside walk along the northern and southern banks of the River Wensum, linking the sites and providing connections to the Norwich City Football Club and the Ccity Ccentre as well as the establishment of a recreational route to Whitlingham County Park suitable for accommodating National Cycle Route 1 (NCR1) as part of the integrated access and transportation strategy required by policy 7.1 and the 'River Wensum Strategy'. This will be designed to allow future extension of the pedestrian and cycle network to serve other surrounding regeneration opportunity sites east of the city centre should they become available, including improved access routes to Kerrison Road and Hardy Road over or under the railway line north of Trowse Swing Bridge and south of the river between the Deal Ground and Carrow Works;
  5. Achievement of an exemplar high quality, high density, locally distinctive design of a scale and form which respects its context and setting and makes the most of its riverside setting. Proposals must establish strong built frontages along the River Wensum and the defining network of street and spaces with the sites. Design should also take account of the significance of heritage assets on and off site and protected trees as informed by the coordinated masterplanning process SPD.
  6. There will be the general presumption in favour of the repair and re-use of heritage assets on site as part of any site regeneration redevelopment proposals, however any application for redevelopment will be considered on its merit. Great weight will be given to the conservation of all designated heritage assets and proposals should provide a suitable setting for designated heritage assets affected by the proposal on and off site including key views from and into the site. Development proposals should draw upon local character and distinctiveness and preserve or conserve, or where opportunities arise, enhance the character and appearance of the conservation areas affected, the Sscheduled monuments, listed buildings, locally listed buildings and other non designated heritage assets on and adjacent to the site (including any contribution made to their significance by setting). Development proposals should also consider heritage assets below ground and the impact upon the Broads.
  7. Proposals will maintain the open character of the Yare Valley and preserve long views towards the Broads and open countryside.
  8. Development proposals will include protection and enhancement of the existing biodiversity of the site including green infrastructure assets, corridors, trees and open spaces. Development must enhance linkages from the city centre to the Broads, Carrow Abbey Country Wildlife Site, the woodlands, the wider rural area and elsewhere in Norwich. Furthermore Development must secure remediation and long term management of the Carrow Abbey County Wildlife site. Development must also achieve high quality landscaping, planting and biodiversity enhancements, including enhancements to the River Wensum and River Yare and to the locally registered historic park and garden, along with appropriate improved public access.
  9. Be designed to mitigate the impact of vibration, noise generation, light and air pollution from adjacent industrial operations, roads and railways in order to protect the amenity of users and occupiers of the sites.
  10. Proposals for development must ensure that they will not place constraints on the operation of the existing rail connected safeguarded asphalt and aggregates transhipment operation and associated rail facility.
  11. Development proposals must address and remediate site contamination
  12. An archaeological assessment will be required prior to development
  13. Site specific flood risk assessment must be undertaken prior to development and the design of the development will need to be flood resilient and incorporate appropriate mitigation measures in order to address flood risk from both river and surface water flooding.

    13a. Development must allow scope for greater use of the Rivers Wensum and Yare for water based recreation, leisure and tourism including the potential inclusion of marinas and riverside moorings.
    14. Norfolk Minerals and Waste Core Strategy Policy CS16 and the NPPF 'agent of change' principle applies, as parts of the sites are within the consultation area of a safeguarded mineral infrastructure (aggregate and roadstone railhead and asphalt plant);

Deal Ground/May Gurney Site

Development must also achieve the following site-specific requirements:

  1. Preserve the integrity and wooded landscape character and biodiversity interest of the eastern margin of the Deal Ground around Carrow Abbey Marsh and Whitlingham Country Park to the east.
  2. Development must secure remediation and long term management of the Carrow Abbey County Wildlife site (on and adjacent to this site).
  3. Proposals will include the preservation conservation of the grade II listed 'bottle kiln' and it's setting in the north part of the site and Trowse Pumping Station within Trowse Millgate Conservation Area to the south. Imaginative repair restoration and re-use of the bottle kiln in a manner that maintains its special interest will be encouraged supported and a management plan demonstrating how the asset will be maintained in the future will be required. Proposals should also acknowledge the heritage significance of the site adjacent to Carrow Works.

    3a. Deliver the following key infrastructure having regard to the phasing plans and trigger points to be set out in the SPD and subject to viability testing through individual planning applications:

    a) Provision of a new/replacement junction in close proximity to the existing Bracondale entrance to the May Gurney site, details to be determined through a Transport Assessment.
    b) Provision of a fixed all modes bridge over the River Yare connecting the May Gurney site to the Deal Ground site built to adoptable standards;
    c) Provision of a spine road across the Deal Ground built to adoptable standards.
    d) Provision of a high-quality east-west pedestrian/cycle route to connect the railway underpass to Whitlingham Bridge and to the city centre, and facilitate enhancement works to the underpass.
    e) Provision for a fixed pedestrian/cycle bridge over the River Yare to Whitlingham Country Park.
    f) Land to be safeguarded to enable the delivery of a twin track Trowse Rail bridge.
    g) Provision for an all-modes bridge over the River Wensum to the Utilities Site and connected to the spine road.
    h) Provision of a new high-quality marina, having regard to the specifications set out in the SPD.
    i) Provide unconstrained access and services to the moorings downstream of the new Wensum Bridge.
    j) Provision of continued access (including services), to the existing Carrow Yacht Club.

Carrow Works

Development must also achieve the following site-specific requirements:

  1. Proposals will include the protection conservation and long term management of the scheduled monument and listed buildings on the site and provide a suitable setting for designated heritage assets affected by the proposals on and off site. Proposals, which seek to convert, alter or demolish locally listed buildings or have a harmful impact on the significance of their setting, will be considered on their merits. Clear justification for all proposals will be required;.
  2. Proposals will be required to adopt and implement a strategy of heritage interpretation relating to both the heritage assets of the site, and the use(s) of the site.

    2a. Deliver the following key infrastructure having regard to the phasing plans and trigger points to be set out in the SPD and subject to viability testing through individual planning applications:

    a) Provision of a high-quality east-west pedestrian/cycle route to connect King street to the railway underpass, and facilitate enhancement works to the underpass.
    b) Provision of a pedestrian/cycle bridge over the River Wensum (linking to Carrow Road).
    c) Provision of key road infrastructure across the Carrow Works site (built to adoptable standards and able to accommodate public transport).
    d) Provision of a second point of access to King Street, the detail of which will be determined through a Transport Assessment.
    e) Provision of high-quality pedestrian/cycle routes to both the city centre and Bracondale.
    f) Off-site improvements to the highway network including junction enhancements and improved crossing facilities, the detail of which will be determined through a Transport Assessment.
    g) Safe and convenient cycle route through the Carrow Works site connecting Martineau Lane roundabout to King Street.
    h) Provision of a serviced site for a two form entry primary school.
    i) Provision of land for a health facility sufficient to serve the East Norwich development as a whole.
    j) Provision of a neighbourhood shopping centre to meet the day to day needs of future residents and to be delivered in a location which is accessible to all future residents of the East Norwich Strategic Regeneration Area by sustainable transport means.

Utilities Site

Development must also achieve the following site-specific requirements:

  1. Proposals should acknowledge the heritage significance or previous use of the site as a former power station as part of the requirement in policy 7.1 to protect and conserve, and where opportunities arise, enhance heritage assets and their setting.

    2. Establishment of recreational routes along the eastern margin of the site with a potential pedestrian and cycle link to Carey's Meadow as part of the integrated access and transportation strategy;

    3. 2. Effective integration with proposals for the area of the site immediately to the east falling within the Broads Authority area and covered by policy NOR1 of the adopted Broads Local Plan 2019 (or successor document).

    2a. Deliver the following key infrastructure having regard to the phasing plans and trigger points to be set out in the SPD and subject to viability testing through individual planning applications:

    a) Provision of a new all mode bridge over the River Wensum connecting to the Deal Ground spine road.
    b) Provision of a new high quality marina having regard to the specifications set out in the SPD.
    c) Provision of a high-quality pedestrian/cycle route along the River Wensum frontage of the Utilities site connecting to the adopted riverside walkway to the west of ATB Laurence Scott (or Hardy Road).
    d) Provision of a secondary/emergency vehicular and pedestrian/cycle access to Hardy Road and/or Cremorne Lane.
    e) Provision of unconstrained access and services to the moorings downstream of the new Wensum Bridge.

Land adjacent to ATB Laurence Scott

1. A high quality pedestrian/cycle route along the River Wensum frontage of the ATB Laurence Scott site shall be provided which connects to the adopted riverside walkway to the west of ATB Laurence Scott (or Hardy Road), and to the riverside pedestrian/cycle route on the Utilities site.


To ensure the plan is effective and justified

MM23 - Norwich Policy GNLP0068

Page 22


Amend the policy to read:


Land adjacent to the River Wensum and the Premier Inn, Duke Street (approx. 0.12ha) is allocated for residential-led mixed use development. This will include a minimum of approximately 25 homes (or if developed for student accommodation, a minimum of approximately 125 student bedrooms). A small element of commercial, office, and/or educational use at ground floor level may also be acceptable.

The development will achieve the following site-specific requirements:

  1. Achievement of a high quality, locally distinctive design.
  2. A scale and form which respects and takes advantage of its riverside context;.
  3. The need to Conserve conserve and, where opportunities arise, enhance the significance of the City Centre Conservation Area and nearby listed buildings (including any contribution made to their significance by setting),.
  4. Ensures a high level of flood resilience and incorporates appropriate mitigation measures; (including addressing identified risks from flooding from rivers and surface water flooding);.
  5. If developed as purpose-built student accommodation, Affordable Housing contributions to be provided as a commuted sum in accordance with Norwich City Council Affordable Housing supplementary planning document (2019) or any successor the requirements set out in Policy 5 - Homes.
  6. Reduced levels of residential car parking to achieve low car or car-free housing development in accordance with Policy 2 - Sustainable Communities is appropriate to be provided in this location.
  7. Provision of public access to and along the river for walking and cycling, including a ramp from Duke Street, designed to facilitate a future extension of the riverside walk eastward to St Georges Street in accordance with policy 7.1 and the 'River Wensum Strategy';.
  8. High quality landscaping, planting and biodiversity enhancements particularly along the river edge;.
  9. Protection of bankside access for maintenance purposes.
  10. Existing surface water discharge point located within the boundary of the site which must be addressed as part of any scheme put forward.
  11. The site is located within The Area of Main Archaeological Interest. An archaeological assessment will be required as part of a planning application.

Make consequential amendments to paragraph 2.31 to read:

2.31 Although not previously allocated in the Local Plan, the site benefits from an extant 2004 permission for 21 homes. That permission has been implemented and remains valid through the construction of the hotel forming part of the same approved proposals. Further to this, consent was granted in November 2019 for the construction of a 139 bed Purpose Built Student Accommodation Block (18/01552/F). The site is likely to accommodate at least approximately 25 homes or 125 student bedrooms. More may be accommodated, subject to an acceptable design and layout etc. being achieved.


To ensure the plan is effective, justified and consistent with national policy.

MM24 - Norwich Policy GNLP0133-BR

Page 25


Amend the policy to read:


Land adjoining the Enterprise Centre at Earlham Hall (walled garden and nursery 1.29ha) is allocated for university-related uses, including offices (Use class E(gi)), research and development (Use class E(gii)) and educational uses (Use class F1 F.1) providing in the region of 5,000 sq.m of floorspace.

The development will achieve the following site-specific requirements:

  1. Achievement of a high quality, low carbon, and energy efficient development which respects its historic context.
  2. Development should protect The need to conserve and, where opportunities arise, enhance the significance of the grade II* Earlham Hall and associated Grade II listed buildings, the Grade II registered Earlham Park Historic Park and Gardens, and the Earlham Conservation Area (including any contribution made to that significance by setting), through careful design, massing and appropriate open space and landscaping, a Heritage Impact Assessment should be undertaken, including the need for archaeological evaluation and recording, and regard should be had to the recommendations of the GNLP Heritage Statement (June 2021).
  3. Low rise development with high quality landscaping, planting and biodiversity enhancements to reduce the impact of built development, providing links to the river valley and integrating with the existing cycle and pedestrian network within the campus;.
  4. Motor vehicular access should be taken from the existing access via University Drive.
  5. No additional car parking to be created;.
  6. Linking development to the university district heating network, where feasible and viable to do so, or providing alternative on site facilities where these are considered to minimise impacts which might arise from connection to the national grid.


To ensure the plan is effective, justified and consistent with national policy.

