Indicator Code, Type and Theme |
Data Sources / Frequency of Monitoring |
Target (and Baseline where relevant) |
Trigger for Action |
Action |
Policy 1 Sustainable Growth Strategy |
SGS1 Plan Indicator Jobs Growth |
Business Register and Employment Survey (BRES) on the ONS nomis website, monitored annually. |
To meet or exceed plan target for jobs (33,000 increase 2018 to 2038, also relates to policy 6). The annualised Greater Norwich target is 1,650 (33,000 / 20). Baseline 2018, total employment (thousands)
The 5-year rolling average of growth is less than the 5-year annualised target. |
Analysis of the reasons for limited jobs growth will determine whether there is a need to review plan policies or targets. |
SGS2 Plan Indicator Employment Land Delivery |
Local authority annual monitoring of employment land delivery (under use classes). Data to be divided between allocated and non-allocated sites in policy 6. |
There is no target or baseline for this indicator. |
There is no specific trigger relating to overall delivery. Site monitoring will determine whether any actions are required. |
Analysis of the reasons for employment land not being delivered will inform whether there is a need for any interventions andtheor a refresh of the Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA) to identify additional sites to meet employment growth needs. |
SGS3 Plan Indicator Housing Delivery |
Local authority annual monitoring of net housing delivery (including conversions and purpose-built student accommodation and older people’s (C2) residential institution bed spaces at a discounted rate to be stated in the AMR – see also indicators H3 and H4). |
To meet or exceed plan requirements for 40,541 net new homes over the plan period 2018-2038. The annual requirement for 2018 to 2038 is 2,027. The target of 1,990 homes for this policy is based on the average annual number of homes remaining to be delivered after 2022 to meet the plan’s residual requirement. There is no baseline for this indicator. |
SGS4 Plan Indicator Windfall Housing Percentage |
Local authority annual monitoring of housing delivery. |
To identify the percentage of homes provided on windfall sites. |
There is no trigger for the percentage of windfall homes provided. |
Analysis of the reasons for the percentage of windfall housing provided will inform whether there is a need for a full or partial local plan review. |
SGS5 Plan Indicator Settlement Hierarchy |
Local authority annual monitoring of housing delivery. |
The average annual housing delivery from adoption of the plan is broadly in accordance with the planned distribution in the settlement hierarchy in the plan’s strategy.
There is no baseline for this indicator. |
The 5-year rolling average for all completions is within 10% of the target for the distribution at each level of the hierarchy. |
Review the housing trajectory and assess reasons for the planned strategic distribution not being delivered. The reasons for this will feed into consideration of the need for a full or partial local plan review. |
SGS6 Plan Indicator Strategic Growth Area |
Local authority annual monitoring of housing delivery. |
SGS6.1 Housing delivery is broadly in accordance with the planned distribution in the Strategic Growth Area as set out in the GNLP Strategy. Annual Housing target (around 70% of total) = 1,575). SGS 6.2 Employment delivery contributes to the focus on the Strategic Growth Area. |
SGS6.1 The 5-year rolling average for housing completions is more than 10% below the target. SGS6.2 The proportion of take up of employment land will be monitored, but with no specific target. |
An assessment of the reasons why the growth planned for the Strategic Growth Area is not being achieved will feed into consideration of the need for a full or partial local plan review. |
SGS7 Plan Indicator Brownfield land redevelopment |
Local authority annual monitoring of housing delivery. |
As per GNLP Strategy paragraph 166a, at least 22% of the total housing delivery over the plan period will be on brownfield sites. There is no baseline for this indicator. |
The 5-year rolling average for housing completions on brownfield sites is more than 5% below the target. |
An assessment of the reasons why the housing growth planned on brownfield sites is not being achieved will feed into consideration of the need for measures to support brownfield site redevelopment or a partial or full local plan review. |
SGS8 Local Contextual Indicator Per capita carbon emissions |
This data will be collected annually. It is published 2 years after the named year. Data is taken from the Local Government Information (LGI) website here. LGI source the data from the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. |
The target is to reduce per capita carbon dioxide emissions year on year to contribute to meeting the national target to reduce all greenhouse gas emissions by 68% by 2030 and by 78% by 2035 compared to 1990 levels, and to achieve zero carbon development by 2050. Baseline 2020 per capita CO2 emissions (tonnes)
A rise in carbon emissions in any district or in Greater Norwich in any year. |
Analysis of the reasons for carbon emissions not falling annually will inform an assessment of the need to review policies. |
Policy 2 Sustainable Communities |
