Table 2 - Site Progress Indicators - Norwich Sites



Development type and indicators


Trigger for action



Land at Whitefriars, Norwich.

Residential led mixed-use development.


  1. Deliver a minimum of 220 homes.
  2. 28% affordable homes.
  3. Low car/car-free housing.

Other potential uses:

  1. Office and managed workspace.
  2. Ancillary retail uses.
  3. Restaurants and bars.
  4. Recreational open space, play space.

Infrastructure and other requirements:

  1. Flood mitigation measures.
  2. Reintroduce a building line along Barrack Street and a frontage to the river.
  3. River access and riverside walk.
  4. Open space/play near the city wall.
  5. Pedestrian/cycle routes east-west across the site to connect to the cycle network.
  6. Protection of bankside access for maintenance.
  7. 10% Biodiversity Net Gain.

Provide 220 new homes in accordance with the trajectory.

Provide around 62 affordable homes.

Provide a mix of other potential uses.

Provision of infrastructure and other requirements as indicated in policy.

Fewer than 220 homes are permitted.

The site is not delivering in line with the trajectory.

Affordable homes, infrastructure and other requirements are not permitted or delivered in line with policy requirements.

No mix of employment uses is permitted.

Assess why the housing targets are not being met. If there are viability concerns, update the Viability Assessment.

Consider whether a review of the plan should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure identified housing needs can be met.

Consider alternative means of delivering affordable housing, infrastructure, and other needs.


Land south of Barrack Street, Norwich.

Residential led mixed-use development.


  1. A minimum of 200 homes.
  2. 28% affordable homes.
  3. Low car/car-free housing.

Other potential uses:

  1. Offices and managed workspace.
  2. Ancillary retail and professional uses.
  3. Restaurants, cafes, and bars.
  4. Recreational open space.

Infrastructure and other requirements:

  1. Flood mitigation measures.
  2. River access and riverside walk.
  3. Open space/play provision.
  4. Pedestrian/cycle routes east-west across the site to connect to the cycle network.
  5. Protection of bankside access for maintenance.
  6. 10% Biodiversity Net Gain.

Provide 200 new homes in accordance with the trajectory.

Provide around 56 affordable homes.

Provide a mix of other potential uses.

Provision of infrastructure and other requirements as indicated in policy.

Fewer than 200 homes are permitted.

The site is not delivering in line with the trajectory.

Affordable homes, infrastructure and other requirements are not permitted or delivered in line with policy requirements.

No mix of employment uses is permitted.

Assess why the housing targets are not being met. If there are viability concerns, update the Viability Assessment.

Consider whether a review of the plan should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure identified housing needs can be met.

Consider alternative means of delivering affordable housing, infrastructure, and other needs.


Land at Rose Lane/ Mountergate, Norwich.

Employment led mixed-use development.


  1. A minimum of 50 homes integrated within the employment led site.
  2. 28% affordable homes.
  3. Low car/car-free housing.

Other potential uses:

  1. High quality offices, managed workspace and live-work units.
  2. Small-scale retail and food/drink uses.
  3. Enhanced public realm, open space (including community open space).

Infrastructure and other requirements:

  1. Flood mitigation measures.
  2. Enhanced public realm, open space and biodiversity enhancements.
  3. Pedestrian/cycle links, connecting through the adjoining site to the riverside walk.
  4. 10% Biodiversity Net Gain.

Provide 50 new homes in accordance with the trajectory.

Provide around 14 affordable homes.

Provide a mix of other potential uses.

Provision of infrastructure and other requirements as indicated in policy.

Fewer than 50 homes are permitted.

The site is not delivering in line with the trajectory.

Affordable homes, infrastructure and other requirements are not permitted or delivered in line with policy requirements.

No mix of employment and housing uses is permitted.

Assess why the housing targets are not being met. If there are viability concerns, update the Viability Assessment.

Consider whether a review of the plan should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure identified housing needs can be met.

Consider alternative means of delivering affordable housing, infrastructure, and other needs.