MM25 - Norwich Policy GNLP0133-C

Page 28


Amend the policy to read:


Land north of Cow Drive (the Blackdale Building, adjoining Hickling House and Barton House, University of East Anglia, 0.89 hectare) is allocated for student accommodation development which may include a small element of ancillary university related uses. The site is expected to accommodate a minimum of approximately 400 student bedrooms.

The development will achieve the following site-specific requirements:

  1. Achievement of a high quality, locally distinctive, energy efficient design whose form and massing takes account of its location on the fringe of the campus, complements and integrates with existing adjoining development and respects the design and heritage significance of the main part of the campus.
  2. High quality landscaping, planting and biodiversity enhancements to reduce the impact of built development, providing for the retention and enhancement of existing landscape features and the protection, enhancement and management of and public access to the adjacent Blackdale Plantation;.
  3. Linking development to the university district heating network, where feasible and viable to do or providing alternative on site facilities where these are considered to minimise impacts which might arise from connection to the national grid.

    4. Access arrangements to the site will be in accordance with the approved planning permission, unless otherwise agreed with the Local Planning Authority in consultation with the Local Highway Authority.


To ensure the plan is effective and justified.

MM26 - Norwich Policy GNLP0133-DR

Page 31


Amend the policy to read:


Land between Suffolk Walk and Bluebell Road, (3.96 hectares) is allocated for university related development for both academic and non-academic uses.

The development will achieve the following site-specific requirements:

  1. Achievement of a high quality, locally distinctive, energy efficient design whose form and massing takes account of and respects its location and will form a logical, coherent, integrated and coordinated extension on the fringe of the campus.
  2. Development should take Take account of its sensitive location adjoining the University Broad, protect the visual setting of the south elevations of "The Prospect" and respect conserve, and where opportunities arise, enhance the heritage significance and setting of the listed buildings within the campus, including the grade II* Sainsbury Centre and Norfolk and Suffolk Terraces, Grade II listed Lasdun Teaching Wall and Library and locally identified Crescent Wing of the Sainsbury Centre, Suffolk Walk, School of Music, Drama studio and Nelson Court; balanced against having regard to Lasdun's original architectural vision which must be a material consideration in its design. A Heritage Impact Assessment should be undertaken, including the need for archaeological evaluation and recording, and regard should be had to the recommendations of the GNLP Heritage Statement (June 2021).
  3. High quality landscaping, planting and biodiversity enhancements to reduce the impact of built development, providing for the retention and enhancement of existing landscape features and improved public access to the University Broad and to local green space in the Yare Valley from this part of the campus; establishment and improvement of pedestrian and cycle routes across the site to connect with the existing cycle network.
  4. Access arrangements to the site to be informed by a transport assessment and updated travel plan. No vehicular access from Bluebell Road, access to be via existing university site only with access only for service vehicles and managed pick-up / drop-off for students for any residences provided.
  5. Existing foul and surface water sewers on site to be considered as part of the site layout.
  6. Linking development to the university district heating network, where feasible and viable to do so or providing alternative on site facilities where these are considered to minimise impacts which might arise from connection to the national grid.

    7. Norfolk Minerals and Waste Core Strategy Policy CS16 applies, as this site is underlain by safeguarded minerals resources. The benefits of extracting the minerals, if feasible, will be taken into consideration.

Amend supporting text paragraph 2.39 to read:

2.39 Public access to the University Broad from Bluebell Road, including cycle routes, must be retained and enhanced. Since the proposal involves the loss of existing open space, any development must include the opening up of new areas for public access as compensation for this loss. Transport impacts assessment will be required and as well as a review of the campus travel plan.

Move wording of deleted policy requirement 7 to the supporting text. Insert after current paragraph number 2.40.


To ensure the plan is effective, justified and consistent with national policy.

MM27 - Norwich Policy GNLP0282

Page 36


Amend the policy to read:


Land at Constitution Motors, 140-142 Constitution Hill (approx. 0.27 ha) is allocated for residential development. This will provide a minimum of approximately 12 homes.

The development will achieve the following site-specific requirements:

  1. Achievement of a high quality, locally distinctive and energy efficient design of a scale and form which is in keeping with local character, respects and enhances the heritage significance of the adjoining locally listed former public house and preserves the trees on the eastern boundary and open setting of the playing fields to the rear.
  2. High quality landscaping, planting and biodiversity enhancements including the provision of new trees and enhancing the green frontage to Constitution Hill.
  3. Addressing and remediating potential contamination from previous motor trade uses;.
  4. Low-car development in accordance with policy 2 is appropriate in this location as it is on a high frequency bus route.


To ensure the plan is effective and justified.

MM28 - Norwich Policy GNLP0401

Page 40


Amend the policy to read:


Former Eastern Electricity Headquarters, (Duke's Wharf) Duke Street (approx. 0.83ha) is allocated for mixed-use development which may include a minimum of 100 homes, (or, if the residential element is provided as student accommodation, at least 250 bedrooms). Employment, managed workspace, leisure, financial and professional services, education and cultural uses will also be acceptable as part of a balanced mix.

The development will achieve the following site-specific requirements:

  1. Achievement of a high quality, locally distinctive design of a scale and form which respects and takes advantage of its riverside context and prominent location within the City Centre Conservation Area and the Broads National Park, maintains and/or recreates strong built frontages to Westwick Street, Duke Street and the River Wensum,.
  2. Conserve and, where opportunities arise, enhance the significance of heritage assets (including any contribution made to their significance by setting) including the City Centre Conservation Area, Grade I listed St. Gregory's Church and Strangers Hall Museum, grade II* listed Charing Cross and other buildings listed at grade II;.
  3. Ensures a high level of flood resilience and incorporates appropriate flood mitigation measures (including addressing identified risks from flooding from rivers and surface water flooding);.
  4. Decommissioning and removal of the existing surface car parking;.
  5. Development may include either the conversion of existing buildings or redevelopment;.
  6. Provision of pedestrian links from Westwick Street to Duke Street and Dukes Palace Bridge, improved permeability of the site making the most of its riverside location;.
  7. Inclusion of low-car or car-free housing, in accordance with policy 2, where consistent with scheme viability Reduced levels of residential car parking to achieve low car or car-free housing in accordance with Policy 2 - Sustainable Communities is appropriate to be provided in this location;.
  8. A noise impact assessment and air quality assessment will be required, and the development must be designed to mitigate the impact of noise from the main road;.
  9. High quality landscaping, planting and biodiversity enhancements;.

    10. Heritage interpretation measures to be incorporated in accordance with Policy 3 of this plan.


To ensure the plan is effective, justified and consistent with national policy.

MM29 - Norwich Policy GNLP0409AR

Page 43


Amend the policy to read:


Land at Whitefriars (approx. 1.61 hectares) is allocated for residential-led mixed-use development. This will include a minimum of approximately 220 homes. Offices and managed workspace, ancillary retail use, restaurants, bars, and recreational open space will be accepted as part of a balanced mix of uses.

The development will achieve the following site-specific requirements:

  1. Achievement of a high quality, locally distinctive design of a scale and form which respects and takes advantage of its riverside context and location within and adjoining the City Centre Conservation Area. Design should distinguish between the areas within and outside of the city walls through layout, scale, height, use of materials and design detailing.
  2. There will be a general presumption in favour of the repair and re-use of heritage assets on site as part of any site regeneration, however any application for redevelopment will be considered on its merit. Great weight will be given to the conservation of all designated heritage assets. Proposals will enhance the setting of the City Wall scheduled monument and, the two listed cottages at 77-79 Barrack Street must be retained, brought back into residential uses and renovated. Proposals should provide a suitable setting for designated heritage assets affected by the proposals on and off site including key views from and into the site.
  3. Development proposals should draw upon local character and distinctiveness and preserve conserve or, where opportunities arise, enhance the character and appearance of the conservation area.
  4. Ensures a high level of flood resilience and incorporates appropriate flood mitigation measures (including addressing identified risks from flooding from rivers and surface water flooding);.
  5. Reintroduce a building line along Barrack Street and a frontage to the river; buildings fronting the river should respond to the height of the mill whilst remaining subservient to it.
  6. Car Reduced levels of residential car parking to achieve low car or car free or low-car housing development in accordance with Policy 2 - Sustainable Communities is appropriate to be provided in this location.
  7. Maximises the views across, from and of the river. Retain the existing embankment line and historic features. Enhancement of river access including provision for the extension and maintenance of the riverside walk in accordance with policy 7.1 and the 'River Wensum Strategy' (including provision of open space/play provision near the city wall) and the establishment and improvement of pedestrian and cycle routes east-west across the site to connect with the existing cycle network.
  8. Protect and enhance the significant long views across the site towards Norwich Cathedral;.
  9. A noise impact assessment and air quality assessment will be required, and the development must be designed to mitigate the impact of noise from the main road.
  10. Proposals will be required to adopt and implement a strategy of heritage interpretation relating to the former use of the site as a printworks;.
  11. High quality landscaping, planting and biodiversity enhancements including protection of trees along the river edge;.
  12. Provision of public realm enhancements including the provision of open space and playspace of an appropriate form and character for the enjoyment of residents and visitors;.
  13. Protection of bankside access for maintenance purposes.
  14. Vehicular access should be from Barrack Street via Gilders Way.

    15. The site is located within The Area of Main Archaeological Interest. An archaeological assessment will be required as part of a planning application.


To ensure the plan is effective, justified and consistent with national policy.

MM30 - Norwich Policy GNLP0409BR

Page 46


Amend the policy to read:


Land south of Barrack Street (approx. 2.17 hectares) is allocated for residential-led mixed-use development. This will include a minimum of approximately 200 homes. Offices and managed workspace, ancillary retail and professional uses, restaurants, cafes and bars, and recreational open space will be accepted as part of a balanced mix of uses.

The development will achieve the following site-specific requirements:

  1. Achievement of a high quality, locally distinctive design of a scale and form which respects and takes advantage of its riverside context and location adjacent to the City Centre Conservation Area.
  2. Proposals will provide a suitable setting for designated heritage assets affected by the proposals on and off site including key views from and into the site in particular the significant long views across the site towards Norwich Cathedral.
  3. Ensures a high level of flood resilience and incorporates appropriate flood mitigation measures (including addressing identified risks from flooding from rivers and surface water flooding);.
  4. The office element of the scheme should be located to extend and consolidate the existing completed phases of the St James' Place development at Gilders Way;.
  5. Provision of integral and well-designed parking areas to serve existing offices at Gilders Way and St James' Place, St James' Court and St James' Mill as well as proposed office users together with segregated areas of residents parking. Reduced levels of residential car parking to achieve low car or Car car free or low-car housing development in accordance with Policy 2 is appropriate in this location.
  6. Incorporates views across, from and of the river. Retain the existing embankment line and historic features. Enhancement of river access including provision for the extension and maintenance of the riverside walk in accordance with policy 7.1 and the 'River Wensum Strategy'. The establishment and improvement of pedestrian and cycle routes north-south across the site from Jarrold Bridge to Barrack Street and improve east-west links to connect with the existing cycle network.
  7. A noise impact assessment and air quality assessment will be required, and the development must be designed to mitigate the impact of noise from the main road.
  8. High quality landscaping, planting and biodiversity enhancements including protection of trees along the river edge;.
  9. Provision of public realm enhancements including the provision of open space and playspace of an appropriate form and character for the enjoyment of residents and visitors;.
  10. Protection of bankside access for maintenance purposes.
  11. Vehicular access should be from Barrack Street via Gilders Way.

    12. The site is located within The Area of Main Archaeological Interest. An archaeological assessment will be required as part of a planning application.


To ensure the plan is justified and effective.

MM31 - Norwich Policy GNLP0451

Page 49


Amend the policy to read:


Land adjoining Sentinel House, (St Catherine's Yard) Surrey Street (approx. 0.38 hectares) is allocated for residential development. This will provide a minimum of approximately 40 homes, (or, if developed for student accommodation, a minimum of approximately 200 student bedrooms). Commercial uses including small scale retail, financial and professional services, restaurants/cafes or other main town centre uses will be accepted at ground floor level where compatible with adjoining residential uses.

