Table 2 - Site Progress Indicators - Strategic Sites

The AMR will record progress on a site-by-site basis, covering both the granting and the implementation of planning permissions.



Development type and indicators


Trigger for action




East Norwich Strategic Regeneration Area (ENSRA): incorporating:

  1. Land at the Deal Ground, Bracondale and Trowse Pumping Station in Norwich and the former May Gurney site at Trowse in South Norfolk.
  2. Land at Carrow Works, including Carrow House, Norwich.
  3. Utilities Site, Norwich.Land in front of ATB Laurence Scott, Norwich.

Residential led mixed-use development.


  1. At least 3,000 homes (of which 33% are affordable housing).

Infrastructure and other requirements (across the site):

  1. New Primary School.
  2. Neighbourhood Shopping Centre.
  3. Health Facilities.
  4. Recreational Space.
  5. Provision of a riverside walk along the northern and southern banks of the River Wensum.
  6. Remediation from contamination.
  7. Archaeological assessment.
  8. Flood risk assessment.
  9. 10% Biodiversity gain.

Deal Ground/May Gurney Site:

  1. Conservation of the listed ‘bottle kiln’ and Trowse Pumping Station.
  2. New/replacement junction near the existing Bracondale entrance to the May Gurney Site.
  3. A fixed all modes bridge over the River Yare connecting the May Gurney site to the Deal Ground.
  4. A spine road across the Deal Ground.
  5. An east-west pedestrian/cycle route to connect railway underpass to Whitlingham Bridge and the city centre.
  6. Land safeguarded to enable delivery of a twin track Trowse Rail bridge.
  7. An all-modes bridge over the River Wensum to the Utilities site and connected to the spine road.

Provide at least 3,000 homes according with the trajectory.

Provide around 990 affordable homes.

Provision of infrastructure and other requirements as indicated in policy.

Fewer than 3,000 homes are permitted.

The site is not delivering in line with the trajectory.

Affordable homes, infrastructure and other requirements are not permitted or delivered in line with policy requirements.

Assess why the housing targets are not being met. If there are viability concerns update the Viability Assessment.

Consider whether a review of the plan should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure identified housing needs can be met.

Consider alternative means of delivering affordable housing, infrastructure, and other needs.



East Norwich Strategic Regeneration Area (ENSRA): incorporating:

  1. Land at the Deal Ground, Bracondale and Trowse Pumping Station in Norwich and the former May Gurney site at Trowse in South Norfolk.
  2. Land at Carrow Works, including Carrow House, Norwich.
  3. Utilities Site, Norwich.
  4. Land in front of ATB Laurence Scott, Norwich.
  1. A new high-quality marina.
  2. Unconstrained access and services to the moorings downstream of the new Wensum bridge.
  3. Continued access (including services) to the existing Carrow Yacht Club.

Carrow Works:

  1. An east-west pedestrian/cycle route to connect King Street to the railway underpass.
  2. A pedestrian/cycle bridge over the River Wensum linking to Carrow Road.
  3. Key road infrastructure across the site.
  4. Provision of a second point of access to King Street.
  5. Pedestrian/cycle routes to the city centre and Bracondale.
  6. Cycle route to connect the Martineau Lane roundabout to King Street.

Utilities Site:

  1. An all-modes bridge over the River Wensum connecting to the Deal Ground spine road.
  2. A new high-quality marina.
  3. A pedestrian/cycle route along the River Wensum frontage connecting to the adopted riverside walkway to the west of Laurence Scott.
  4. A secondary/emergency vehicular and pedestrian/cycle access to Hardy Road and/or Cremorne Lane.
  5. Unconstrained access and services to the moorings downstream of the new Wensum bridge.

ATB Laurence Scott:

  1. A pedestrian/ cycle route along the River Wensum fro ntage connecting to the adopted riverside walkway to the west of Laurence Scott.

Provide at least 3,000 homes according with the trajectory.

Provide around 990 affordable homes.

Provision of infrastructure and other requirements as indicated in policy.

Fewer than 3,000 homes are permitted.

The site is not delivering in line with the trajectory.

Affordable homes, infrastructure and other requirements are not permitted or delivered in line with policy requirements.