Land at Mountergate/ Prince of Wales Road, Norwich.

Mixed-use development.


  1. Deliver a minimum of 200 homes integrated within employment led site.
  2. 28% affordable homes or a commuted sum if student accommodation is provided.
  3. Low car/car-free housing.

Other potential uses:

  1. Hotel development.
  2. Student accommodation.
  3. Educational facilities.
  4. High quality offices, managed workspace and live-work units.
  5. Small-scale retail and food/drink uses.
  6. Enhanced public realm and open space (including community open space).

Infrastructure and other requirements:

  1. Flood mitigation measures.
  2. Enhanced public realm, open space and biodiversity enhancements.
  3. Pedestrian/cycle links, including connecting to a widened riverside walk.
  4. Protection of bankside access for maintenance.
  5. 10% Biodiversity Net Gain.

Provide 200 new homes in accordance with the trajectory.

Provide around 56 affordable homes or a commuted sum.

Provide a mix of other potential uses.

Provision of infrastructure and other requirements as indicated in policy.

Fewer than 200 equivalent homes are permitted.

The site is not delivering in line with the trajectory.

Affordable homes, infrastructure and other requirements not permitted in line with policy requirements.

No mix of employment and housing uses is permitted.

Assess why the housing targets are not being met. If there are viability concerns, update the Viability Assessment.

Consider whether a review of the plan should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure identified housing needs can be met.

Consider alternative means of delivering affordable housing, infrastructure, and other needs.


Norwich Mail Centre, 13-17 Thorpe Road, Norwich.

Residential led mixed-use development.


  1. Deliver in the region of 150 homes.
  2. 28% affordable homes.
  3. Low car/car-free housing.

Other potential uses:

  1. Offices.
  2. Recreational open space and play space.

Infrastructure and other requirements:

  1. Re-establish built frontages to Thorpe Road, Lower Clarence Road and Stracey Road.
  2. Enhanced landscaping and green infrastructure and improved pedestrian and cycle links through the site.
  3. 10% Biodiversity Net Gain.

Provide 150 new homes in accordance with the trajectory.

Provide around 42 affordable homes.

Provide a mix of other potential uses.

Provision of infrastructure and other requirements as indicated in policy.

Fewer than 150 homes are permitted.

The site is not delivering in line with the trajectory.

Affordable homes, infrastructure and other requirements are not permitted or delivered in line with policy requirements.

No mix of housing and employment uses is permitted.

Assess why the housing targets are not being met. If there are viability concerns, update the Viability Assessment.

Consider whether a review of the plan should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure identified housing needs can be met.

Consider alternative means of delivering affordable housing, infrastructure, and other needs.


Land adjoining Norwich City Football Club north and east of Geoffrey Watling Way, Norwich.

Mixed-use development.


  1. Deliver a minimum of 270 homes.
  2. 28% affordable homes.
  3. Low car/car-free housing.

Other potential uses:

  1. Leisure.
  2. Community.
  3. Offices.
  4. Ancillary small retail uses.

Infrastructure and other requirements:

  1. Flood mitigation measures.
  2. Public transport interchange on-site.
  3. Public access to the river and a riverside walk/cycle link.
  4. High quality landscaping, planting and biodiversity enhancements particularly along river edge.
  5. Protection of bankside access for maintenance.
  6. 10% Biodiversity Net Gain.

Provide 270 new homes in accordance with the trajectory.

Provide around 76 affordable homes.

Provide a mix of other potential uses.

Provision of infrastructure and other requirements as indicated in policy.

Fewer than 270 homes are permitted.

The site is not delivering in line with the trajectory.

Affordable homes, infrastructure and other requirements are not permitted or delivered in line with policy requirements.

No mix of housing/commercial/leisure uses is permitted.

Assess why the housing targets are not being met. If there are viability concerns, update the Viability Assessment.

Consider whether a review of the plan should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure identified housing needs can be met.

Consider alternative means of delivering affordable housing, infrastructure, and other needs.


Land at Argyle Street, Norwich.

Residential development.