The development will achieve the following site-specific requirements:

  1. Achievement of a high quality, locally distinctive design of a scale and form which respects its location within the City Centre Conservation Area, conserves and, where opportunities arise, enhances adjoining heritage assets, including a number of grade II listed buildings, and their settings through careful design, massing and appropriate open space and landscaping; and protects amenity and outlook for existing and future residents;.
  2. If developed as purpose-built student accommodation, Affordable Housing contributions to be provided as a commuted sum in accordance with Norwich City Council Affordable Housing supplementary planning document (2019) or any successor the requirements set out in Policy 5 - Homes.
  3. A Reduced levels of residential car parking to achieve low car or car-free housing development in accordance with Policy 2 - Sustainable Communities is appropriate to be provided in this location;.
  4. Provision of a safe and legible pedestrian route through the site to link Surrey Street to Queens Road and enable connections along Queens Road to the junction with All Saints Green and north to Ber Street via Chapel Loke. Vehicular access to the site should be taken from Surrey Street.
  5. High quality landscaping, planting and biodiversity enhancements, open space including enhancement retention of trees along the frontage to Queens Road. Replacement planting of new trees will be required to mitigate any loss of poor-quality trees.

    6. The site is located within The Area of Main Archaeological Interest. An archaeological assessment will be required as part of a planning application.

Make consequential change to paragraph 2.71 to read:

2.71 The site is expected to accommodate at least approximately 40 homes or alternatively at least approximately 200 student bedrooms. The site benefits from extant permission for development of 252-bedroom purpose built student accommodation (PBSA). More housing may be accommodated, subject to an acceptable design and layout etc. being achieved and impacts on adjoining occupiers and on the character and setting of adjacent heritage assets being appropriately mitigated.


To ensure the plan is effective, justified and consistent with national policy.

MM32 - Norwich Policy GNLP0506

Page 51


Amend the policy to read:



Land at and adjoining Anglia Square, Norwich (approx. 4.79 hectares) is allocated for residential-led, mixed-use development as the focus for an enhanced and improved large district centre and to act as a catalyst for wider investment and redevelopment within the Northern City Centre strategic regeneration area as defined in policy 7.1 of this plan.

The site will deliver in the region of 800 homes taking into account the quantum of other uses that are proposed, its location within the City Centre Conservation Area, and scheme viability.

The development will achieve the following site-specific requirements:

  1. Delivery of a comprehensive, mixed use regeneration scheme which can include residential development, student accommodation, retail units contributing to the Magdalen Street/Anglia Square large district centre, offices and flexible workspace, hotel, leisure and hospitality uses and community facilities as part of a balanced mix to support the Large District Centre.
  2. Phasing (where appropriate) to be agreed;.
  3. A significantly improved Significant improvements to the quality of the retail/leisure offer providing a continuous. The development should also provide an active frontage between Magdalen Street and St Augustine's Street.
  4. Removal of the derelict and long-term vacant buildings from the site, including Sovereign House and the existing multi-storey car park.
  5. Delivery Provision of replacement high quality decked public an appropriate level of car and cycle parking to serve the large district centre taking into consideration the highly sustainable location of the site and the proximity of alternative car parking provision off site.
  6. Achievement of high quality, locally distinctive and energy efficient design with scope for a landmark building or buildings providing a new focal point for the Northern City Centre and sited to conserve and enhance the significance of heritage assets and their settings;.
  7. Conserve A Heritage Impact Assessment (HIA) will be required to inform the capacity of the site and design of the proposed development alongside consideration of other constraints and viability. Development should conserve, and, where opportunities arise, enhance the significance of theCity Centre Conservation Area and the settings of nearby listed buildings including those at Magdalen Street, Doughtys Hospital, Doughtys Cottages, St Augustine's Street (including grade I listed Church of St Augustine), 2-12 Gildencroft, including any contribution made to their significance by setting.
    8. Heritage interpretation measures to be incorporated in accordance with Policy 3 of this plan.
    9. The site is located within The Area of Main Archaeological Interest. An archaeological assessment will be required as part of a planning application.
    8. 10. High quality landscaping, planting and biodiversity enhancements;.
    9. 11. Low-car or car-free housing where consistent with scheme viability Low levels of residential car parking as part of a package of measures promoting sustainable travel and taking into consideration the highly accessible City Centre location of the site.
    10. 12. A noise impact assessment and air quality assessment will be required, and the development must be designed to mitigate the impact of noise from themain road adjacent roads.
    11. 13. Significant improvements in connectivity and permeability across the site to deliver new and enhanced pedestrian and cycle links north-south between Edward Street and St Crispin's Road, and east-west between Magdalen Street and St Augustine's and improved integration with the surrounding network;.
    12. 14. High quality public realm improvements creating attractive, legible and user-friendly streets and public spaces both within the site and adjacent to it on Magdalen Street (including land under the flyover), Pitt Street and Edward Street.
    13. 15. A mobility hub featuring shared transport services (buses, car club and bike share) centred on Magdalen Street in the vicinity of the flyover that is easily accessible on foot and by bicycle to promote use of sustainable transport modes by residents, visitors and other users;.

    14. Heritage interpretation measures to be incorporated in accordance with Policy 3 of this plan.

Make consequential amendments to supporting text paragraph 2.74 to read:

Following the secretary of state's refusal in November 2020 of a scheme that would have provided over 1,200 homes, the capacity of the site to accommodate housing will need to be considered in the context of the quantum of other uses to be provided as part of the development and taking into consideration the sensitivity of its location in the City Centre Conservation Area. It is a highly sustainable location where high densities are encouraged although the constraints of the site do limit its potential. The level of development and detailed design will be best determined through the development management process informed by consideration of the factors listed in the policy below. The site It is expected that this is likely to accommodate be in the region of 800 homes, a significant proportion of which will be affordable, although the precise level will need to be the subject of further detailed viability assessment. This figure will be used in calculations of the contribution of the site to the 'total housing potential' of the strategy, and for interim monitoring, although it should be stressed that this is neither an assessment. It will also provide a mix of affordable tenures consistent with identified needs at the time of submission of capacity nor a planning application. minimum requirement. Anglia Square should retain its position as part of a defined large district centre, complementing the city centre retail offering .offer.


To ensure the plan is effective, justified and consistent with national policy.

MM33 - Norwich Policy GNLP1061R

Page 55


Amend the policy to read (see separate schedule of map changes for amendments to boundary):



Land known as 'Site 4', Norwich Airport (approximately 42.46 43.66ha) is allocated for aviation related employment and, aviation educational uses and general employment. This Aviation related uses shall include aviation uses falling be those that fall within the following use classes: E(g)(ii) (the research and development of products and processes), E(g)(iii) (any industrial process), B2 (industrial), B8 (storage and distribution and F1(a) (for the provision of education). General employment shall be for those that fall within the use classes E(g)(ii) (the research and development of products and processes), E(g)(iii) (any industrial process), B2 (industrial) and B8 (storage and distribution).

The development will achieve the following site-specific requirements:

  1. Provide development of aviation related uses. Non-aviation development and general employment. Non-aviation development will be limited to no more than 23.16ha of the site and no more than 50% of the floorspace on the development. Non-aviation related office uses and retail and leisure uses will not be accepted. will only be permitted where it is demonstrated that there is insufficient demand over the next 40 years for aviation related uses on the site and where such non-aviation development would act and be secured as a catalyst to deliver essential infrastructure facilitating the aviation related elements of the development. In any case non-aviation development would be limited to no more than 50% of the floorspace on the development. Should non-aviation uses be considered acceptable development is anticipated to include E(g)(ii) (the research and development of products and processes), E(g)(iii) (any industrial process), B2 (industrial) and B8 (storage and distribution). Non aviation related office uses (Class E(g)(i), retail and leisure uses will not be accepted.
    2. Development proposals shall only be approved where they adhere to the principles set out in a Design Concept Masterplan for the whole site which is approved by the Council. The Design Concept Masterplan shall include an indicative layout (clearly identifying areas for aviation and non-aviation uses), a phasing plan, and information on the delivery of critical infrastructure, landscaping, ecology, drainage and sustainable transport measures.
    2. 3. Adoption of a surface access strategy Prior to the occupation of more than 30,000sqm (GEA) floor space, an Airport Surface Access Strategy for the wider airport operational area, which promotes sustainable transport to the site, shall occur prior to any development be approved by the Council and prior to the occupation of development of any phase (as agreed through the Design Concept Masterplan) an Interim Travel Plan for that phase shall be approved.
    4. Provision of a mobility hub on the site to allow for bus drop off/pick up, turnaround space, passenger waiting facilities, electric vehicle charging points, car club vehicle(s) and cycle provision/parking.
    5. Prior to the occupation of more than 30,000sqm (GEA) floor space a scheme for the provision of a bus link and bus gate between the terminal building and Spitfire Road shall be approved by the Council. There is limited scope to provide enhanced facilities for non-car modes of access to the site so this can be mitigated by offsetting against the rest of the airport where sustainable access enhancements can be more readily achieved.
    3. 6. Provide vehicular access from the existing roundabout at Broadland Northway (A1270).
    4. 7. Demonstrate that appropriate account has been taken of the potential impacts of noise from existing and proposed airport operations and noise generation from the development itself.
    5. 8. Be subject to landscape visual impact assessment and appropriate landscape mitigation to the northwest, north and northeast boundaries. SUDs will need to be provided as part of the development.
    6. 9. Changes of use should will normally be restricted by conditions on any future planning applications approvals to prevent units being utilised more broadly, and for where aviation related uses have been granted, to prevent the change to non-aviation related uses and to set a limit on the amount of ancillary trade counters, display and office use.

Make consequential changes to supporting text:

2.77 With regards to topography, the site rises gently to the north. It is largely featureless with the land largely consisting of a taxiway and grassland within the operational boundary of the Airport. The site is 42.46ha 43.66 hectares and of this total 28.38 hectares fall within Norwich's administrative boundary and approximately 14.08 15.28 hectares is within Broadland District.

2.78 This site provides a unique opportunity as it is the only site that can provide development for aviation related uses. As such it In accordance with the Norwich Airport Masterplan endorsed by both Norwich City Council and Broadland District Council, the site is allocated for aviation related employment, aviation educational uses and general employment with a cap on the amount of non-aviation uses. Following a significant period of marketing the site for aviation related uses to no success, the inclusion of non-aviation employment land may act as a catalyst to development of this site; further to this, securing non-aviation development to this site should provide a serviceable plot more likely to attract future aviation uses. It is important that in line with the masterplan a minimum of 20.5ha of the site is retained for aviation uses (which means that approximately 47% of the 43.66ha site will be safeguarded for aviation related employment and educational uses. If the site were to be developed for non aviation related uses, this could mean that any potential). This will ensure that there is sufficient land to attract additional large aviation-related businesses. These businesses, would could be lost to the local area as if there would be is nowhere to suitably located it locate them.

2.79 Only where evidence can demonstrate that there is insufficient demand for aviation related uses in the long term and where non-aviation development would act as a catalyst to deliver essential infrastructure to enable aviation related elements of the development should non-aviation related uses be permitted. Given the evidence set out within the Review of Office Accommodation in Norwich (Ramidus, 2020), it is not considered appropriate to allow non-aviation related office uses due to the potential harm that this could have upon Norwich's city centre and similarly it is not considered that retail and leisure uses would be appropriate in this out of centre location.

Add new paragraph of supporting text following current paragraph number 2.80 to read:

Preparation and approval of a surface access strategy is required prior to the occupation of more than 30,000 sqm (GEA) floor space


To ensure the plan is effective and justified.

MM34 - Norwich Policy GNLP2114

Page 60


Amend the policy to read:


Land at and adjoining St Georges Works, Muspole Street (approx. 0.55 ha) is allocated for residential-led mixed use comprehensive redevelopment. This has the potential to provide a minimum of up to approximately 110 homes, together with a minimum of or circa 5000sqm of commercial floor space that could incorporate offices and managed workspace and potentially other ancillary uses such as small-scale retailing. The site should be redeveloped to provide a mix of both residential and commercial activity.

The development will achieve the following site-specific requirements:

  1. Retention and conversion of the existing former factory buildings on site subject to demonstrating a proposal's viability, and deliverability;.
  2. New build development, if proposed, to achieve a high quality locally distinctive design which reinstates a strong built frontage along the west side of Muspole Street; that preserves conserves and, where opportunities arise, enhances the significance of the City Centre Conservation Area and nearby designated heritage assets, including 47 and 49 Colegate and the Woolpack Public House, all listed at grade II, including any contribution made to that significance by the setting.
  3. Impacts of proposed development on existing residents and local businesses, including pubs, to be minimised.
  4. Key views toward the tower of St Georges Colegate to be protected and enhanced.
  5. High quality landscaping and biodiversity enhancements to be provided on site, with scope for off-site contributions to public realm improvements and the creation of a new pedestrian square between Muspole Street and St George's Plain;.
  6. Reduced levels of residential car parking to achieve low car or Car car free or low-car housing development in accordance with Policy 2 - Sustainable Communities is appropriate to be provided in this location.