Assess why the housing targets are not being met. If there are viability concerns update the Viability Assessment.

Consider whether a review of the plan should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure identified housing needs can be met.

Consider alternative means of delivering affordable housing, infrastructure, and other needs.



Land at and adjoining Anglia Square, Norwich.

Residential led mixed-use development.


  1. In the region of 800 homes.
  2. 28% affordable homes.
  3. Low-car housing.

Other potential uses:

  1. Student Accommodation.
  2. Retailing contributing to large district centre.
  3. Employment (offices and flexible workspace).
  4. Hotel.
  5. Leisure and Hospitality.

Infrastructure and other requirements:

  1. Removal of long-term vacant buildings (including Sovereign House and the multi-storey car park).
  2. Replacement car-parking for the large district centre.
  3. Cycle routes (including the north-south scheme ref. 55 in Norwich LCWIP and an east-west route).
  4. A Mobility Hub.
  5. High quality public realm (including green infrastructure).
  6. Heritage Interpretation measures.
  7. 10% Biodiversity Net Gain.

Provide in the region of 800 homes according with the trajectory.

Provide at least 224 affordable homes.

Provide a mix of other potential uses.

Provision of infrastructure and other requirements as indicated in policy.

Fewer than 800 homes are permitted.

The site is not delivering in line with the trajectory.

Affordable homes, infrastructure and other requirements are not permitted or delivered in line with policy requirements.

Assess why the housing targets are not being met. If there are viability concerns, update the Viability Assessment.

Consider whether a review of the plan should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure identified housing needs can be met.

Consider alternative means of delivering affordable housing, infrastructure, and other needs.



Land known as ‘Site 4’ at Norwich Airport.

Aviation related employment, aviation educational uses and general employment.


  1. Aviation related uses within E(g)(ii), E(g)(iii), B2, B8 and F1(a).
  2. General employment within E(g)(ii), E(g)(iii), B2 and B8.
  3. Non-aviation development is limited to no more than 23.16hectares of the site and no more than 50% floorspace of the development.

Infrastructure and other requirements:

  1. A Design Concept masterplan.
  2. An Airport Surface Access Strategy adopted prior to occupation of more than 30,000 sqm (GEA) floor space.
  3. A Mobility Hub.
  4. A bus link and bus gate between the terminal building and Spitfire Road agreed prior to occupation of more than 30,000 m² (GEA) floor space.
  5. 10% Biodiversity Net Gain.

At least 50% floorspace of the development to be aviation related uses within the specified use classes.

No more than 23.16 hectares and 50% floor space of the development for non-aviation development.

Provision of infrastructure and other requirements as indicated in policy.

Less than 50% floorspace is permitted for aviation related uses.

More than 23.16 hectares or 50% floorspace is permitted for non-aviation development.

Other infrastructure requirements not permitted or delivered in line with policy requirements.

Assess why the employment needs are not being met.

Consider whether a review of the plan should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure identified employment needs can be met.

Consider alternative means of delivering infrastructure and other needs.



Three Score, Bowthorpe, Norwich.

Residential development:

  1. Approximately 755 homes.
  2. 33% affordable housing.

Infrastructure and other requirements:

  1. Connections to the existing strategic cycle network.
  2. New bus routes.
  3. Network of pedestrian routes.
  4. Provision for significant areas of recreational and informal open space.
  5. 10% Biodiversity Net Gain.

A minimum of 755 homes according with the trajectory.

Provide around 249 Affordable homes.

Provision of infrastructure and other requirements as indicated in policy.

Fewer than 755 are homes are permitted.

The site is not delivering in line with the trajectory.

Affordable homes, infrastructure and other requirements are not permitted or delivered in line with policy requirements.

Assess why the housing targets are not being met. If there are viability concerns update the Viability Assessment.

Consider whether a review of the plan should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure identified housing needs can be met.

Consider alternative means of delivering affordable housing, infrastructure, and other needs.



Land adjacent to Norwich Research Park (NRP), Colney.

Science Park development, hospital expansion and ancillary uses.


  1. Research and development uses under Class E (gii).
  2. Hospital and Hospital related uses.
  3. Other uses clearly ancillary to the main functions of the Norwich Research Park (NRP) and/or complementary to the main anchor institutions will also be acceptable.