  1. A minimum of 15 homes.
  2. 28% affordable homes.

Infrastructure and other requirements:

  1. 10% Biodiversity Net Gain.

Provide 15 new homes in accordance with the trajectory.

Provide around 4 affordable homes.

Provision of other requirements as indicated in policy.

Fewer than 15 homes are permitted.

The site is not delivering in line with the trajectory.

Affordable homes, infrastructure and other requirements not permitted in line with policy requirements.

Assess why the housing targets are not being met. If there are viability concerns, update the Viability Assessment.

Consider whether a review of the plan should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure identified housing needs can be met.

Consider alternative means of delivering affordable housing.


King Street Stores, Norwich.

Residential development.


  1. Deliver a minimum of 20 homes.
  2. 28% affordable homes.

Infrastructure and other requirements:

  1. Provide link through site to Novi Sad bridge to the south and future riverside walk to the north.
  2. Protection of bankside access for maintenance purposes.
  3. 10% Biodiversity Net Gain.

Provide 15 new homes in accordance with the trajectory.

Provide around 4 affordable homes.

Provision of infrastructure and other requirements as indicated in policy.

Fewer than 15 homes are permitted.

The site is not delivering in line with the trajectory.

Affordable homes, infrastructure and other requirements are not permitted or delivered in line with policy requirements.

Assess why the housing targets are not being met. If there are viability concerns, update the Viability Assessment.

Consider whether a review of the plan should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure identified housing needs can be met.

Consider alternative means of delivering affordable housing.


Hobrough Lane, King Street, Norwich.

Residential led mixed-use development.


  1. Deliver a minimum of 20 homes.
  2. 28% affordable homes.
  3. Sensitive conversion of historic buildings fronting King Street and removal of unsympathetic post-war alterations.

Other potential uses:

  1. Small-scale retail.
  2. Offices.
  3. Food and drink.
  4. Tourist uses.

Infrastructure and other requirements:

  1. Enhance public realm along King Street and Hobrough Lane and provide a riverside walk linking to the cycle/pedestrian route to Lady Julian bridge.
  2. Heritage interpretation.
  3. Renovation of heritage at risk.
  4. Bankside access for maintenance.
  5. 10% Biodiversity Net Gain.

Provide a minimum of 20 new homes in accordance with the trajectory.

Provide around 6 affordable homes.

Provide a mix of other potential uses.

Provision of infrastructure and other requirements as indicated in policy.

Fewer than 20 homes are permitted.

The site is not delivering in line with the trajectory.

Affordable homes, infrastructure and other requirements are not permitted and delivered in line with policy requirements.

No mix of housing/commercial/leisure uses is permitted.

Assess why the housing targets are not being met. If there are viability concerns, update the Viability Assessment.

Consider whether a review of the plan should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure identified housing needs can be met.

Consider alternative means of delivering affordable housing, infrastructure, and other needs.


Land at Garden Street and Rouen Road, Norwich.

Residential led mixed-use development.


  1. Deliver a minimum of 100 homes.
  2. 28% affordable homes.

Other potential uses:

  1. Small-scale office/business.

Infrastructure and other requirements

  1. Protect and enhance the wooded ridge to the east and south of the site.
  2. Enhanced landscaping, green infrastructure and improved pedestrian and cycle links through the site.
  3. Archaeological assessment.
  4. Equivalent replacement public parking spaces as part of the scheme.
  5. 10% Biodiversity Net Gain.

Provide a minimum of 100 new homes in accordance with the trajectory.

Provide around 28 affordable homes.

Provide a mix of other potential uses.

Provision of infrastructure and other requirements as indicated in policy.

Fewer than 100 homes are permitted.

The site is not delivering in line with the trajectory.

Affordable homes, infrastructure and other requirements are not permitted and delivered in line with policy requirements.

No mix of housing/commercial/leisure uses is permitted.

Assess why the housing targets are not being met. If there are viability concerns, update the Viability Assessment.

Consider whether a review of the plan should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure identified housing needs can be met.

