This site is located to the south-east of the town centre and is well-related to the high school. Two points of access are required from Burgh Road, plus various pedestrian footway improvements to aid connectivity into the nearby existing developments. The allocation also secures land for future education provision. Development offers opportunity for landscape and green infrastructure enhancements, such as screening on the south-east boundary to the A140 and improvements alongside the Bure Valley Walk. Early engagement with statutory consultees is always recommended, but in this case most particularly the Environment Agency and Anglian Water to agree options for foul waste disposal.
Policy GNLP0311, 0595 and 2060
Land south of Burgh Road and west of the A140, Aylsham (approx. 12.86 ha) is allocated for residential development. The site is to accommodate approximately 250 homes, and new primary school.
The development will be expected to address the following specific matters:
- Access should be via Burgh Road with two access points for vehicles.
- Carriageway widening is required to achieve a minimum width of 6.0m over the full frontage and a 2.0m footway should also be provided to connect with the existing facility to west.
- Requires pedestrian crossings at Burgh Road to bus stop and on route to High School and connections to Station Road, Rippingall Road, Bure Valley Walk, along with suitable crossing of A140.
- 2 ha of land at nil value to be provided for a new primary school on site.
- Improved green infrastructure improvements alongside the Bure Valley Walk.
- Layout and design to take account of noise from the adjacent A140, and landscaping to screen impact on the countryside setting to the south-east.
- A drainage strategy, and completion of required mitigations, to ensure that development would not cause detriment to the capacity of the sewer system nor result in increased flood risk downstream.
- Any development should conserve and where appropriate enhance the significance of the grade II listed Bure Valley Farmhouse, including any contribution made to that significance by setting. This includes but is not limited to appropriate landscaping, setback and open space and design.
Policy Map