SC1 Plan Indicator Housing Density |
Local authority annual monitoring of the net density of housing permissions. |
Net housing densities are at least 40 dwellings per hectare in Norwich and 25 elsewhere as required by policy 2. There is no baseline for this indicator. |
5-year rolling average of the density for all housing permissions is below the targets. |
An assessment of the reasons for the minimum densities not being achieved will feed into consideration of the need for a partial or full local plan review. |
SC2 Plan Indicator Design |
Monitored annually through officer assessment of sustainability statements. |
Major residential developments perform positively against the Sustainability Statement Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) requirements. There is no baseline for this indicator. |
There is no trigger for this indicator. |
Low overall performance in comparison with SPD requirements will inform whether to amend implementation processes or undertake a review of the policy/SPD. |
SC3 Plan Indicator Sustainability Statements |
Monitored annually through officer assessment of Sustainability Statements. |
All major developments are supported by an SPD compliant Sustainability Statement. There is no baseline for this indicator. |
Compliance is below 100%. |
Investigation of the reasons for non-compliant applications being permitted will inform the need to amend implementation processes or undertake a review of the policy. |
SC4 Plan Indicator Delivery Plans |
Monitored annually through officer assessment of Delivery Plans. |
All housing developments of 100 homes plus are supported by a Delivery Plan setting out the timing of the housing delivery. There is no baseline for this indicator. |
Compliance is below 100%. |
Investigation of the reasons for non-compliant applications being permitted will inform the need to amend implementation processes or undertake a review of the policy. |
SC5 Plan Indicator Renewable Energy |
Monitored annually through officer assessment of planning permissions for renewable energy developments. |
To increase renewable energy capacity permitted by type (where not ancillary to other types of development). |
There is no trigger for this indicator. |
There is no action for this indicator. |
SC6 Plan Indicator Flood Risk |
Monitored annually through officer assessment of planning permissions. |
To minimise the number of planning permissions granted contrary to the advice of the Environment Agency on flood defence grounds. |
There is no specific trigger relating to flood risk. Site by site monitoring will determine whether any actions are required. |
Analysis of the reasons for planning permissions being granted against Environment Agency advice will inform whether there is a need for any intervention. |
SC7 Plan Indicator Water Efficiency |
Monitored annually through officer assessment of planning permission conditions. |
To achieve 100% against the water efficiency policy for new homes requirement of 110 litres per person per day and BREEAM “Very Good” for non-housing development. |
Compliance is below 100%. |
Investigation of the reasons for non-compliant applications being permitted will inform the need to amend implementation processes or undertake a review of the policy. |
Policy 3 Environmental Protection and Enhancement - Built Environment |
EPE1 Plan Indicator Preventing the coalescence of settlements |
Monitored annually by officers. |
No permissions are granted for major developments in defined strategic gaps. |
Compliance is below 100%. |
Investigation of the reasons for non-compliant applications being permitted will inform the need to amend implementation processes or undertake a review of the policy. |
EPE2 Plan Indicator Number of Conservation Areas with an appraisal |
Monitored annually by planning officers. |
To increase the number of conservation areas with an appraisal. Baseline 2022 (appraisals compared to number of conservation areas): Greater Norwich total 72/90 (Broadland 15/21, Norwich 13/17, South Norfolk 44/52). |
No increase in the number conservation areas with an appraisal. |
Investigate why the number of conservation areas with an appraisal is not rising. This will inform the need for any policy review. |
EPE3 Local Contextual Indicator Condition of Heritage Assets |
Monitored annually by Historic England through the Buildings at Risk Register. |
To reduce the number of listed buildings, conservation areas and scheduled ancient monuments on the buildings at risk register. Baseline 2021 - Greater Norwich total 31 (Broadland 5, Norwich 10, South Norfolk 16). |
An increase in the numbers of buildings, conservation areas and scheduled ancient monuments on the buildings at risk register over a 3-year period. |
Investigate why the number of protected buildings, conservation areas and scheduled ancient monuments on the buildings at risk register is rising. This will inform the need for any policy review. |
EPE4 Plan Indicator Landscape |
Monitored annually by planning officers. |
To minimise the number of planning approvals granted contrary to the advice of the Broads Authority based on adverse impact on the Broads landscape. |
One or more relevant major residential approval is granted against the Broads Authority advice. |