7. The site is located within The Area of Main Archaeological Interest. An archaeological assessment will be required as part of a planning application.

Make consequential changes to paragraphs 2.82 and 2.84 of supporting text to read:

2.82 The St Georges' Works site includes Seymour House and Lion House, Muspole Street and premises known as the Guildyard, Colegate which were historically part of the shoe factory complex so are included in the proposed allocation. The Guildyard and Seymour House have previously benefitted from prior approval consents for conversion to a total of 60 flats which are already included in the housing commitment. The central part of the site was previously allocated for residential development (minimum 40 dwellings) in the now expired Northern City Centre Area Action Plan and the principle of such development has been established by the grant of permission for a 53-dwelling scheme consistent with that allocation (Permission expired). The site has significant longer-term potential for regeneration and additional housing delivery but currently acts as the base for a range of small start-up companies in modernised managed workspace. Retention of the existing employment space on site is highly desirable as part of a wider initiative in the Northern City Centre Strategic Regeneration Area. Given the importance of retaining and extending employment opportunities in the city centre, it would not be appropriate to replace the existing employment uses in favour of housing. The policy consequently recognises that there is scope for a flexible mix of both, allowing for up to 150 110 homes as an indicative maximum including employment space as part of a balanced mix. It is unlikely that an 'entirely residential' or 'entirely employment' based scheme would be supported, but a proportion of both.

2.84 The site can accommodate between in the region of up to 110 & 150 homes dependent upon the proportion of other uses developed on the site.


To ensure the plan is effective, justified and consistent with national policy.

MM35 - Norwich Policy 2163

Page 63


Amend the policy to read:


Friars Quay Car Park, Colegate (former Wilson's Glassworks site, approx. 0.13 hectares) is allocated for residential development. This will provide a minimum of approximately 25 homes. Offices or other commercial uses would be appropriate as a small element of the scheme on the frontage to Colegate.

The development will achieve the following site-specific requirements:

  1. Achievement of a high quality, locally distinctive design of a scale, grain, massing and form which respects the industrial heritage and historic character of the area;.
  2. Conserve and, where opportunities arise, enhance the significance of the City Centre Conservation Area and nearby listed buildings (including any contribution made to their significance by setting).
  3. An archaeological assessment will be required prior to development.
  4. pProtects the amenity and outlook of adjoining residential occupiers.
  5. Removal of the existing poor-quality industrial buildings from the site and creation of strong building lines to the west side of Friars Quay, St George's Green and reinstatement of the built frontage to Colegate.
  6. High quality landscaping, planting and biodiversity enhancements; including retention and protection of existing significant tree immediately adjacent to the southern boundary of the site located on the corner of Friars Quay and Corncutters Close.
  7. Reduced levels of residential car parking to achieve The site is suitable for low car or car free development in accordance with Policy 2 - Sustainable Communities is appropriate to be provided in this location.

Make consequential change to supporting text paragraph 2.88 to read:

The site is expected to accommodate at least approximately 25 homes.


To ensure the plan is effective, justified and consistent with national policy.

MM36 - Norwich Policy GNLP2164

Page 66


Amend the policy to read:


Land west of Eastgate House, Thorpe Road (approx. 0.19 ha) is allocated for residential development. This will provide in the region of approximately 20 homes.

The development will achieve the following site-specific requirements:

  1. Achievement of a high quality, locally distinctive and energy efficient design of a scale and form which is in keeping with the character of adjoining development, respects the heritage significance of the immediately adjoining Thorpe Ridge Conservation Area and protects the amenity and outlook of adjoining residential occupiers.
  2. High quality landscaping, planting and biodiversity enhancements including the provision of new trees and enhancing the green frontage to Thorpe Road.
  3. Ensures a high level of surface water flood resilience and incorporates appropriate flood mitigation measures addressing identified risks from surface water flooding which must be taken into consideration when designing a drainage strategy for the site;.
  4. Reduced levels of residential car parking to achieve Low low-car or car free housing development in accordance with Policy 2 - Sustainable Communities, is appropriate to be provided in this location.

Make consequential change to supporting text paragraph 2.92 to read:

The site is expected to accommodate in the region of approximately 20 homes.


To ensure the plan is effective and justified.

MM37 - Norwich Policy GNLP3054

Page 70


Amend the policy to read:


The site at St Mary's Works and St Mary's House (1.05 ha) is allocated for comprehensive mixed-use development residential-led comprehensive redevelopment to include including residential and employment uses, with the possible addition of a hotel. The site will deliver a minimum of approximately 150 homes.

The development will achieve the following site-specific requirements:

  1. Achievement of a high quality, locally distinctive design of a scale and form which respects its historic and industrial context, the significance and setting of heritage assets on and off site, and the character and appearance of the City Centre Conservation Area;.
  2. There will be a general presumption in favour of the repair and re-use of heritage assets on site as part of any site regeneration, however any application for redevelopment will be considered on its merit. Great weight will be given to the conservation of all designated heritage assets. There will be a general presumption in favour of the repair and re-use of heritage assets on site as part of any site regeneration, however any application for redevelopment will be considered on its merit. Proposals will include the protection of the listed and locally listed buildings on the site and the enhancement of conserve and, where opportunities arise, enhance the significance of the setting of designated and non-designated heritage assets both on and off site (including any contribution made to that significance by setting);.
  3. Conversion of the locally listed St Mary's Works factory, including the façade of the locally listed frontage to Oak Street / St Mary's Plain should be retained as part of a development scheme. Proposals which seek to convert, alter or demolish the locally listed buildings or have a harmful impact on the significance of their setting will be considered on their merits. Clear justification for all proposals will be required;.
  4. Respect the setting of grade I listed St Martin at Oak and St Mary Coslany churches and create enhanced views of the buildings and respect the setting of grade II listed Folly House and Pineapple House;.
  5. Development proposals should draw upon local character and distinctiveness and preserve or enhance the character and appearance of the conservation area;.
  6. Proposals will be required to adopt and implement a strategy of heritage interpretation;.

    7. Residential development should be provided in response to identified local community needs demonstrated through a future planning application to be appropriate for this edge of City Centre site.
    8. 7. Achieve high quality landscaping, planting and biodiversity enhancements, including enhancements to the adjacent churchyards along with improved public access;.
    9. 8. Ensures a level of surface water flood resilience and incorporates appropriate flood mitigation measures addressing identified risks from surface water flooding;.
    10. 9. A noise impact assessment and air quality assessment will be required, and the development must be designed to mitigate the impact of noise from the main road;.
    11. 10. The scale of buildings fronting onto St Martin's Lane and the two historic churches will be lower than those facing Duke Street and St Crispin's Road and should reflect the tight urban grain of development predominant in the conservation area;.
    12. 11. Increased connectivity between the site and the surrounding townscape. Pedestrian and cycle access through the area will be created by the design of routes between St Mary's Plain and St Crispin's Road.
    13. 12. Reduced levels of residential car parking to achieve low car or Car car free or low car housing in accordance with Policy 2 - Sustainable Communities is appropriate to be provided in this location.

    13. The site is located within The Area of Main Archaeological Interest. An archaeological assessment will be required as part of a planning application.

Make consequential amendments to supporting text paragraph 2.99 to read:

2.99 The site is situated in a prominent location within the Northern City Centre strategic regeneration area, as defined in policy 7.1 of this plan, and is likely to accommodate a minimum of approximately 150 homes. The site was previously allocated in the now expired Northern City Centre Area Action Plan for mixed use development and benefits from extant benefitted from outline consent (now expired) for redevelopment including around 151 residential units, office floor space, and a hotel, accordingly the principle of development is accepted. The consent, now expired, included landscaping enhancements to the adjacent churchyards of St Martin at Oak and St Mary Coslany along with improved public access to address the impact of development. This land sits outside the allocation boundary of this site and is in third party ownership; but similar proportionate off-site enhancements subject to agreement with third party ownership may be considered appropriate mitigation for a future development proposal on this site.


To ensure the plan is effective, justified and consistent with national policy.

MM38 - Norwich Policy CC2

Page 73


Delete Policy CC2, subtitle, supporting text paragraphs 2.101 - 2.106 and Policy Map (see separate schedule of map changes)

Policy CC2: 147 - 153 Ber Street, Norwich

2.101 The site was allocated in the previous Local Plan but has not yet been developed. The principle of development is already accepted, and it is expected that development will take place within the new local plan time-period up to 2038. The site is re-allocated for residential development; commercial, offices, and/or educational uses may also be acceptable.

2.102 The site is likely to accommodate at least 20 homes. More may be accommodated, subject to an acceptable design and layout etc. being achieved.

2.103 Redevelopment of this site for housing will help deliver the wider policy objectives of the GNLP by contributing to the improved vibrancy of this part of the city centre, helping to strengthen the city's sub-regional role, and by helping to achieve its target for new homes.

2.104 Development of the site must address a number of constraints including its location with the City Centre Conservation Area and the Area of Main Archaeological Interest, site ground conditions, possible contamination, and its location near to the wooded ridge. A noise impact assessment and air quality assessment will be required, and the development must be designed to mitigate the impact of noise from the main road.

2.105 The redevelopment of the site provides an opportunity to sensitively regenerate this part of Ber Street, contributing positively to the character of the street.

2.106 The site is suitable for around 20 dwellings, and is also potentially suitable for commercial, offices, and/or educational uses. Development must enhance the setting of the neighbouring listed and locally listed buildings and reflect its location in the City Centre Conservation Area, in line with the City centre conservation area appraisal. Its design must re-instate a strong building line along the street frontage, whilst respecting the area's important topography.

Policy CC2

147 - 153 Ber Street, Norwich (approx. 0.18ha) is allocated for housing development. This will accommodate a minimum of 20 homes. Commercial, offices, and/or educational uses may also be acceptable.

The development will achieve the following site-specific requirements:

  1. 1. Achievement of a high quality, locally distinctive design of a scale and form which respects its context including the topography of the area - particularly the wooded ridge;
  2. 2. ;Conserve and enhance the significance of the City Centre Conservation Area and nearby locally and statutory listed buildings (including any contribution made to their significance by setting;
  3. 3. Strengthen the building line along Ber Street;
  4. 4. Take account of mature trees on the site to the rear.


The site is no longer available for allocation so is withdrawn. Policy deleted as it is not justified.

MM39 - Norwich Policy CC3

Page 76


Amend the policy to read:


10 - 14 Ber Street, Norwich (approx. 0.11 ha) is allocated for residential-led mixed use development. This will accommodate a minimum of approximately 10 homes.

The development will achieve the following site-specific requirements:

  1. Achievement of a high quality, locally distinctive design of a scale and form which respects its context including the topography of the area;.
  2. Strengthen the building line along Ber Street and the scale of any new development should reflect that of the neighbouring properties.
  3. Conserve and, where opportunities arise, enhance the significance of the City Centre Conservation Area and nearby locally and statutory listed buildings (including any contribution made to their significance by setting).
  4. Retail or complementary uses in use class E (b,c,g(i)) at ground floor level.
  5. Residential uses (minimum of 10 homes) on the upper floors.
  6. Reduced levels of residential car parking to achieve low car or car-free housing development The site is suitable for car-free housing given its sustainable location, in accordance with policy Policy 2 - Sustainable Communities is appropriate to be provided in this location.
  7. An archaeological investigation will be required prior to development.

Make consequential change to supporting text paragraph 2.112 to read:

The site is suitable for around approximately 10 dwellings as part of a mixed use development, with some retail and/or office development along the Ber Street frontage.


To ensure the plan is effective, justified and consistent with national policy.

MM40 - Norwich Policies CC4a

Page 79


Amend the policy to read:


Land at Rose Lane/Mountergate (Mountergate West, approx. 1.20 ha) is allocated for mixed-use development to include high quality office space, managed workspace and live-work units, and up to approximately 50 homes.

The development will achieve the following site-specific requirements:

  1. Be mainly employment-led, integrated with residential uses.
  2. Include other uses such as food/drink, and small-scale retail uses.
  3. Achievement of a high quality, locally distinctive design of a scale and form which respects its location within the City Centre Conservation Area, conserves and, where opportunities arise, enhances adjoining heritage assets and their settings and contributes to an overall enhancement of townscape quality.
  4. Development should respect Respect the setting of adjacent listed buildings and be designed as far as possible to reflect the historic building plots and streets and to recreate street frontages,.
  5. Provides an enhanced public realm, including open space and pedestrian/cycle links through the adjoining site CC4b to the riverside walk in accordance with policy 7.1 and the 'River Wensum Strategy'. Consideration should be given to retaining and enhancing the existing community open space to the rear of Boulton Street as part of integrated open space and green infrastructure network within the site.
  6. A noise assessment is required, and the development must be designed to mitigate the impact of noise from the main road and from the late night activity zone.
  7. Ensures a high level of surface water flood resilience and incorporates appropriate flood mitigation measures addressing identified risks from surface water flooding and existing private surface water sewer in the centre of the site, all of which must be taken into consideration when designing a drainage strategy for the site;.