Consider alternative means of delivering affordable housing, infrastructure, and other needs.


10 – 14 Ber Street, Norwich.

Residential led mixed-use development.


  1. Deliver a minimum of 10 homes.
  2. 28% affordable homes.

Other potential uses:

  1. Retail or complementary use class E (b,c,g(i)) businesses at ground floor level.

Infrastructure and other requirements

  1. Strengthen building line along Ber Street.
  2. Suitable for car-free development.
  3. Archaeological investigation.
  4. 10% Biodiversity Net Gain.

Provide a minimum of 10 new homes in accordance with the trajectory.

Provide around 3 affordable homes.

Other potential use at ground floor/ street level.

Provision of infrastructure and other requirements as indicated in policy.

Fewer than 10 homes are permitted.

The site is not delivering in line with the trajectory.

Affordable homes, infrastructure and other requirements are not permitted and delivered in line with policy requirements.

No additional use at ground floor level.

Assess why the housing targets are not being met. If there are viability concerns, update the Viability Assessment.

Consider whether a review of the plan should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure identified housing needs can be met.

Consider alternative means of delivering affordable housing, infrastructure, and other needs.


Land adjoining Sentinel House, St. Catherine’s Yard, Surrey Street, Norwich.

Residential development or student accommodation.


  1. A minimum of 40 homes or 200 student bedrooms.
  2. 28% affordable homes or a commuted sum if student accommodation is provided.
  3. Low car/car-free housing.

Infrastructure and other requirements:

  1. Pedestrian route through the site to link Surrey Street to Queens Road and enable connections along Queens Road to the junction with All Saints Green and north to Ber Street via Chapel Loke.
  2. Vehicular access from Surrey Street
  3. Landscaping enhancements including trees along frontage to Queens Road.
  4. 10% Biodiversity Net Gain.

Provide a minimum of 40 new homes or 200 student units in accordance with the trajectory.

Provide around 11 affordable homes or commuted sum in accordance policy 5 requirements for student homes.

Provision of infrastructure and other requirements as indicated in policy.

Fewer than 40 homes or 200 student bedrooms are permitted.

The site is not delivering in line with the trajectory.

Affordable homes, infrastructure and other requirements are not permitted or delivered in line with policy requirements.

Assess why the housing targets are not being met. If there are viability concerns, update the Viability Assessment.

Consider whether a review of the plan should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure identified housing needs can be met.

Consider alternative means of delivering affordable housing, infrastructure, and other needs.


Land to rear of City Hall, Norwich.

Mixed-use development.


  1. A minimum of 20 homes.
  2. 28% affordable homes.

Other potential uses:

  1. Offices and managed workspace.
  2. Food and drink.
  3. Small-scale retail.
  4. Hotel.

Infrastructure and other requirements

  1. Flood resilient design.
  2. Design considerations relative to heritage assets and prominent location.
  3. Enhance the north-south pedestrian route between St Giles Street and Bethel Street.
  4. Mitigation of any loss of green space or trees.
  5. 10% Biodiversity Net Gain.

Provide a minimum of 20 new homes in accordance with the trajectory.

Provide around 6 affordable homes.

Provision of infrastructure and other requirements as indicated in policy.

Fewer than 20 homes are permitted.

The site is not delivering in line with the trajectory.

Affordable homes, infrastructure and other requirements not permitted in line with policy requirements.

No mixture of uses is permitted.

Assess why the housing targets are not being met. If there are viability concerns, update the Viability Assessment.

Consider whether a review of the plan should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure identified housing needs can be met.

Consider alternative means of delivering affordable housing, infrastructure, and other needs.


The Former Eastern Electricity Headquarters, Duke’s Wharf, Duke Street, Norwich.

Mixed-use development.


  1. Deliver a minimum of 100 homes or 250 student bedrooms.
  2. 28% affordable homes or commuted sum if student accommodation.
  3. Low car/car-free housing.
  4. 28% affordable homes.