Infrastructure and other requirements:

  1. B1108 Watton Road junction improvements.
  2. Improvements to capacity at the B1108/A47 junction.
  3. Public transport access and provision.
  4. Pedestrian and cycle links within the wider NRP and to/from significant areas of housing.
  5. Parking ratios of approximately 1 space per 60m2 of floor area (excluding plant).
  6. Flood risk assessment.
  7. Archaeological assessment.
  8. 10% Biodiversity Net Gain.

Provide employment uses within Class E (gii).

Provide hospital and hospital related uses.

Provide other ancillary uses.

Provision of infrastructure and other requirements as indicated in policy.

Other use classes are permitted which are not in line with policy requirements.

Other infrastructure requirements are not permitted or delivered in line with policy requirements.

Assess why the employment needs are not being met.

Consider whether a review of the plan should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure identified employment needs can be met.

Consider alternative means of delivering infrastructure and other needs.



Longwater Employment Area, Costessey.

Employment development.


  1. Provision of employment principally for E(g), B2 and B8 use class (2020) employment uses.
  2. Other employment uses that are not identified as main town centre uses in the NPPF, specifically further car showrooms and petrol filling stations.

Infrastructure and other requirements:

  1. Contributions to short, medium and long-term improvements to the A47 Longwater Junction.
  2. Contributions to public transport improvements on the Dereham Road corridor and other public transport enhancements.
  3. Pedestrian and cycle links to key locations including access to Longwater retail and nearby residential locations at Queen’s Hills, New Costessey and Easton.
  4. 10% Biodiversity Net Gain.

Provide employment uses within use classes E(g), B2 and B8.

Provision of infrastructure and other requirements as indicated in policy.

Other use classes are permitted which are not in line with policy requirements.

Infrastructure and other requirements are not permitted or delivered in line with policy.

Assess why the employment needs are not being met.

Consider whether a review of the plan should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure identified employment needs can be met.

Consider alternative means of delivering infrastructure and other needs.



Land north of the A11, Cringleford.

Residential development.


  1. Approximately 1,060 homes.
  2. 33% affordable housing.

Infrastructure and other requirements:

  1. Transport assessment.
  2. Footpath and cycleway connections to the Roundhouse Way bus interchange.
  3. Improvements to Colney Lane.
  4. Enhanced pedestrian, cycle and public transport access to NRP and UEA.
  5. Enhanced walking routes to nearby schools.
  6. New school, or equivalent alternative provision (3 hectares).
  7. Landscape buffer in accordance with the bypass protection zone.
  8. Sustainable drainage system.
  9. 10% Biodiversity Net Gain.

Provide a minimum of 1,060 homes according with the trajectory.

Provide around 350 Affordable homes.

Provision of infrastructure and other requirements as indicated in policy.

Fewer than 1,060 homes are permitted.

The site is not delivering in line with the trajectory.

Affordable homes, infrastructure and other requirements not permitted or delivered in line with policy requirements.

Assess why the housing targets are not being met. If there are viability concerns update the Viability Assessment.

Consider whether a review of the plan should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure identified housing needs can be met.

Consider alternative means of delivering affordable housing, infrastructure, and other needs.



Land south and east of Easton.

Residential development.


  1. Approximately 954 homes.
  2. 33% affordable housing.

Infrastructure and other requirements:

  1. New village centre, to include village green/focal recreation space and shared parking provision.
  2. Expanded primary school provision in agreement with the education authority.
  3. Heritage assessment of St. Peter’s Church.
  4. Protection of the existing allotments.
  5. Landscape buffer and enhancements to the A47 corridor.
  6. Proportionate contributions to access improvements to the Yare Valley and Bawburgh/Colney Lakes.
  7. Proportionate contributions to the A47 Easton and Longwater junctions.
  8. Contributions to Dereham Road Bus Rapid Transit.
  9. Pedestrian and cycle links to key locations, including Longwater employment and retail, Costessey Medical Centre, Ormiston Victory Academy, Costessey Park and Ride site and Easton College.
  10. 10% Biodiversity Net Gain.