    8. Norfolk Minerals and Waste Core Strategy Policy CS16 applies, as this site is underlain by safeguarded minerals resources. The benefits of extracting the minerals, if feasible, will be taken into consideration.
    9. 8. The site is located within The Area of Main Archaeological Interest. An archaeological assessment will be required as part of a planning application.

Make consequential change to supporting text paragraph 2.121 to read:

2.121 Sites CC4a and 4b are likely to accommodate at least 250 homes with around 50 being accommodated on site CC4a and 200 on site CC4b. More may be accommodated, subject to an acceptable design and layout being achieved. Development of site CC4a should explore continued use/re-provision of the existing community garden facility. Development of site CC4b must be of a scale and form which respects and takes advantage of its riverside context and location in respect to the Broads National Park. As the site lies adjacent to the River Wensum, it is recommended that developers engage in early discussions with the Environment Agency and the Broads Authority. Development of the sites must address a number of constraints including its location within the City Centre Conservation Area and the Area of Main Archaeological Interest.

Move wording of deleted policy requirement 8 to the supporting text. Insert after current paragraph number 2.121.


To ensure the plan is effective, justified and consistent with national policy.

MM41 - Norwich Policy CC4b

Page 81


Amend the policy to read:


Land Mountergate/Prince of Wales Road (Mountergate East, approx. 2.39 ha) is allocated for mixed-use development. This may accommodate a minimum of approximately 200 homes, together with student accommodation, high quality office space, hotel and tourism uses, and other supporting main town centre uses taking advantage of the site's proximity to the rail station and river.

The development will achieve the following site-specific requirements:

  1. Development to be approached comprehensively to achieve effective integration of the historic buildings in the western part of the site into the overall development;.
  2. Other uses may be provided as part of a balanced mix including hotel development (replacing or supplementing the existing hotel provision on site), student accommodation, educational facilities to support the adjacent Charles Darwin Primary Academy, high quality office space, managed workspace and live-work units, food/drink, small scale retail and uses supporting the evening economy.
  3. Achievement of a high quality, locally distinctive design of a scale and form which respects its location within the City Centre Conservation Area and adjacent to the St Matthews Conservation Area, conserves and, where opportunities arise, enhances adjoining heritage assets and their settings and contributes to an overall enhancement of townscape quality. The site's position relative to Norwich Train Station warrants building of notable standard of design and quality worthy of marking arrival into the city.
  4. Development will respect Respect and enhance the setting of on-site historic buildings including St Faiths House and the Weavers House and off-site buildings including the Train Station, Anglican Cathedral and Castle, and be designed as far as possible to reflect historic building plots and street lines and to recreate street frontages,.
  5. Redevelopment, conversion or change of use of Baltic House for uses consistent with this policy will be supported if it becomes available in the plan period;.
  6. A density of development commensurate with its location close to the train station mobility hub with a design that secures a significant overall reduction in the level of off-site surface car parking;.
  7. Provides an enhanced public realm, including public open space and legible and permeable pedestrian/cycle routes to link through the adjoining site CC4a to Rose Lane and the new St Anne's Quarter development to King Street. A link should be provided from Mountergate to the river connecting with Prince of Wales Road via an extended and widened riverside walk in accordance with policy 7.1 and the 'River Wensum Strategy', making the most of its riverside location;.
  8. Retention and provision Provision of public access and public open space to the rear of the Hotel Nelson;.
  9. A noise assessment is required, and the development must be designed to mitigate the impact of noise from the main road and from the late-night activity zone.
  10. High quality green infrastructure, landscaping, planting and biodiversity enhancements particularly along the river edge taking advantage of its riverside context and location in respect to the Broads National Park;.
  11. Protection of bankside access for maintenance purposes.
  12. Development should ensure Ensure a high level of flood resilience and incorporate appropriate mitigation measures (including addressing identified risks from flooding from rivers and surface water flooding).

13. The site is located within The Area of Main Archaeological Interest. An archaeological assessment will be required as part of a planning application.


To ensure the plan is effective, justified and consistent with national policy.

MM42 - Norwich Policy CC7

Page 85


Amend the policy to read:


Hobrough Lane, King Street, Norwich (approx. 0.35ha) is allocated for residential-led mixed use development. This will accommodate a minimum of approximately 20 homes.

The development will achieve the following site-specific requirements:

  1. Residential development with small scale retail and/or offices, food and drink, and tourist uses.
  2. Development will secure Secure sensitive conversion of historic buildings fronting King Street including removal of the unsympathetic post-war alterations.
  3. New development should respect the historic integrity and setting of 125-129 King Street and conserve and, where opportunities arise, enhance heritage assets and their settings in this part of the City Centre Conservation Area.
  4. Development will enhance Enhance the public realm along King Street and Hobrough Lane and provide a riverside walk linking to the cycle/pedestrian route to Lady Julian Bridge.
  5. Development will be Be of a scale and form which respects and takes advantage of its riverside location, providing high quality landscaping, planting and biodiversity enhancements particularly along the river edge
  6. Heritage interpretation to be provided as part of the scheme.
  7. 125-127 and 129 King Street is on Norwich' register of local heritage buildings at risk. Any development of this site must include renovation in order to ensure their future and remove them from the register in agreement with Norwich City Council.
  8. Provide protection of bankside access for maintenance purposes.

    9. The site is located within The Area of Main Archaeological Interest. An archaeological assessment will be required as part of a planning application.

Make consequential change to supporting text paragraph 2.137 to read:

2.137 The site is likely to accommodate at least approximately 20 homes. More homes may be accommodated, subject to an acceptable design and layout etc. being achieved and heritage impact and other constraints being adequately addressed.


To ensure the plan is effective, justified and consistent with national policy.

MM43 - Norwich Policy CC8

Page 88


Amend the policy to read:


King Street Stores, Norwich (approx. 0.21ha) is allocated for residential use. This will accommodate a minimum of approximately 20 homes.

The development will achieve the following site-specific requirements:

  1. 1. Development proposals will contribute to the regeneration of the King Street area by reinstating the historic street frontage of King Street;.
  1. Achievement of a high quality, locally distinctive design of a scale and form which preserves conserves and, where opportunities arise, enhances its location within the City Centre Conservation Area and nearby listed buildings (including adjacent Grade II listed Ferryboat Inn former public house) (including any contribution made to their significance by setting).
  2. Removal of existing trees at the King Street frontage to facilitate reinstatement of the historic street frontage is acknowledged. The existing trees have both visual amenity and biodiversity value; this loss will need to be mitigated Seek to retain the TPO trees at the street frontage to the site enabling continued healthy growth. Any loss or partial loss will require clear and convincing justification.
  3. Development should seek Seek to retain and enhance the locally listed structure on site through adaptive re-use. Any loss or partial loss will require clear and convincing justification;.
  4. Explore opportunities to provide a link through the site to the Novi Sad bridge to the south through the adjacent Ferryboat redevelopment site, and potential for a future riverside walkway to the north. In the event of a scheme creating the opportunity for access to the river the amenity value of this should be optimised for the benefit of the development respecting and taking advantage of its riverside context and location in respect to the Broads National Park.
  5. Protection of bankside access for maintenance purposes.

Make consequential changes to supporting text paragraphs 2.140 and 2.143 to read:

2.140 King Street has been promoted as a regeneration priority by the council for a number of years, and continues to undergo significant change as many older industrial buildings are replaced or converted, many into residential use. The ongoing regeneration and enhancement of the area, including reinstatement of many building lines and reuse of traditional buildings, will create a more cohesive townscape and a strategically important area linking Riverside with the city centre. Trees on the site frontage are protected by a TPO and redevelopment of the site should seek to retain them for their individual value but also for the contribution that they make to the streetscape. Any loss or partial loss will require clear and convincing justification.

2.143 The site is suitable for high density development given its location; a minimum of approximately 20 dwellings is are expected.

Delete paragraph 2.146:

2.146 The site is likely to accommodate at least 20 homes. More may be accommodated, subject to an acceptable design and layout etc. being achieved.


To ensure the plan is effective, justified and consistent with national policy.

MM44 - Norwich Policy CC10

Page 92


Amend the policy to read:


Land at Garden Street and Rouen Road, Norwich (approx. 1.08ha) is allocated for housing led mixed use development. This will accommodate approximately 100 homes. This site could include an element of small-scale office/business units to cater for small business.

The development will achieve the following site-specific requirements:

  1. Achievement of a high quality, locally distinctive design of a scale and form which preserves conserves and, where opportunities arise, enhances its location within the City Centre Conservation Area and nearby listed buildings (including any contribution made to their significance by setting)

    2. Achievement of a high quality, locally distinctive design of a scale and form which preserves and enhances its location within the City Centre Conservation Area and nearby listed buildings (including any contribution made to their significance by setting)
    3. ;2. Any development must be designed to protect neighbour amenity, protect and enhance the wooded ridge to the east and south of the site, and to provide enhanced landscaping, green infrastructure and improved pedestrian and cycle links through the site.
    4. 3. Given its location, an archaeological investigation will be required prior to development of the site.
    5. 4. Vehicular access for residential development should be via Garden Street and not off Rouen Road.
    6. 5. Equivalent replacement public parking spaces will be provided as part of the scheme, accessed from Rouen Road.

Make consequential change to supporting text paragraph 2.158 to read:

2.158 The site is likely to accommodate at least approximately 100 homes. More may be accommodated, subject to an acceptable design and layout etc. being achieved.


To ensure the plan is effective, justified and consistent with national policy.

MM45 - Norwich Policy CC11

Page 95


Amend the policy to read:


Land at Argyle Street, Norwich (approx. 0.32ha) is allocated for residential development. This will accommodate approximately 15 homes.

The development will achieve the following site-specific requirements:

  1. The design of development must respect the adjacent wooded ridge and seek to enhance the green corridor network which runs adjacent to the site; conserve and, where opportunities arise, enhance the significance of the City Centre Conservation Area and nearby statutory and locally listed buildings (specifically the remains of grade II listed St Peter Southgate church) (including any contribution made to their significance by setting).
  2. Potential ground stability issues should be addressed in the design and configuration of new housing, with scope for the use of dwelling types employing lightweight modular construction.

    3. The site is located within The Area of Main Archaeological Interest. An archaeological assessment will be required as part of a planning application.


To ensure the plan is effective, justified and consistent with national policy.

MM46 - Norwich Policy CC13

Page 98


Delete Policy CC13, subtitle, supporting text paragraphs 2.170 - 2.180 and Policy Map (see separate schedule of map changes)

Policy CC13: Land at Lower Clarence Road

2.170 The site is located on the edge of the city centre and is 1 hectare in size. The majority of the site is currently used as a long-stay surface car park. A small part of the site is currently used by Network Rail's maintenance delivery unit, with a two storey building and some temporary structures on site.

2.171 The site lies between the railway line and Lower Clarence Road and is within easy walking distance of Norwich train station. The vehicular entrance to Norwich Mail Centre is opposite the site on Lower Clarence Road. Also fronting the northern side of Lower Clarence Road is residential property extending to Stracey Road, with predominantly terraced houses. Norwich Mail Centre is identified for future development under policies CC15.

2.172 There is a steep slope to the southern edge of the site descending to the railway line. The site has good views towards the river and the conservation area beyond.

2.173 The site is close to a range of city centre facilities and the train station. It represents a good opportunity to provide housing development in a sustainable location.

2.174 Although the site is immediately adjacent to the railway line, in practical terms it is separated vertically by the slope on the southern boundary. Development of the site should address its constraints which include noise generated by the railway, and its topography.

2.175 The site is on the northern side of the river valley and development would be visible from a wide area and will affect the setting of the City Centre and potentially Bracondale Conservation Areas. It is also in close proximity to the St Matthews Conservation Area and the Thorpe Ridge Conservation Area. Therefore the design, including height and layout of the development, should take this into account. Given its accessible location car free housing is appropriate in this location.

2.176 Since the site is 1 hectare, a flood risk assessment is required and appropriate mitigation measures should be provided as part of the development.

2.177 In addition, given the site's location adjacent to the railway, a noise assessment and appropriate mitigation measures will also be required.