Other potential uses:

  1. Employment, managed workspace, financial and professional services.
  2. Leisure and cultural uses.
  3. Education.

Infrastructure and other requirements:

  1. Flood mitigation.
  2. Design considerations relative to heritage assets and prominent location.
  3. Removal of existing car park.
  4. High quality landscaping, planting and biodiversity enhancements particularly along river edge.
  5. Pedestrian links from Westwick Street to Duke Street and Dukes Palace Bridge, improved permeability of the site making the most of its riverside location.
  6. 10% Biodiversity Net Gain.

Provide 100 new homes or 250 student bedrooms in accordance with the trajectory.

Provide around 28 affordable homes or a commuted sum if student homes.

Provide a mix of other potential uses.

Provision of infrastructure and other requirements as indicated in policy.

Fewer than 100 homes or 250 student bedrooms permitted.

The site is not delivering in line with the trajectory.

Affordable homes, infrastructure and other requirements are not permitted and delivered in line with policy requirements.

No mixture of uses is permitted.

Assess why the housing targets are not being met. If there are viability concerns, update the Viability Assessment.

Consider whether a review of the plan should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure identified housing needs can be met.

Consider alternative means of delivering affordable housing, infrastructure, and other needs.


Land adjacent to the River Wensum and the Premier Inn, Duke Street, Norwich.

Residential led mixed-use development.


  1. Deliver a minimum of 25 homes or 125 student bedrooms.
  2. 28% affordable homes or commuted sum if student accommodation.
  3. Low car/car-free housing.

Other potential uses:

  1. Commercial.
  2. Office.
  3. Educational uses.

Infrastructure and other requirements:

  1. Flood mitigation.
  2. Public access to and along the river for walking and cycling including a ramp from Duke Street
  3. High quality landscaping, planting and biodiversity enhancements particularly along the river edge.
  4. Protection of bankside access for maintenance.
  5. Address existing surface water discharge point within site.
  6. 10% Biodiversity Net Gain.

Provide 25 new homes or 125 student bedrooms in accordance with the trajectory.

Provide around 7 affordable homes or a commuted sum if student accommodation.

Provide a mix of other potential uses.

Provision of infrastructure and other requirements as indicated in policy.

Fewer than 25 homes or 125 student bedrooms permitted.

The site is not delivering in line with the trajectory.

Affordable homes, infrastructure, and other requirements are not permitted or delivered in line with policy requirements.

No mixture of uses is permitted.

Assess why the housing targets are not being met. If there are viability concerns, update the Viability Assessment.

Consider whether a review of the plan should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure identified housing needs can be met.

Consider alternative means of delivering affordable housing, infrastructure, and other needs.


Friars Quay Car Park, Colegate, Norwich.

Residential development with potential small-scale office or commercial uses.


  1. A minimum of 25 homes.
  2. 28% affordable homes.
  3. Low car/car-free housing.

Other potential uses:

  1. Small-scale office or commercial at the ground floor to the Colegate frontage.

Infrastructure and other requirements:

  1. Archaeological assessment.
  2. Removal of industrial buildings and creation of strong building lines to the west side of Friars Quay, St George’s Green, and reinstatement of the built frontage to Colegate.
  3. Retention of the existing significant tree adjacent to the southern site boundary.
  4. 10% Biodiversity Net Gain.

Provide 25 new homes.

Provide around 7 affordable homes.

Provision of infrastructure and other requirements as indicated in policy.

Fewer than 25 homes are permitted.

The site is not delivering in line with the trajectory.

Affordable homes, infrastructure, and other requirements are not permitted or delivered in line with policy requirements.

Assess why the housing targets are not being met. If there are viability concerns, update the Viability Assessment.

Consider whether a review of the plan should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure identified housing needs can be met.

Consider alternative means of delivering affordable housing, infrastructure, and other needs.


Land at and adjoining St Georges Works, Muspole Street, Norwich.

Residential led mixed-use development.


