Policy HET 2: Land north of Grove Road


This site was allocated in 2015 as part of the South Norfolk Local Plan but has not yet been developed, as the phase of development of the HET1 allocation required to access the site has not yet progressed.  The principle of development is already accepted and it is expected that development will take place within the new local plan time-period to 2038.  The boundary and policy requirements of HET 2 are unchanged from the original allocation, but opportunity does exist for revision.  At 4.0 ha HET 2 contains more land than is needed for a 40 place ‘extra care’ housing scheme, and subject to the suitability of uses proposed, additional development on HET 2 could be acceptable; this could include additional extra care units or care home provision based on the most up to date assessment of need, or if additional care need is not identified, further market and affordable housing.

Policy HET 2

Land north of Grove Road (approx. 3.8ha) is allocated for at least 40 places of extra care housing.

This site includes the plant nursery and adjacent land forming the curtilage of 36 Grove Road. The JCS identifies a need for mixed tenure housing with care in Hethersett. Land amounting to some 3.8 hectares is allocated for at least 40 places of ‘extra care housing’, or a different figure in line with the most up to date needs assessment. Vehicular access will need to be from the north of the site, via HET1.

The developer of the site is required to ensure the following:

  1. The site should integrate with existing development and development under policy HET 1, and should be master-planned alongside HET 1.
  2. If developed independently, proposals for the site should accord with the principles of any agreed masterplan for HET 1.
  3. Wastewater infrastructure capacity must be confirmed prior to development taking place.
  4. Norfolk Minerals and Waste Core Strategy Policy CS16 applies, as this site is underlain by safeguarded minerals resources.  The benefits of extracting the minerals, if feasible, will be taken into consideration
  5. Mitigation and further investigation with regards to site susceptibility to surface water flooding.
  6. Avoid contamination of groundwater.

Policy Map

HET2 Policy Map