Click here to view the New, Revised and Small sites consultation and comments submitted at this stage
An important part of the process of preparing the Greater Norwich Local Plan (GNLP) is to identify sites which might have the potential for development to meet required needs. These sites could be for a range of uses including housing, employment, leisure or community use. An initial "Call for Sites" was held in the spring/summer of 2016, where people could put forward land to be considered for potential allocation in the GNLP and 562 sites were submitted. These sites were consulted on as part of the Regulation 18 consultation, which took place between 8th January and 22nd March 2018. The comments received through this consultation can be viewed at
Approximately 230+ additional sites, or revisions to existing sites were put forward through the Regulation 18 consultation and these are available to view below. Public consultation on these sites took place between Monday 29 October and Friday 14 December 2018. Please note that the sites are presented here for information only; details of the public consultation, as well as the opportunity to respond online, can be found at using the calendar on the top right hand corner. Please note that the sites do not have any planning status at the current time and no decisions have been made regarding their suitability, although they have been taken through an initial HELAA (Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment) screening process, details of which can be found as part of the consultation.
The maps below also show a number of sites which are either too small to be considered for allocation in the GNLP (under 0.25 hectares) or have been submitted as proposed extensions to existing settlement boundaries. These sites will also form part of the public consultation.
The maps below are listed by local authority area. For Broadland and South Norfolk the sites are listed alphabetically by parish and it is advised to check for sites that may be adjacent to settlements but in neighbouring parishes. Some files are of a large size and may take longer than usual to download, so your patience is appreciated. Please note that only parishes which contain the types of sites mentioned above are included below. All the sites which were consulted on as part of the Regulation 18 consultation can be viewed at using the calendar on the top right hand corner of page.
To ensure the timely progress of the Greater Norwich Local Plan (GNLP), it will not be possible for the GNLP team to assess new or revised sites or settlement boundary extension proposals submitted after 31st December 2018. This does not apply to proposals for the redevelopment of brownfield sites in urban areas which Government policy requires us to support.
If you wish to promote a new or revised greenfield site or settlement boundary extension after 31st December 2018, you should submit representations to this effect in response to the GNLP Regulation 18 draft plan consultation. The draft plan consultation is scheduled to take place during September and October 2019. Once confirmed the final consultation dates will be published on the GNLP website. Please note, the onus will be on those submitting sites in response to the draft plan consultation to provide clear evidence, including sustainability appraisal that demonstrates why their site should be preferred to the site(s) within the draft strategy.
Table of sites received during Regulation 18 consultation Size: 1.7 MB – Date: 26/10/201
South Norfolk
Explanation of the key to maps
Settlements Boundaries:
Settlement boundaries as defined in the relevant authorities adopted Local Plans, within which development is generally acceptable subject to adopted planning policies.
Proposed changes to settlement boundary:
Sites which are below the size threshold to be considered for allocation in the GNLP (0.25 hectares) or sites proposed as extensions to existing settlement boundaries. Where these sites are adjacent to an existing settlement consideration will be given to extending that boundary. Where sites are not adjacent to an existing settlement boundary, a new settlement boundary to incorporate the site and any adjacent development could be considered depending upon the sustainability of the location. These sites will be consulted on in autumn/winter 2018.
Sites submitted during Reg 18 stage:
New sites or revision to existing sites put forward through the Regulation 18 consultation. These sites will be consulted on in autumn/winter 2018. New sites are indicated by a reference number beginning GNLP2XXX. Revisions to existing sites retain their original GNLP reference number from the Regulation 18 consultation with a 'R' suffix added. Following detailed assessment these sites may be considered for potential allocation in the GNLP.
Sites submitted during call for sites:
Sites received during or after the "Call for Sites" which was held in spring/summer 2016. These sites were consulted on as part of the Regulation 18 consultation which took place between 8th January and 22nd March 2018. Following detailed assessment these sites may be considered for potential allocation in the GNLP.
These are site which already have a planning status, either through being allocated in an adopted Local Plan or having planning permission for development.
Broads Authority Area:
The area of the Broads Authority, which is outside the scope of the GNLP.
Parish Boundary:
The defined Parish Boundary. It is advisable to check for sites that may be adjacent to settlements but in neighbouring parishes.