  1. A minimum of 110 homes.
  2. 28% affordable homes.
  3. Low car/car-free housing.

Other potential uses:

  1. Employment and managed workspace.
  2. Small-scale retail.
  3. Other ancillary uses.

Infrastructure and other requirements:

  1. Conversion of the existing former factory buildings subject to viability.
  2. Protect and enhance key views toward St George’s Church.
  3. 10% Biodiversity Net Gain.

Provide 110 new homes.

Provide around 31 affordable homes.

Provision of infrastructure and other requirements as indicated in policy.

Provide a mix of other potential uses.

Fewer than 110 homes are permitted.

The site is not delivering in line with the trajectory.

Affordable homes, infrastructure and other requirements are not permitted or delivered in line with policy requirements.

No mix of uses is permitted.

Assess why the housing targets are not being met. If there are viability concerns, update the Viability Assessment.

Consider whether a review of the plan should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure identified housing needs can be met.

Consider alternative means of delivering affordable housing, infrastructure, and other needs.


Westwick Street Car Park, Norwich.

Residential development.


  1. Deliver a minimum of 30 homes.
  2. 28% affordable homes.

Infrastructure and other requirements:

  1. Flood resilient design.
  2. Provide linkages through the site to the adjoining pedestrian network, including a connection with the riverside walk.
  3. Vehicular access from Westwick Street.
  4. 10% Biodiversity Net Gain.

Provide a minimum of 30 new homes in accordance with the trajectory.

Provide around 8 affordable homes.

Provision of infrastructure and other requirements as indicated in policy.

Fewer than 30 homes are permitted.

The site is not delivering in line with the trajectory.

Affordable homes, infrastructure and other requirements not permitted in line with policy requirements.

Assess why the housing targets are not being met. If there are viability concerns, update the Viability Assessment.

Consider whether a review of the plan should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure identified housing needs can be met.

Consider alternative means of delivering affordable housing, infrastructure, and other needs.


Site at St. Mary’s Works and St. Mary’s House, Norwich.

Mixed-use development.


  1. A minimum of 150 homes.
  2. 28% affordable homes.
  3. Low car/car-free housing.

Other potential uses:

  1. Employment.
  2. Hotel.

Infrastructure and other requirements:

  1. Presumption in favour of repair and re-use of the heritage assets.
  2. Heritage interpretation.
  3. Flood mitigation.
  4. Noise impact assessment and air quality assessment.
  5. Pedestrian and cycle routes between St Mary’s Plain and St Crispin’s Road.
  6. 10% Biodiversity Net Gain.

Provide a minimum of 150 new homes in accordance with the trajectory.

Provide around 42 affordable homes.

Provision of infrastructure and other requirements as indicated in policy.

Provide a mix of other potential uses.

Fewer than 150 homes are permitted.

The site is not delivering in line with the trajectory.

Affordable homes, infrastructure and other requirements are not permitted or delivered in line with policy requirements.

No mixture of uses is permitted.

Assess why the housing targets are not being met. If there are viability concerns, update the Viability Assessment.

Consider whether a review of the plan should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure identified housing needs can be met.

Consider alternative means of delivering affordable housing, infrastructure, and other needs.


Land at 140-154 Oak Street and 70-72 Sussex Street, Norwich.

Residential development.


  1. A minimum of 27 homes.
  2. 28% affordable homes.

Infrastructure and other requirements

  1. Strong built frontages to Oak Street, Sussex Street and Chatham Street.
  2. 10% Biodiversity Net Gain.

Provide a minimum of 27 new homes in accordance with the trajectory.

Provide around 8 affordable homes.

Provision of infrastructure and other requirements as indicated in policy.

Fewer than 27 homes are permitted.

The site is not delivering in line with the trajectory.

Affordable homes, infrastructure and other requirements are not permitted or delivered in line with policy requirements.

Assess why the housing targets are not being met. If there are viability concerns, update the Viability Assessment.

Consider whether a review of the plan should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure identified housing needs can be met.

Consider alternative means of delivering affordable housing, infrastructure, and other needs.


Land at Holt Road, Norwich.

Employment development.