Analysis of the reasons for permissions being granted against advice will assist in making a decision on the need to review any policies. |
Policy 3 Environmental Protection and Enhancement - Natural Environment |
EPE5 Plan Indicator Designated Natural Assets |
Monitored annually by planning officers. |
Development should not reduce the amount of designated natural assets. |
Reduction in the size of internationally, nationally and locally designated natural assets as a result of development. |
Assess reasons why development has taken place on internationally, nationally and locally designated natural assets. Consider reviewing the policy wording. |
EPE6 Plan Indicator Biodiversity Net Gain |
Monitored annually through officer assessment of Biodiversity Net Gain compliance evidence submitted with planning applications. |
Adequate evidence is submitted with all permitted applications to show how biodiversity net gain exceeding 10% will be achieved (either on or off-site). |
Compliance falls below 100%. |
Investigate why non-compliant applications are being permitted. This will inform the need for any policy review. |
EPE7 Plan Indicator Green Infrastructure |
Monitored annually through officer assessment of green infrastructure evidence submitted with planning applications. |
Evidence supporting all permitted applications shows the amount of new green infrastructure being provided (in hectares) on or off-site. There is no specific target for this. |
One or more relevant approval is granted without providing adequate green infrastructure. |
Investigate why non-compliant applications are being permitted. This will inform the need for any policy review. |
EPE8 Plan Indicator Visitor Pressure |
Monitored annually through officer assessment of visitor pressure mitigation payments and information. |
EPE7.1 Contributions (£) collected towards the cost of mitigation measures at the protected sites. There is no specific target. EPE7.2 Adequate evidence is submitted with all permissions to show how informal green infrastructure for residential development will be provided on or off-site to meet the 2 hectares per 1,000 population standard. |
One or more relevant residential approval is granted without providing required financial contributions or meeting informal green space requirements. |
Investigate why non-compliant applications are being permitted. This will inform the need for any policy or implementation review. |
EPE9 Local Contextual Indicator Condition of protected habitats (nutrient neutrality) |
Monitored periodically by Natural England and the Environment Agency. |
The target is for a reduction in nutrient loading so that the water quality in internationally protected habitat sites impacted by development in Greater Norwich (the River Wensum SAC for phosphorus and the Broads SAC and Broadland Ramsar for phosphorus and nitrogen) meets water quality targets and the sites are no longer in an “unfavourable condition”. The baseline is that, as of 2022, all three habitat sites are in an “unfavourable condition” due to nutrient pollution. |
Monitoring shows that the protected habitat sites are no longer in “unfavourable condition”. |
Policy 3 nutrient neutrality requirements will no longer be applied to planning applications. |
Policy 4 Strategic Infrastructure |
SI1 Plan Indicator Education Infrastructure |
Planning permissions, monitored annually, including liaison with Norfolk County Council. |
New and expanded schools required by policy 4 are provided for in co-ordination with housing development. See GNLP appendix 1 along with annual updates in the AMR for an ongoing list of required and completed school developments. |
One or more relevant major residential approval is granted without providing for the schools identified to support growth in appendix 1 or in site allocation policies. |
Analysis of the reasons for required school developments not being provided will assist in making a decision on the need to review any policies. |
SI2 Plan indicator Other Infrastructure |
Monitored annually through liaison with other infrastructure providers (transport, water, energy, broadband, health care, police, libraries, sport and leisure and waste management). |
See appendix 1 and annual updates in the AMR for the list of other new infrastructure required to support growth. |
There is not timely delivery of the other infrastructure set out in appendix 1. |
Analysis of the reasons for non-delivery of required infrastructure will inform whether there is a need to review policies. |
SI3 Plan Indicator Highways |
Planning permissions, monitored annually, including liaison with Norfolk County Council. |
Minimise the number of planning approvals granted contrary to the advice of Norfolk County Council Highways department (based upon access or surrounding road network constraints). There is no baseline for this indicator. |
One or more relevant major residential approval is granted against county council highways advice. |
Analysis of the reasons for permissions being granted against advice will assist in deciding on the need to review any policies. |
SI4 Plan Indicator Sustainable Transport |
Planning permissions, monitored annually, including liaison with Norfolk County Council. |
Sites of 50+ dwellings connected to the existing or planned cycle network. There is no baseline for this indicator. |
