Policy R33: Site of former Earl of Leicester Public House, 238 Dereham Road


The site was allocated in the previous Local Plan and has been subject to a previous planning permission scheme but has not yet been developed. The principle of development on the site has already been accepted, and it is expected that development will take place within the new local plan time-period up to 2038. The site is re-allocated for residential development. As an existing allocation it has been considered in the calculation of the housing requirement.


The former public house on this site of 0.14 hectares was demolished in 2005 and the site has been vacant since.


This site is at the busy junction of the A1074 Dereham Road and Bowthorpe Roads, with housing to its north and west. Earlham Cemetery, a significant open space, historic park and County Wildlife Site, is opposite to its south.


Development of this brownfield site will enable new housing to be provided in a sustainable location in a mainly residential area on the Dereham Road bus rapid transit route.


Design of the development should have regard to the prominent position in the townscape at this busy junction. It must be designed to make best use of this triangular site, have safe access at a major road junction, maximise private amenity space and must minimise road traffic noise for future residents.


Given the sites proximity to the neighbouring Earlham Cemetery it must also enhance the setting of this space, which is part of a green corridor identified in the Green Infrastructure Delivery Plan and provides local cycle routes.


Vehicular access should be from Bowthorpe Road in the southwest corner of the site.


The site is served by an off-site combined foul and surface water sewer [north]. Adoption of this facility into a proposed drainage strategy must be pre-agreed with the appropriate management company.


The site is likely to accommodate in the region of 10 homes. 

Policy R33

Site of former Earl of Leicester Public House, 238 Dereham Road, Norwich (approx. 0.14ha) is allocated for residential development. This will accommodate in the region of 10 homes.

The development will achieve the following site-specific requirements:

  1. Achievement of a high quality, locally distinctive design which reflects its prominent landmark location on a road junction and enhances the setting of the adjoining Earlham Cemetery;
  2. Development should be designed and configured to protect the amenity and outlook of existing adjoining and future residents, including adequate amenity space and mitigation of the impact of road traffic noise.
  3. Car free or low-car development in accordance with Policy 2 is acceptable in this location adjacent to the planning mobility hub at the junction of Dereham Road and Hotblack Road.
  4. Vehicular access, if provided, should take account of the proximity of the traffic light-controlled junction.
  5. Heritage interpretation will be required reflecting the previous use of the site.  

Policy Map

Policy Map R33