Provide a minimum of 954 homes according with the trajectory.

Provide around 315 Affordable homes.

Provision of infrastructure and other requirements. as indicated in policy.

Fewer than 954 homes are permitted.

The site is not delivering in line with the trajectory.

Affordable homes, infrastructure and other requirements are not permitted or delivered in line with policy requirements.

Assess why the housing targets are not being met. If there are viability concerns update the Viability Assessment.

Consider whether a review of the plan should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure identified housing needs can be met.

Consider alternative means of delivering affordable housing, infrastructure, and other needs.



Land at the Royal Norwich Golf Club, either side of Drayton High Road, Hellesdon.

Residential development.


  1. Approximately 1,000 homes.
  2. 33% affordable housing.

Infrastructure and other requirements:

  1. Improvements to existing traffic light-controlled junction and a possible pedestrian crossing on the A1067 Drayton High Road.
  2. Education provision, either as an expansion of the existing schools (Kinsale Infant School, Kinsale Junior School and Hellesdon High School) or land for a new primary school elsewhere within the site (2 hectares safeguarded).
  3. Golf provision equivalent elsewhere.
  4. 10% Biodiversity Net Gain.

Provide a minimum of 1,000 homes according with the trajectory.

Provide around 333 Affordable homes.

Provision of infrastructure and other requirements as indicated by policy.

Fewer than 1,000 homes are permitted.

The site is not delivering in line with the trajectory.

Affordable homes, infrastructure and other requirements are not permitted or delivered in line with policy requirements.

Assess why the housing targets are not being met. If there are viability concerns update the Viability Assessment.

Consider whether a review of the plan should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure identified housing needs can be met.

Consider alternative means of delivering affordable housing, infrastructure, and other needs.



Land off Blue Boar Lane/Salhouse Road, White House Farm, Sprowston.

Residential development.


  1. Approximately 1,000 to 1,200 homes.
  2. 33% affordable housing.

Infrastructure and other requirements:

  1. A masterplan to guide development.
  2. Reserve land for a secondary school* with sports pitches (12 hectares) to be made available for community use.
  3. Informal open space, children’s play space and allotments.
  4. Vehicular, pedestrian and cycle access via Salhouse Road and Atlantic Avenue.
  5. A new link road from Salhouse Road to Atlantic Avenue including foot/cycleway provision.
  6. A foot/cycleway along the southern boundary of the site adjacent to Salhouse Road.
  7. Green infrastructure connections between Harrisons Woodland Park and Bulmer Coppice/Rackheath Park.
  8. Ecological assessment.
  9. Appropriate remediation of any land contamination.
  10. A Water Framework Directive compliance assessment and a buffer of 20 metres.
  11. 10% Biodiversity Net Gain.

* Should a secondary school not be required the land uses shall comprise:

  1. Approximately 1,200 dwellings.
  2. 33% affordable housing.
  3. Reserve land for a primary school (2 hectares).
  4. Formal and informal open space, including sports pitches.
  5. 10% Biodiversity Net Gain.

A minimum of 1,000 homes according with the trajectory.

Provide around 330 Affordable homes.

Provision of infrastructure and other requirements.

Fewer than 1,000 homes are permitted.

The site is not delivering in line with the trajectory.

Affordable homes and infrastructure and other requirements are not permitted or delivered in line with policy requirements.

Assess why the housing targets are not being met. If there are viability concerns update the Viability Assessment.

Consider whether a review of the plan should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure identified housing needs can be met.

Consider alternative means of delivering affordable housing, infrastructure, and other needs.



Land between Fir Covert Road and Reepham Road, Taverham.

Residential development.


  1. Approximately 1,400 homes.
  2. 33% affordable housing.
  3. Specialist care housing and older persons housing units.

Infrastructure and other requirements:

  1. Masterplan to guide development.A local centre consisting of a small group of shops or services and amenities.
  2. On-site recreation.
  3. Land safeguarded for a Primary School (2 hectares).
  4. Land safeguarded for a medical care facility.
  5. Access (vehicular and pedestrian) including from Reepham Road and Fir Covert Road, pedestrian/cycle links at Felsham Way, Ganners Hill, Breck Farm Lane, and Kingswood Avenue.
  6. Provision of a new roundabout on Reepham Road, and Fir Covert Road including proposed link road.
  7. Landscape buffer to A1270.
  8. Arboricultural Impact Assessment.
  9. Ecological assessment.
  10. 10% Biodiversity Net Gain.

