Policy GNLP2163: Friars Quay Car Park, Colegate


This site lies within the Norwich City Centre Conservation Area. This site is an important one in this part of the Norwich conservation area and is in the setting of several listed buildings. It forms part of the south side of Colegate, the principle historic street of what was once the Norvic settlement and which contains numerous important historic buildings including several listed ones. A group of grade II listed buildings are situated on Colegate at the north end of the site as well as the parish church of St George (grade I listed) and the grade II* listed Bacon's House and numbers 2-9 Octagon Court. The site also lies in an interesting position in the conservation area where the nature of historic building changes. Modern development between Colegate and the river (Friar's Quay) is akin in scale and form to the generally low-rise, domestic scale of development on the north side of the River stretching along Colegate eastwards to Magdalen Street. The Friar's Quay development is a very successful and early example of modern residential development in an historic city which responds to the historic 'grain' of development from a time when development commonly disregarded it. To the west side of the application site is St George's Street, also characterised by relatively modest, pitched roofed development, both historic (including the grade II listed numbers 22-25 and later infill matching it. This street marks the point at which the character of historic development changes. The western side of St George's Street features a former 19th century factory building filling a corner plot on Colegate. This is similar in form, though smaller than the 19th century Art College building across the river to the south. Upstream from the college is modern development of a similar scale. St George's Street can therefore be seen as a 'hinge' point in this part of the conservation area and the allocation site being to the east of it falls within the area characterised by more domestic scale development, both old and new.


Any development of the site therefore has the potential to impact upon a number of heritage assets and their settings.


Development of the site must address a number of constraints including its location within the City Centre Conservation Area and the Area of Main Archaeological Interest, its location within the critical drainage catchment area, the relationship with neighbouring statutory and locally listed buildings, site ground conditions and possible contamination.


The site is expected to accommodate at least 25 homes. The site was previously allocated in the now expired Northern City Centre Area Action Plan for residential-led mixed use development and has been subject to previous development proposals which were withdrawn before determination, accordingly the principle of housing development is accepted.

Policy GNLP2163

Friars Quay Car Park, Colegate (former Wilson’s Glassworks site, approx. 0.13 hectares) is allocated for residential development. This will provide a minimum of 25 homes. Offices or other commercial uses would be appropriate as a small element of the scheme on the frontage to Colegate. 

The development will achieve the following site-specific requirements:

  1. Achievement of a high quality, locally distinctive design of a scale, grain, massing and form which respects the industrial heritage and historic character of the area;
  2. Conserve and enhance the significance of the City Centre Conservation Area and nearby listed buildings (including any contribution made to their significance by setting)
  3. An archaeological assessment will be required prior to development.
  4. protects the amenity and outlook of adjoining residential occupiers.
  5. Removal of the existing poor-quality industrial buildings from the site and creation of strong building lines to the west side of Friars Quay, St George’s Green and reinstatement of the built frontage to Colegate.
  6. High quality landscaping, planting and biodiversity enhancements; including retention and protection of existing significant tree immediately adjacent to the southern boundary of the site located on the corner of Friars Quay and Corncutters Close.
  7. The site is suitable for low car or car free development in accordance with Policy 2.

Policy Map

Policy Map GNLP2163