2.178 Development needs to ensure that the water environment is protected throughout the development of the site. The site falls within Source Protection Zone 1, designated to protect water supplies, and therefore the water environment is particularly vulnerable in this location. Detailed discussions over this issue will be required with the Environment Agency to ensure that proposals are appropriate for the site and that the site is developed in a manner which protects the water environment.

2.179 The site was allocated in the previous Local Plan but has not yet been developed. The principle of development on the site has already been accepted, and it is expected that development will take place within the new local plan time-period up to 2038. The site is re-allocated for residential development.

2.180 The site is likely to accommodate at least 45 homes. More may be accommodated, subject to an acceptable design and layout etc. being achieved.

Policy CC13

Land at Lower Clarence Road (approx. 1.00ha) is allocated for residential development, for a minimum of 45 dwellings.

The development will achieve the following site-specific requirements:

  1. Achievement of a high quality, locally distinctive, energy efficient design whose form and massing takes account of and respects its location;
  2. Design of the development should take account of the topography of the site and any potential impact on the setting of nearby conservation areas. Height of development will be especially important given the elevated position of the site;
  3. Achieve high quality landscaping, planting, biodiversity and green infrastructure enhancements;
  4. A noise assessment is required and the development must be designed to mitigate the impact of noise from the railway.


The site is no longer available for allocation so is withdrawn. Policy deleted as it is not justified.

MM47 - Norwich Policy CC15

Page 101


Amend the policy to read:


Norwich Mail Centre, 13-17 Thorpe Road, Norwich (approx. 1.52Ha) is allocated for residential led mixed use development. This will accommodate in the region of approximately 150 homes.

Redevelopment of this site should include

  • housing Housing (in the region of approximately 150 dwellings); housing should predominate with a mix of sizes and types;.
  • on-site On-site open space and play space; and
  • offices Offices.

The development will achieve the following site-specific requirements:

  1. Achievement of a high quality, locally distinctive and energy efficient design of a scale and form which is in keeping with the character of the area, respects the heritage significance of the nearby designated heritage assets (Grade II Listed buildings: The Coach and Horses public house, 60 Thorpe Road and Norwich Train Station), immediately adjacent St Matthews Conservation Area and protects the amenity of adjoining residential occupiers.
  2. Development must re-establish Re-establish built frontages to Thorpe Road, Lower Clarence Road and Stracey Road, with enhanced landscaping and green infrastructure and improved pedestrian and cycle links through the site.
  3. A noise assessment is required and the development must be designed to mitigate the impact of noise from the main road and the train station.

Make consequential change to supporting text paragraph 2.186 to read:

2.186 The site is likely to accommodate in the region of approximately 150 homes.


To ensure the plan is effective and justified.

MM48 - Norwich Policy CC16

Page 105


Amend the policy to read:


Land adjoining Norwich City Football Club north and east of Geoffrey Watling Way, Norwich (approx. 2.23ha) is allocated for mixed use development to include residential, leisure, community, office and ancillary small retail uses. This will accommodate a minimum of approximately 270 homes.

The development will achieve the following site-specific requirements:

  1. Achievement of a high quality, locally distinctive design of a scale and form which respects its riverside context, ensures a high level of flood resilience and incorporates appropriate mitigation measures (including addressing identified risks from flooding from rivers and surface water flooding);.
  2. Conserve and, where opportunities arise, enhance the setting of the adjacent Bracondale Conservation Area and nearby statutory listed buildings and scheduled monuments (including Carrow Priory & ;Boom Towers) (including any contribution made to their significance by setting).
  3. Provide a public transport interchange on site and a public transport strategy for the wider east Norwich strategic regeneration area.
  4. Provide public access to the river and a riverside walk/cycle link to facilitate the re-routing of national cycle route 1 / red pedalway to Whitlingham and connections to the regeneration opportunity sites to the south and east including the Deal Ground, the Utilities site and Carrow Works in accordance with policy 7.1 and the 'River Wensum Strategy'.
  5. Enhance the river frontage as a gateway to Norwich city centre.
  6. Be designed to mitigate the impact of noise generation, light and odour pollution from adjacent industrial uses and the railway.
  7. High quality green infrastructure, landscaping, planting and biodiversity enhancements particularly along the river edge and forming a setting for the stadium;.

    8. Norfolk Minerals and Waste Core Strategy Policy CS16 and NPPF 'agent of change' principle applies, as part of this site is within the consultation area of a safeguarded mineral infrastructure (aggregate and roadstone railhead and asphalt plant).

Make consequential change to supporting text paragraph 2.204 to read:

2.204 The site is likely to accommodate up to approximately 200 homes on the currently undeveloped part of Carrow Quay site and a minimum of approximately 70 homes on the groundsman's hut/car park site. More may be accommodated, subject to an acceptable design and layout etc. being achieved.

Move wording of deleted policy requirement 8 to the supporting text. Insert after current paragraph number 2.204.


To ensure the plan is effective, justified and consistent with national policy.

MM49 - Norwich Policy CC18 (CC19)

Page 108


Amend the policy to read:


Land at 140150-154 Oak Street and 70-72 Sussex Street, Norwich (approx. 0.27ha) is allocated for residential use. This will accommodate a minimum of approximately 27 homes.

The development will achieve the following site-specific requirements:

  1. Achievement of a high quality, locally distinctive design of a scale and form which preserves conserves and, where opportunities arise, enhances its location within the City Centre Conservation Area and nearby listed buildings (including Grade II listed Great Hall) (including any contribution made to their significance by setting) and secures an improvement in townscape.
  2. Create strong built frontages to Oak Street, Sussex Street and Chatham Street, if feasible, reinstating historic layouts by grouping buildings around an internal courtyard.

    3. The site is located within The Area of Main Archaeological Interest. An archaeological assessment will be required as part of a planning application.

Make consequential change to title on page 107:

Policy CC18 (CC19): Land at 140 150-154 Oak Street and 70-72 Sussex Street.

Make consequential changes to supporting text paragraph 2.206 to read:

The site was allocated in the previous Local Plan as two separate sites part of CC18 and which are now in the same ownership. Neither allocation has yet been developed but the northern part fronting Sussex Street (previously CC19) has a previous unimplemented consent for 17 homes intended to be delivered as a co-housing scheme, with the land fronting Oak Street (CC18) having been allocated for a minimum of 10 homes. This allocation consists of land that was allocated in the previous Local Plan as two separate sites. The site is an amalgamation of previous site allocation CC19 along with part of CC18 (the northern area at 150-154 Oak Street); this land is now all in a single ownership. The southern area of previous allocation CC18 (134 Oak Street and 140-148 Oak Street) is in separate ownership and was not carried forward into the GNLP. The northern part fronting Sussex Street, previously CC19 was allocated for 15 homes and had consent for 17 homes intended to be delivered as a co-housing scheme; that consent has now expired unimplemented. CC18 was previously allocated for 10 homes. There is a current planning application, reference 22/00762/F, for a cohousing development pending determination which covers the same boundary as the proposed allocation. The principle of development on the site has already been accepted, and it is expected that development will take place within the new local plan time-period up to 2038. The site is re-allocated for residential development. As an existing allocation it has been considered in the calculation of the housing requirement

Make consequential change to supporting text paragraph 2.214 to read:

2.214 The site is likely to accommodate at least approximately 27 homes. More may be accommodated, subject to an acceptable design and layout etc. being achieved.


To ensure the plan is effective, justified and consistent with national policy.

MM50 - Norwich Policy CC24

Page 112


Amend the policy to read:


Land to rear of City Hall, Norwich (approx. 0.40ha) is allocated for mixed use development which may include residential, offices and managed workspace, food and drink and small-scale retail uses. The alternative option of a hotel development is supported and, if this option is progressed, scope for accommodating residential uses on part of the site should be investigated in order to retain its potential for housing delivery. If developed with an element of residential uses the site could accommodate a minimum of approximately 20 homes.

The development will achieve the following site-specific requirements:

  1. Achievement of a high quality, locally distinctive and flood resilient design of a scale and form which has regard to its prominent location within the City Centre Conservation Area, the significance of adjoining heritage assets and their settings, and its position forming part of the setting of the immediately adjoining Grade II star listed City Hall.
  2. Development should takeTake account of and respect the original design concept of City Hall and its intended architectural context within a wider planned civic centre. Development must be of an appropriate scale and massing and must be subservient to the main body and façade of City Hall. Therefore it is important that any new building does not exceed the height of City Hall (include any parapet concealing rooftop plant).
  3. If redevelopment involves the loss of trees on the St Giles Street frontage, the development should provide high quality green infrastructure, landscaping, planting and biodiversity enhancements;.
  4. Any development must be clearly based on a heritage assessment informed by the 2005 Conservation Management Plan for the building.
  5. Any loss of green space on St Giles Street would have to be mitigated and there would be a need for replacement planting for the loss of any trees.
  6. The scheme should deliver improved connectivity between the Forum and Norwich Lanes by improving and enhancing the north-south pedestrian route between St Giles Street and Bethel Street.

    7. The site is located within The Area of Main Archaeological Interest. An archaeological assessment will be required as part of a planning application.

Make consequential change to supporting text paragraph 2.228 to read:

2.228 The site may accommodate at least approximately 20 homes if developed for a mix of uses including residential. More may be accommodated, subject to an acceptable design and layout etc. being achieved.


To ensure the plan is effective and justified.

MM51 - Norwich Policy CC30

Page 116


Amend the policy to read:


Westwick Street Car Park, Norwich (approx. 0.30ha) is allocated for residential development. This will accommodate a minimum of approximately 30 homes.

The development will achieve the following site-specific requirements:

  1. Achievement of a high quality, locally distinctive, and flood resilient design of a scale and form which has regard to its prominent gateway location within the City Centre
  2. Conserve and, where opportunities arise, enhance the setting of the City Wall scheduled monument, adjacent grade II listed pump house (including any contribution made to their significance by setting). Scale and massing of the proposed development will enhance key views from and into the City Centre Conservation area.
  3. Provide linkages through the site to the adjoining pedestrian network, including a connection with the riverside walk in accordance with policy 7.1 and the 'River Wensum Strategy'.
  4. Vehicular access should be taken solely from Westwick Street.
  5. Heritage interpretation, particularly of the city wall, to be provided on site.

    6. The site is located within The Area of Main Archaeological Interest. An archaeological assessment will be required as part of a planning application.

Make consequential change to supporting text paragraph 2.243 to read:

2.243 The site is likely to accommodate a minimum of approximately 30 homes. More may be accommodated, subject to an acceptable design and layout etc. being achieved.


To ensure the plan is effective, justified and consistent with national policy.

MM52 - Norwich Policy R1

Page 119


Amend the policy to read (see separate schedule of map changes for boundary change):


Land at The Neatmarket, Hall Road (approx. 4.51 3.45 hectare) is allocated for employment development and light industrial use (use classes B2/B8 and E(giii)). Ancillary office development and motor trade/car sales uses on the frontage to Hall Road will also be acceptable.

The development will achieve the following site-specific requirements:

  1. Achievement of a high-quality design.
  2. Takes account of the need to protect adjoining residential occupiers from noise from proposed uses and future occupiers of the development itself from noise from the railway;.
  3. Development should preferably be approached comprehensively. Piecemeal and/or phased development will be accepted only where it is demonstrated that retaining existing livestock market and ancillary uses on site will not result in unacceptable impacts on future occupiers and where the access and operational needs of those retained uses can be adequately addressed;.
  4. High quality green infrastructure, landscaping, planting and biodiversity enhancements should be provided including the retention and enhancement of existing on-site and adjacent trees; development should make provision for mitigatory planting and appropriate enhancement.
  5. Potential contamination from previous uses and any risks arising from the proximity of the notifiable hazardous installation (Calor Gas) to the north should be assessed and mitigated;.
  6. Development should include the The construction of the main vehicular access road into the site as part of the first phase, incorporate a pedestrian and cycle link across the site to link with the Yare Valley Walk and the nearby Cooper Lane Picnic Area. Development shall provide a financial contribution towards off-site works to enable a pedestrian and cycle link across the site from Hall Road to link to the River Yare riverside walk.
  7. Development should make provision for any off-site improvements to the junction of Hall Road and The Neatmarket necessary as a result of increased traffic generation from the site.

    8. Norfolk Minerals and Waste Core Strategy Policy CS16 applies, as this site is partially underlain by safeguarded minerals resources. The benefits of extracting the minerals, if feasible, will be taken into consideration.

Make a consequential modification to paragraph 2.245 to amend site area:

2.245 The site is part of the former Livestock Market site and is 4.5 3.45 hectares in size.

Move wording of deleted policy requirement 8 to the supporting text. Insert after current paragraph number 2.247.