One or more residential approval for 50+ dwellings is granted without cycle network links. |
Analysis of the reasons for permissions being granted without cycle network links will assist in deciding on the need to review any policies. |
S15 Plan Indicator Access to rail |
Planning permissions, monitored annually. |
Percentage of completed homes located within 8 kilometres of a railway station. |
There is no target for this indicator. |
Analysis of the proportion of homes within 8 kilometres of a railway station will help to inform future reviews of the strategy. |
Site allocation monitoring in table 2 of this appendix includes information on the delivery of site-specific infrastructure. |
Policy 5 Homes |
H1 Plan Indicator Affordable Homes |
Local authority annual monitoring of affordable homes permissions. |
H1.1 - Number of affordable homes permitted. The initial target is 670 per year from the ORS evidence study. This will be updated in line with the most up-to-date evidence of local housing need. H1.2 Percentage of affordable dwellings permitted per year, taking account of different targets in Norwich City Centre (28%) and elsewhere in the plan area (33%). H1.3 Tenure split of affordable homes permitted, taking account of different tenure targets in Norwich and Broadland/South Norfolk as established in the most up-to-date evidence of local housing need. |
The 5-year rolling average for all affordable permissions is at or below the number, percentage and tenure targets. |
An assessment of the reasons why the affordable housing number, percentage and/or tenure targets are not being achieved will feed into consideration of the need for a full or partial local plan review. |
H2 Plan Indicator Housing Space Standards |
Local authority annual monitoring of housing permissions. |
All new dwellings meet the Government’s Nationally Described Space Standards (NDSS). |
Compliance of planning permissions falls below 100%. |
Investigate why non-compliant applications are being permitted and determine action. |
H3 Plan Indicator Specialist housing for older people and others with support needs |
Local authority annual monitoring of specialist housing permissions. |
There is no specific baseline or target for this indicator. |
There is no trigger for the number of homes permitted. |
Analysis of the levels of specialist housing delivery will inform whether there is a need to review plan policies, evidence or implementation. |
H4 Plan Indicator Accessible and Adaptable Homes |
Local authority annual monitoring of housing permissions. |
All sites of 10 or more homes provide 20% of dwellings to the accessible and adaptable standard (as defined by Building Regulation M4(2)). |
Compliance of planning permissions falls below 100%. |
Investigate why non-compliant applications are being permitted and determine action. |
H5 Plan Indicator Gypsy and Traveller Pitches |
Local authority annual monitoring of Gypsy and Traveller pitch permissions and completions. |
To meet 52 pitch-target for the completion of Gypsy and Traveller pitches set out in GNLP policy 5.
Both permissions granted and completions will be monitored, along with whether Gypsy and Traveller pitches come forward on allocated or windfall sites. |
Within the first 3 years the number of pitches delivered falls below the annual requirement of the 5-year land supply. By year 8 delivery falls below the annual requirement to meet the needs of years 6 to 10. |
Analysis of the reasons for this will take place to assess how to accelerate pitch delivery, possibly including a refresh of the plan if required. |
H6 Plan Indicator Travelling Show People’s Plots |
Local authority annual monitoring of Travelling Show People’s plot permissions and completions. |
To meet the 43-plot plan target for Travelling Show People from 2022 to 2038 (2-3 plots per year). |
Within the first 5 years the number of plots permitted falls below the annual requirement for the plan period of 2-3 plots per year. |
Analysis of the reasons for this will take place to assess how to accelerate plot delivery, possibly including a refresh of the plan if required. |
H7 Plan Indicator Residential Caravans |
Local authority annual monitoring of residential caravan permissions. |
There is no baseline or target for this indicator. |
There is no trigger for this indicator. |
Analysis of the levels of residential caravan delivery will inform whether there is a need to review plan policies, evidence or implementation. |
H8 Plan Indicator Purpose-built student accommodation |
Local authority annual monitoring of housing permissions. |
There is no specific target or baseline for this indicator. |
There is no trigger for the number of bedspaces permitted. |
Analysis of the levels of purpose-built student accommodation delivery will inform whether there is a need to review plan policies, targets, evidence or implementation. |
H9 Plan Indicator Self and Custom-Build Housing |
Local authority annual monitoring of housing permissions. |
H6.1 Number of self and custom-build homes permitted (there is no specific target or baseline). H6.2 All sites of 40 dwellings or more (excluding flats) provide 5% of plots for self or custom-build homes. |
