Aylsham is classified as a Main Town under policy 7.2. The estimated population at mid-2019 for Aylsham ward, which also includes the nearby village of Marsham, was 8,567 people.
Homes in Aylsham
Homes at 2020 |
Completed units 1 April 2018 to 31 March 2020 |
Local Plan Allocations remaining at 1 April 2020 |
Other Planning Permissions at 1 April 2020 |
New Allocations |
3,612 (Parish of Aylsham) |
171 |
0 |
58 |
GNLP0311/0595/2060 = 250 GNLP0596R = 300 |
At the heart of the town is the Market Place that is well-known for its weekly Friday market, and regular Farmers' markets. Important streets, for historic buildings and for trade in Aylsham, include Hungate Street, Penfold Street, and Red Lion Street. The extensive conservation area in Aylsham stretches from the Manor House on Norwich Road to Millgate at the north; but, also to the north-west of the town, the Blicking conservation area extends southwards to the north-west edge of the town. As to landscape matters, the River Bure flows to the north and around to the south-east of the town. To the south and east of the town, the B1145 Cawston Road and A140 Cromer Road are also important in defining the built edges of Aylsham. In terms of current development, both the Woodgate Farm scheme at the west of the town and the Bure Meadows scheme near the High School are well-advanced.
Aylsham Neighbourhood Plan was 'made' in July 2019 and covers the period to 2038. The vision for the Aylsham Neighbourhood Plan states that 'the market town of Aylsham is renowned for its individuality and historical importance. It is vital that these are protected whilst promoting its unique character, excellent location and strong sense of community.' The Plan seeks to do this through a series of objectives and policies that shape development within the neighbourhood area. The plan contains policies based on themes around housing, environment, economy, recreation and infrastructure.
The GNLP allocates two sites in Aylsham providing for 550 new homes including a 90 bed care unit/extra care housing and a new primary school. Two existing allocations for employment are also carried forward for employment at the Dunkirk Industrial Estate. Each of these allocations are expected to address standard site specific requirements associated with development. These vary from place to place, but are likely to include mitigations for flood risk (as well as SUDs), highways improvements, safeguarding of minerals resources, land remediation, measures to protect the environment, biodiversity, and landscape intrusion.
There are two new allocations for a total of 550 homes. There are no carried forward allocations but a total of 229 additional dwellings with planning permission (171 units completed 1 April 2018 to 31 March 2020, 58 units with extant consent at 1 April 2020). This gives a total deliverable housing commitment for Aylsham of 779 homes between 2018-2038.
Settlement Map