To ensure the plan is effective and justified.

MM53 - Norwich Policy R2

Page 122


Delete Policy R2, subtitle, supporting text paragraphs 2.248 - 2.257 and Policy Map (see separate schedule of map changes)

Policy R2: Ipswich Road Community Hub, 120 Ipswich Road

2.248 The site was allocated in the previous Local Plan but has not yet been developed. The principle of development on the site has already been accepted, and it is expected that development will take place within the new local plan time-period up to 2038. The site is re-allocated for residential development with the option of development or redevelopment for community uses. As an existing allocation it has been considered in the calculation of the housing requirement.

2.249 This site of 0.8 hectares is presently occupied by educational and employment uses, housed in mainly single storey prefabricated buildings. The site also includes car parking and greenhouses.

2.250 The A140 Ipswich Road, which forms a main arterial route to the city, is to the east of the site. Housing is set back from the road opposite the site.

2.251 The steeply sloped publicly accessible former chalk works of Danby Wood County Wildlife Site and Local Nature Reserve are to the west of the site, with an additional small open space to the south, which includes a Roadside Nature Reserve. These and the allocation site form part of the Yare Valley.

2.252 A footpath accessing Danby Wood and Park runs along the northern border of the site. The publicly accessible Danby Park is to the north-west. A former petrol filling station site is to the north on which site buildings have been cleared, with the site currently operating as a car wash facility.

2.253 Access onto Ipswich Road needs careful and appropriate design and an additional pedestrian crossing point will be required as part of redevelopment to enhance pedestrian access across Ipswich Road to the site. To ensure site safety the redevelopment shall include a single point of access and be suitably designed and laid out to ensure servicing and turning of vehicles within the site to avoid conflict with the main A140.

2.254 Design should reflect the site's location as a 'gateway' on a major road into Norwich. The presence of trees in and around the site must be taken into account in the design of the development. Development should also be landscaped to reflect its setting adjacent to green spaces in the Yare Valley. The design of the development should also enhance the setting of the footpath to the north of the site which provides access to the valley. The southern edge of the site should be designed as a transition space between green space and any new built form to reduce visual impact on the river valley. Opportunities for additional public access and suitable links through the site should be investigated as well as the potential to link with land to the north to enable that site's potential re-use.

2.255 The development should be designed to minimise noise for future residents from the A140 and commercial uses, which will include adequate screening of the site and setting development back from the road.

2.256 Since the site is adjacent to former chalk workings and may have been subject to contamination, ground conditions and contamination surveys will be required to inform the design of development.

2.257 The site is likely to accommodate at least 15 homes if developed for residential purposes.

Policy R2

Ipswich Road Community Hub, 120 Ipswich Road, Norwich (approx. 0.78ha) is allocated for residential development which may be provided either as general needs housing or purpose-built accommodation for older people or people with special needs. Development consolidating and expanding the existing community support and educational facilities on site will also be acceptable. If developed for residential purposes the site is expected to accommodate a minimum of 15 homes.

The development will achieve the following site-specific requirements:

  1. Achievement of a high quality, locally distinctive design of a scale and form which reflects its prominent gateway location at the southern approach to Norwich.
  2. Development should protect the setting of the adjacent County Wildlife site at Danby Wood, the informal open space at Danby Park and the ecological interest of the roadside nature reserve to the south.
  3. Potential ground stability issues should be addressed in the design and configuration of new development, with scope for the use of building types employing lightweight modular construction.
  4. High quality green infrastructure, landscaping, planting and biodiversity enhancements should be provided as an integral part of the design of the scheme.
  5. A pedestrian link should be provided through the site to connect to the Yare Valley Walk and provision should be made for the improvement and enhancement of the existing footpath along its northern boundary;
  6. Vehicular access into the site should be provided from Ipswich Road, designed to minimise impact on the free flow of vehicular traffic and contributing to necessary highway and pedestrian safety improvements including a new pedestrian crossing point.


The site is no longer available for allocation so is withdrawn. Policy deleted as it is not justified.

MM54 - Norwich Policy R7

Page 125


Amend the policy to read:


John Youngs Limited, 24 City Road, Norwich (approx. 0.89ha) is allocated for residential development. This will accommodate a minimum of approximately 45 homes.

The development will achieve the following site-specific requirements:

  1. Achievement of a high quality, locally distinctive design of a scale and form which reflects and responds to the residential character of the surrounding area.
  2. Development should respect Respect the heritage significance and setting of the adjacent listed St Marks Church and its graveyard and the surrounding locally listed residential terraces in City Road.
  3. Retain and convert the Victorian building in the north-east corner of the site for residential uses as part of the comprehensive development of the site, subject to viability.
  4. Reduced levels of residential car parking to achieve low car or Car car free or low car housing development in accordance with Policy 2 - Sustainable Communities is appropriate to be provided in this location.
  5. Vehicular access if required should be taken from City Road. A pedestrian/cycle link will be provided between Hall Road and City Road.
  6. High quality green infrastructure, landscaping, planting and biodiversity enhancements should be provided as an integral part of the design of the scheme, to include protection of trees along the southern boundary and enhance the landscape setting of the site.

Make consequential change to supporting text paragraph 2.265 to read:

2.265 The site is likely to accommodate at least approximately 45 homes. More may be accommodated, subject to an acceptable design and layout being achieved and the need to have regard to conserving and enhancing the setting of adjoining heritage assets.


To ensure the plan is effective and justified.

MM55 - Norwich Policy R13

Page 128


Amend the policy to read:


Site of former Gas Holder at Gas Hill, Norwich (approx. 0.30ha) is allocated for residential development. This will accommodate a minimum of approximately 15 homes.

The development will achieve the following site-specific requirements:

  1. Achievement of a high quality, locally distinctive design of a scale and form which reflects and responds to its prominent location on the hillside east of the city centre adjacent to Thorpe wooded ridge. Development should blend in with the existing pattern of development in this location.
  2. Development should respect Respect the heritage significance and setting of the adjacent Thorpe Hamlet Conservation Area and of the scheduled remains of St Leonards Priory. The site is in close proximity to Cow Tower scheduled monument, design of development on this site should preserve and, where opportunities arise, enhance the setting of adjacent heritage assets including the City Centre Conservation Area, and nearby grade II listed buildings: Bridge House Public House and Chalk Hill House.
  3. Protection and enhancement of key green infrastructure, biodiversity and geodiversity assets within the site;.
  4. Ensures a high level of flood resilience and incorporates appropriate mitigation measures addressing identified risks from surface water flooding);.
  5. Development will not take place prior to the revocation of the hazardous substance consent.
  6. Site contamination arising from the former gas storage use should be addressed and mitigated.
  7. Reduced levels of residential car parking to achieve low car or Car car free or low car housing development in accordance with policy Policy 2 - Sustainable Communities is appropriate to be provided in this location.

Make consequential change to supporting text paragraph 2.277 to read:

2.277 The site is likely to accommodate at least approximately 15 homes. More housing may be accommodated, subject to an acceptable design and layout being achieved.


To ensure the plan is effective, justified and consistent with national policy.

MM56 - Norwich Policy R14/15

Page 132


Amend the policy to read:


Land at Ketts Hill and east of Bishop Bridge Road, Norwich (approx. 1.65ha) is allocated for residential development. This will accommodate a minimum of approximately 80 homes.

Site R15 combined with R14 as a single allocation.

The development will achieve the following site-specific requirements:

  1. Achievement of a high quality, locally distinctive design of a scale and form which reflects and responds to its prominent location adjacent to the hillside east of the city centre and to Thorpe wooded ridge.
  2. Development should respect Respect the heritage significance and setting of the adjacent Thorpe Hamlet, City Centre and St Matthews Conservation Areas.
  3. Consider long views and vistas particularly taking into account key landmark buildings. Examples of important views are from Mousehold Heath and Ketts Height and the view of the Cathedral when coming down Kett's Hill.
  4. Provide public access to Kett's Heights.
  5. Protection and enhancement of key green infrastructure, biodiversity and geodiversity assets within the site including retention and enhancement of tree planting to its northern boundary fronting Ketts Hill;.
  6. Site contamination arising from the former gas storage use should be addressed and mitigated.
  7. Development will not take place prior to the revocation of the hazardous substance consent.
  8. The main vehicular access will be provided from Bishop Bridge Road.
  9. Reduced levels of residential car parking to achieve low car or Car car free housing development in accordance with Policy 2 is appropriate to be provided in this location.

Make consequential change to supporting text paragraph 2.284 to read:

2.284 The site is likely to accommodate a minimum of approximately 80 homes. More may be accommodated, subject to an acceptable design and layout etc. being achieved.


To ensure the plan is effective and justified.

MM57 - Norwich Policy R17

Page 135


Amend the policy to read:


Site of former Van Dal Shoes, Dibden Road, Norwich (approx. 0.54ha) is allocated for residential development. This will accommodate a minimum of approximately 25 homes.

The development will achieve the following site-specific requirements:

  1. The existing locally listed shoe factory building should be retained or converted, subject to viability. To this end an assessment of its suitability for conversion either in part or as a whole (taking account of the industrial heritage significance of the site) will be required;.
  2. Where new buildings are proposed they should achieve high quality, locally distinctive design of a scale and form which reflects its prominent location and the character and context of the surrounding predominantly residential area.
  3. Development should be designed to integrate well with the surrounding housing and to make the best of the potential for views over the city;.
  4. Site contamination arising from the former manufacturing use should be addressed and mitigated;.
  5. Address access issues, including the potential stopping up or diversion of the highway subject to maintaining a pedestrian link across the site;.
  6. Provide enhanced pedestrian and cycle links to Mousehold Avenue and Gertrude Road;.
  7. Be designed to promote biodiversity and facilitate green infrastructure links to neighbouring green spaces and connections to Mousehold Heath. Existing trees on site should be retained and protected where practicable.

Make consequential change to supporting text paragraph 2.293 to read:

2.293 The site is likely to accommodate at least approximately 25 homes. More dwellings may be accommodated, subject to an acceptable design and layout etc. being achieved.


To ensure the plan is effective and justified.

MM58 - Norwich Policy R18

Page 138


Amend the policy to read:


Site of former Start Rite Factory, 28 Mousehold Lane, Norwich (approx. 0.86ha) is allocated for residential development which may be provided either as general needs housing or care home. This will accommodate a minimum of approximately 40 homes.

The development will achieve the following site-specific requirements:

  1. Achievement of a high quality, locally distinctive design which responds to its prominent location on the outer ring road.
  2. The design must address the topography of the site and surface water drainage issues.
  3. A pedestrian/cycle link to Templemere should be provided.
  4. Retain existing belt of woodland and scrub on south-west and south-east boundaries and enhance landscaping and green infrastructure through the site.
  5. Vehicular access should be taken from Mousehold Lane. Development should provide for all necessary highway and junction improvements to enable a right turn into the site and the integration and enhancement of the existing pedestrian crossing point.
  6. Consideration should be given to rationalising access/servicing arrangements to enable a single shared access to adjoining commercial premises at 26 Mousehold Lane and remove the need for a separate access.

Make consequential change to supporting text paragraph 2.295 to read:

2.295 The site is likely to accommodate a minimum of approximately 40 homes. More may be accommodated, subject to an acceptable design and layout etc. being achieved.

Amend the final sentence of supporting text paragraph 2.303 to read:

If developed for older persons housing, affordable housing contributions should be in accordance with the requirements set out in Norwich City Council's Affordable Housing SPD Policy 5 - Homes.


To ensure the plan is effective and justified.

MM59 - Norwich Policy R19

Page 141


Amend the policy to read:


Land north of Windmill Road, Norwich (approx. 0.19ha) is allocated for residential development. This will accommodate in the region of approximately 17 homes.

The development will achieve the following site-specific requirements:

  1. 1. Achievement of a high quality, locally distinctive design.
  2. 2. Design to take account of differences in level between the site and adjoining residential properties and effectively addresses potential issues of overlooking loss of privacy and surface water flooding;.
  3. 3. Vehicular access to the site should be taken from the south via Millwright's Way, with pedestrian access retained via Windmill Road and links to Windmill Court and Templemere retained and enhanced.
  4. 4. Protection and enhancement of key green infrastructure, biodiversity and geodiversity assets within the site including replacement of trees on site, addressing the impact of adjacent trees on the site, and provision of a high-quality landscaping scheme.

Remove bullet points and number policy requirements.

Make consequential change to supporting text paragraph 2.314 to read:

2.314 The site is likely to accommodate in the region of approximately 17 homes.


To ensure the plan is effective and justified.