H6.1 There is no trigger for the number of homes permitted. H6.2 Compliance of planning permissions falls below 100%. |
H6.1 Analysis of the levels of self and custom build housing delivery will inform whether there is a need to review plan policies, targets, evidence or implementation. H6.2 Investigation of why non-compliant applications are being permitted will determine the action taken. |
Policy 6 The Economy |
ECON1 Jobs Growth is reported under policy 1, indicator SGS1. |
ECON2 Local Contextual Indicator Business Floorspace |
Taken annually from Valuation Office Agency (VOA) data. |
There is no specific target for this indicator. |
There is no trigger for this indicator. |
Analysis of the reasons for business floorspace growth or decline will inform whether there is a need to review plan policies, targets, evidence or implementation. |
ECON3 Plan Indicator Employment land on allocated / strategic sites |
Local authority annual monitoring of employment development. |
To develop out strategic, allocated and permitted employment sites for employment uses: office (E(g)), industrial (B2), and storage/distribution (B8) floorspace (hectares). There is no specific target for this indicator. |
There is no trigger for this indicator. |
Analysis of the reasons for limited employment growth on allocated/strategic sites will inform whether there is a need to review plan policies, targets, evidence or implementation. |
ECON4 Plan Indicator Research and Development |
Local authority annual monitoring of employment development. |
To develop out allocated and permitted employment sites for Science Park, hospital expansion and related uses (class E(gii)). There is no specific target for this indicator. |
There is no trigger for this indicator. |
Analysis of the reasons for limited employment growth on Science Park allocated sites will inform whether there is a need to review plan policies, targets, evidence or implementation. |
ECON5 Local Contextual Indicator Skills |
Labour Market Profile, Employment by occupation, Nomis |
To increase the percentage of the workforce employed in groups 1 to 3 (professionals). Baseline 2022
The percentage of the workforce employed in groups 1 to 3 reduces. |
Analysis of the reasons for a reduced percentage of the workforce employed in groups 1 to 3 will inform whether there is a need to review plan policies, targets, evidence or implementation. |
ECON6 Local Contextual Indicator Earnings |
Labour Market Profile, Earnings by place of residence Nomis. |
To increase gross weekly pay (£) for full time employees. Baseline 2022
Earnings reduce in comparison with the national median. |
Analysis of the reasons for limited earnings growth in comparison with national changes will inform whether there is a need to review plan policies, targets, evidence or implementation. |
Policy 7.1 Norwich Urban Area |
Housing growth in this part of the hierarchy is reported under Policy 1 indicator SGS5. |
NUA1 Plan Indicator Thriving city centre |
The retail vacancy rate in Norwich City Centre is measured annually by Norwich City Council and nationally by retail analysis companies. |
NUA1 .1
Analysis of the reasons for increased vacancy rates will inform whether there is a need to review plan policies. |
The footfall in retail areas in Norwich City Centre is measured annually by Norwich Business Improvement District (BID). |
NUA1.2 A year on year increase in footfall in the retail area of the city centre. Baseline to be established in the first AMR. |
Failure to achieve a rolling 5-year increase in footfall compared to the previous 5 ;years. |
Analysis of the reasons for lack of footfall growth will inform whether there is a need to review plan policies |
Loss of office space to residential uses is monitored annually by Norwich City Council. |
NUA 1.3 To minimise the loss of office space to residential uses. There is no target for this indicator, baseline to be established in the first AMR. |
A loss of high-quality office space to residential uses. |
Analysis of the reasons for office losses will inform whether there is a need to review plan policies and the implementation of the Article 4 Direction. |
Employment in Norwich City Centre (using Mancroft, Thorpe Hamlet and Town Close data as the nearest proxy) from Business Register and Employment Survey (BRES) on the ONS nomis website, monitored annually. |
NUA1.4 To minimise the loss of employment in the city centre. Baseline 2018, total employment = 53,500. |
Annual losses in employment in the city centre. |
Analysis of the reasons for jobs losses will determine whether there is a need to review plan policies. |
Policies 7.2 - 7.4 Main Towns, Key Service Centres and Village Clusters |
Housing growth in these parts of the hierarchy is reported under Policy 1 indicator SGS5. |
Policy 7.5 Small scale windfall outside development boundaries |
W1 Plan indicator Windfall delivery compliant with Policy 7.5 |
Broadland and South Norfolk annual monitoring. |
Delivery of at least 800 Self or Custom build dwellings outside settlement boundaries over the remainder of the plan period. |
No trigger for the number of homes permitted. |
Analysis of the levels of self and custom build housing delivery on sites outside settlement boundaries will inform whether there is a need to review plan policies, targets, evidence or implementation. |