A minimum of 1,400 homes according with the trajectory.

Provide around 475 Affordable homes.

Provision of infrastructure and other requirements as indicated in policy.

Fewer than 1,400 homes are permitted.

The site is not delivering in line with the trajectory.

Affordable homes, facilities, infrastructure and other requirements are not permitted or delivered in line with policy requirements.

Assess why the housing targets are not being met. If there are viability concerns update the Viability Assessment.

Consider whether a review of the plan should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure identified housing needs can be met.

Consider alternative means of delivering affordable housing, infrastructure, and other needs.



Land south and south-west of Lotus Cars, Hethel.

Employment development.


  1. Uses associated with, or ancillary to, advanced engineering and technology-based business.

Infrastructure and other requirements:

  1. Access to adjacent land for future development if required.
  2. Ancillary uses may be permitted to serve the allocation and surrounding employment uses.
  3. Suitable and safe access.
  4. Layout and landscaping to protect the residential amenity of nearby White Gables Farm.
  5. Improved accessibility and cycleway links to Wymondham.
  6. Improvements to the local footpath network.
  7. 10% Biodiversity Net Gain.

Employment uses within class E(g) (ii).

Provision of infrastructure and other requirements as indicated by policy.

Other use classes are permitted which are not in line with policy requirements.

Infrastructure and other requirements are not permitted or delivered in line with policy requirements.

Assess why the employment needs are not being met.

Consider whether a review of the plan should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure identified employment needs can be met.

Consider alternative means of delivering infrastructure and other needs.



Land north of Hethersett.

Residential led mixed-use development.


  1. Approximately 1,369 homes.
  2. 33% affordable housing.

Other uses:

  1. Community facilities, such as formal open space and/or buildings.
  2. Expansion of local schools or provision of land for additional school/s will need to be agreed with the education authority.

Infrastructure and other requirements:

  1. Landscape buffer to the north between Beckhithe Meadow and Braymeadow County Wildlife Sites.
  2. Vehicular access onto Colney Lane.
  3. Footpath and cycle routes to Norwich Research Park and Little Melton.
  4. Additional public rights of way.
  5. Financial contributions to fund. improvements to the surrounding road network in addition to any Thickthorn junction improvements.
  6. Archaeological assessment.
  7. 10% Biodiversity Net Gain.

A minimum of 1,369 homes according with the trajectory.

Provide around 452 Affordable homes.

Provision of infrastructure and other requirements as indicated in policy.

Fewer than 1,369 homes are permitted.

The site is not delivering in line with the trajectory.

Affordable homes, facilities and infrastructure and other requirements are not permitted or delivered in line with policy requirements.

Assess why the housing targets are not being met. If there are viability concerns update the Viability Assessment.

Consider whether a review of the plan should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure identified housing needs can be met.

Consider alternative means of delivering affordable housing, infrastructure, and other needs.



Land east of the A140 and north of Norwich Airport, Horsham St Faith.

Employment development.


  1. Employment uses benefitting from a location close to the airport.
  2. Uses to be within use classes E(g), B2 and B8, with a maximum of 50% of total floorspace to be within the E(g)(i) class.

Infrastructure and other requirements:

  1. Substantial tree belts and landscaping buffer at the norther and eastern site boundaries.
  2. Access directly from the A140/A1270 Broadland Northway interchange to be provided.
  3. 10% Biodiversity Net Gain.

Employment uses benefitting from a location close to the airport.

Employment uses within classes E(g), B2 and B8, with a maximum of 50% of total floorspace to be within the E(g)(i) class.

Provision of infrastructure and other requirements as indicated in policy.

Other types of employment unrelated to the airport location are permitted.

Infrastructure and other requirements are not permitted or delivered in line with policy requirements.

Assess why the employment needs are not being met.

Consider whether a review of the plan should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure identified employment needs can be met.

Consider alternative means of delivering infrastructure and other needs.