MM60 - Norwich Policy R20

Page 144


Amend the policy to read:


Land east of Starling Road, Norwich (approx. 0.27ha) is allocated for residential development. This will accommodate a minimum of approximately 23 homes.

The development will achieve the following site-specific requirements:

  1. Achievement of a high quality, locally distinctive design which establishes a strong built frontage to Starling Road.
  2. The design should takes account of heritage issues including its location on the fringe of the City Centre Conservation Area and locally listed terraces on Magpie Road;.
  3. Site contamination arising from current and former industrial and motor trade uses should be addressed and mitigated;.
  4. noise Noise generation from road traffic and existing industrial and commercial uses should be addressed and mitigated;.
  5. Comprehensive development is preferred but incremental Incremental development can may be accepted where it would not compromise the development of the remainder of the site;.
  6. As the allocation site is within multiple ownerships, shared access points are should be provided to keep the number of access points to a minimum.

Make consequential change to supporting text paragraph 2.321 to read:

2.321 The site is likely to accommodate at least approximately 23 homes. More may be accommodated, subject to an acceptable design and layout etc. being achieved.


To ensure the plan is effective and justified.

MM61 - Norwich Policy R29

Page 147


Amend the policy to read:


Two sites at Hurricane Way, Airport Industrial Estate, Norwich (Site A, land north of Gamecock Close and west of 6-14 Hurricane Way, (approx. 0.26 ha) and Site B, land between Hurricane Way and Stirling Road, (approx. 2.28 ha) are allocated for light industrial and housing development. This will accommodate a minimum of approximately 30 homes.

The development will achieve the following site-specific requirements:

  1. Development should be approached in the context of a comprehensive masterplan for the Airport Industrial Estate as a whole;.
  2. Achievement of a high quality, locally distinctive design which provides for effective integration of the residential elements of any scheme with adjoining housing, segregation of proposed housing from surrounding employment areas and effective separation of residential and non-residential uses and flood-resilient design (including addressing identified risks from flooding from surface water flooding;;.
  3. Housing, if proposed on Site B, will be appropriate if in accordance with a comprehensive masterplan (to be produced). Vehicular access to be taken from Heyford Road.
  4. Residential development on Site A will be dependent on demonstrating that a suitable vehicular access can be achieved from the south via Gamecock Close.
  5. Light industrial development and/or small business uses on the frontage to Hurricane Way are acceptable providing they are not significantly detrimental to adjoining neighbouring residential occupiers.
  6. A high-quality landscaping scheme is required which provides for the protection of trees on site and the provision and enhancement of green infrastructure and biodiversity links;.
  7. Development will make provision Provision for retention of the north-south pedestrian and cycle link (that form part of the yellow pedalway) and bus link from Hurricane Way to Heyford Road via Site B.
  8. Be designed to mitigate the impact of noise generation, light and odour pollution from adjacent industrial uses and Norwich International airport.

Make consequential change to supporting text paragraph 2.327 to read:

2.327 These sites are likely to accommodate at least approximately 30 homes. More may be accommodated, subject to an acceptable design and layout etc. being achieved.


To ensure the plan is effective and justified.

MM62 - Norwich Policy R30

Page 149


Amend the policy to read:

Policy POLICY R30

Land at Holt Road, Norwich (approx. 1.33ha) is allocated for general employment purposes (use classes E(gii/iii), B2 and B8).

The development will achieve the following site-specific requirements:

  1. provide Provide vehicular access to the site from Gambling Close or from a single point of access onto Holt Road serving the entire site, providing this can be achieved without unacceptable impacts on highway safety or the free flow of traffic;.
  2. promote Promote sustainable transport to the site.
  3. provide Provide appropriately for servicing, parking and other transportation requirements;.
  4. demonstrate Demonstrate (through a noise impact assessment) that appropriate account has been taken of the potential impacts of noise from existing and proposed airport operations and noise generation from the development itself;.
  5. incorporate Incorporate suitable boundary treatment screening to the Holt Road frontage and mitigation measures to reduce the impact of the development on the outlook and living conditions of adjoining and nearby residents.
  6. ensure Ensure that any development is designed to comply with having regard to the requirements of Norwich Airport with regard to Airport safeguarding measures.

    7. ;Norfolk Minerals and Waste Core Strategy Policy CS16 applies, as this site is underlain by safeguarded minerals resources. The benefits of extracting the minerals, if feasible, will be taken into consideration.

Move wording of deleted policy requirement 7 to the supporting text. Insert after current paragraph number 2.330.


To ensure the plan is effective and justified.

MM63 - Norwich Policy R31

Page 152


Amend the policy to read:


Heigham Water Treatment Works, Waterworks Road, Norwich (approx. 1.37ha) is allocated for housing led mixed use development and public open space. This will accommodate a minimum of approximately 60 homes.

The development will achieve the following site-specific requirements:

  1. Achievement of a high quality, locally distinctive and flood-resilient design (including addressing identified risks from flooding from rivers and surface water flooding);.
  2. The design must reflect the prominent riverside location and provide for the retention and enhancement of heritage assets within the site including the historic boundary wall on Waterworks Road; the locally listed Pump House 1 and Eastgate Lodge; as well as heritage assets adjacent to the site including the locally listed Pump House 2 buildings and grade II listed / scheduled monument St. Bartholomew's Church, Heigham;.
  3. A small element of business or commercial use is acceptable subject to uses being compatible with the continuation of water treatment operations on the adjoining site to the west and subject to any required variation or revocation of hazardous substance consents pertaining to those operations;.
  4. Approximately 60 homes will be provided, depending on the appropriate mitigation measures undertaken, including the provision of adequate and appropriate access to the site;.
  5. The land adjoining the River Wensum will provide a public open space with a publicly accessible riverside walk in accordance with policy 7.1 and the 'River Wensum Strategy' and subject to water security considerations;.
  6. A high-quality landscaping scheme is required which provides for the protection of trees on site and the provision and enhancement of green infrastructure and biodiversity links;.
  7. Contamination from existing uses on site should be assessed and mitigated;.

    8. Norfolk Minerals and Waste Core Strategy Policy CS16 applies, as this site is partially underlain by safeguarded minerals resources. The benefits of extracting the minerals, if feasible, will be taken into consideration. Parts of the site are within the consultation area for a safeguarded Waste management site and Norfolk Minerals and Waste Core Strategy policy CS16 applies, while the waste site is active.
    9. ;8. An archaeological assessment will be required prior to development.

Make consequential change to supporting text paragraph 2.335 to read:

2.335 The site is likely to accommodate approximately 60 homes. More homes may be accommodated, subject to an acceptable design and layout etc. being achieved.

Move wording of deleted policy requirement 8 to the supporting text. Insert after current paragraph number 2.335.


To ensure the plan is effective and justified.

MM64 - Norwich Policy R36

Page 159


Amend the policy to read:


Mile Cross Depot, Norwich (approx. 4.40ha) is allocated for residential led mixed use development with residential and which may include associated community uses. This will accommodate a minimum of approximately 170 homes. The final number of homes delivered will depend upon the scale of any community uses delivered.

The development will achieve the following site-specific requirements:

  1. Achievement of a high quality, locally distinctive design which reflects its prominent location on the edge of the river valley, the setting of the adjoining Mile Cross Conservation Area and the proximity of formal and informal recreational open space;.
  2. High quality green infrastructure, landscaping, planting and biodiversity enhancements should be provided including formal and informal public and private open spaces within the site.
  3. The southern frontage of the site to Marriott's Way should be enhanced and landscape and pedestrian and cycle links provided through the site to link with the existing recreational route;.
  4. Potential contamination from existing and previous uses on site, potential geological issues and potential impacts of noise and odour generation from the recycling centre on Swanton Road (so long as it is retained) should be assessed and mitigated.
  5. Vehicular access should be taken from Mile Cross Road with emergency access and pedestrian/cycle links provided to Valpy Avenue.

    6. Norfolk Minerals and Waste Core Strategy Policy CS16 applies, as this site is partially underlain by safeguarded minerals resources. The benefits of extracting the minerals, if feasible, will be taken into consideration. Parts of the site are within the consultation area for a safeguarded Waste management site and Norfolk Minerals and Waste Core Strategy policy CS16 applies, while the waste site is active.

Make consequential change to supporting text paragraph 2.358 to read:

2.358 The site is likely to accommodate a minimum of approximately 170 homes. More may be accommodated, subject to an acceptable design and layout etc. being achieved, dependant on the mix of uses and geological constraints being overcome.

Move wording of deleted policy requirement 6 to the supporting text. Insert after current paragraph number 2.358.


To ensure the plan is effective and justified.

MM65 - Norwich Policy R37

Page 162


Amend the policy to read:


The Norwich Community Hospital site, Bowthorpe Road, Norwich (approx. 5.30 ha) is allocated for mixed use development. This may include hospital development and ancillary activities, plus associated supported living, care and key worker accommodation, and residential development. As part of a mixed-use scheme the site This will may accommodate a minimum of 80 around 200 homes depending on the level of healthcare development.

The development will achieve the following site-specific requirements:

  1. Development should be approached in the context of a comprehensive masterplan for the Norwich Community Hospital site and should be consistent with and complementary to mixed use redevelopment proposals agreed in principle for the existing hospital;.
  2. Achievement of a high quality, locally distinctive design which reflects the prominent location of the site on the frontage to Bowthorpe Road and the proximity of formal open space and informal recreational open space including Earlham Cemetery and Woodlands Park;.
  3. Retention of the locally listed Woodlands House;.
  4. Conserve and enhance the setting of the adjacent Earlham Cemetery grade II Registered Park and Garden and nearby Jewish Mortuary Chapel heritage assets.
  5. Provide pedestrian and cycle links between Bowthorpe Road and Dereham Road via the Woodlands Park to the north of the site and to Godric Place.
  6. High quality green infrastructure, landscaping, planting and biodiversity enhancements should be provided including formal and informal public and private open spaces within the site and the retention and enhancement of existing trees. Biodiversity links between the site and neighbouring green spaces will be protected and enhanced;.
  7. Site contamination and geotechnical constraints should be assessed and mitigated;.
  8. The design and configuration of development should have regard to the siting of existing telecommunications equipment on-site.

    9. Norfolk Minerals and Waste Core Strategy Policy CS16 applies, as this site is partially underlain by safeguarded minerals resources. The benefits of extracting the minerals, if feasible, will be taken into consideration.

Make consequential changes to supporting text paragraph 2.360 to read:

2.360 The site is likely to accommodate at least 80 homes. The outline consent granted in late 2021 has a potential to deliver approximately 190 homes or 'equivalent homes' as demonstrated under the initial proposals of the 2018 planning application, however the final mix of homes and healthcare development may change. The 2021 approval did not encompass the whole site and the remaining part could accommodate around 50 dwellings. Any future "departure" from a core housing figure would be assessed against any social or health care benefits which might arise from dependent upon securing future funding (i.e. more health care facilities than housing). If developed wholly for residential the site may accommodate approximately 250 homes.

Move wording of deleted policy requirement 9 to the supporting text. Insert after current paragraph number 2.360.


To ensure the plan is effective and justified.

MM66 - Norwich Policy R38

Page 164


Amend the policy to read:



Three Score, Bowthorpe, Norwich (approx. 25.29ha) is allocated for an urban extension including housing, open and play space and associated infrastructure. This will accommodate in the region of 900 755 homes.

The development will achieve the following site-specific requirements:

  1. Be planned as an exemplar development with a distinct character and identity, providing for exceptionally high standards of design, energy efficiency and flood resilience (including addressing identified risks from flooding from rivers and surface water flooding).
  2. Provide permeability through the site including connections to the existing strategic cycle network, new bus routes and a network of attractive and walkable pedestrian routes providing for safe and convenient movement within and between existing and proposed housing areas, the Bowthorpe district centre, the new village centre and the Yare valley and open countryside beyond.
  3. Make provision for significant areas of recreational and informal open space, play space, green infrastructure (including retained woodland) and enhance ecological networks to support biodiversity and geodiversity.
  4. Respect the character and distinctiveness of the surrounding area, to improve the setting of Bowthorpe Hall and the surrounding conservation area, preserve the open character of the Yare valley and distinctive landscape of the valley edge, and maintain strategic long views through and beyond the development area.

Make consequential change to supporting text paragraph 2.362 to read:

2.362 The site is likely to accommodate in the region of 900 755 homes. More may be accommodated, subject to an acceptable design and layout etc. being achieved.


To ensure the plan is effective and justified.