  1. General Employment Purposes use classes E(gii/iii), B2 and B8.

Infrastructure and other requirements:

  1. Vehicular access to the site from Gambling Close or from a single point of access onto Holt Road.
  2. Noise impact assessment of airport operations and the site itself.
  3. Boundary treatment screening to the Holt Road frontage.
  4. Designed with regard to airport safeguarding measures.
  5. 10% Biodiversity Net Gain.

Employment uses within classes E(gii/iii), B2 and B8.

Provision of infrastructure and other requirements as indicated in policy.

Use classes permitted not in line with policy requirements.

Infrastructure and other requirements not permitted in line with policy requirements.

Assess why the employment needs are not being met.

Consider whether a review of the plan should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure identified employment needs can be met.

Consider alternative means of delivering infrastructure and other needs.


Two sites at Hurricane Way, Airport Industrial Estate, Norwich.

Mixed-use development.


  1. 30 homes.
  2. 33% affordable housing.


  1. Light industrial.

Infrastructure and other requirements:

  1. Set in the context of a comprehensive masterplan for the Airport Industrial Estate.
  2. High-quality design featuring integration of the residential elements of any scheme with adjoining housing, segregation of proposed housing from surrounding employment areas, and flood-resilient design.
  3. Housing, if proposed on Site B, will require a comprehensive masterplan, and vehicular access to be taken from Heyford Road.
  4. Residential development on Site A will require vehicular access from Gamecock Close.
  5. Light industrial development on the frontage to Hurricane Way, if acceptable, is not significantly detrimental to adjoining neighbouring residential occupiers.
  6. Retention of the north-south pedestrian and cycle link and bus link from Hurricane Way to Heyford Road via Site B.
  7. Designed to mitigate noise generation, light and odour pollution from adjacent industrial uses and Norwich Airport.
  8. 10% Biodiversity Net Gain.

A minimum of 30 homes in accordance with the trajectory.

Provide around 10 affordable homes.

Provision of infrastructure and other requirements as indicated in policy.

Fewer than 30 homes are permitted.

The site is not delivering in line with the trajectory.

Affordable homes, infrastructure and other requirements not permitted in line with policy requirements.

Assess why the housing targets are not being met. If there are viability concerns update the Viability Assessment.

Consider whether a review of the plan should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure identified housing needs can be met.

Consider alternative means of delivering affordable housing, infrastructure, and other needs.


Land at Constitution Motors, 140 - 142 Constitution Hill, Norwich.

Residential development.


  1. Approximately 12 homes.
  2. 33% affordable housing.

Infrastructure and other requirements:

  1. High quality design and landscaping, new tree planting, and enhancing the green frontage to Constitution Hill.
  2. Addressing and remediating potential site contamination.
  3. Low-car development in accordance with Policy 2.
  4. 10% Biodiversity Net Gain.

A minimum of 12 homes in accordance with the trajectory.

Provide around 3 Affordable homes.

Provision of infrastructure and other requirements as indicated in policy.

Fewer than 12 homes are permitted.

The site is not delivering in line with the trajectory.

Affordable homes, infrastructure and other requirements not permitted in line with policy requirements.

Assess why the housing targets are not being met. If there are viability concerns update the Viability Assessment.

Consider whether a review of the plan should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure identified housing needs can be met.

Consider alternative means of delivering affordable housing, infrastructure and other needs.


Land north of Windmill Road, Norwich.

Residential development.


  1. Approximately 17 homes.
  2. 33% affordable housing.

Infrastructure and other requirements:

  1. High quality design that takes account of site levels and surface water flooding.
  2. Vehicular access via Millwright’s Way.
  3. Enhanced pedestrian access via Windmill Road and links to Windmill Court and Templemere.
  4. 10% Biodiversity Net Gain.

A minimum of 17 homes in accordance with the trajectory.

Provide around 6 affordable homes.

Provision of infrastructure and other requirements as indicated in policy.

Fewer than 17 homes are permitted.

The site is not delivering in line with the trajectory.

Affordable homes, infrastructure and other requirements are not permitted and delivered in line with policy requirements.

Assess why the housing targets are not being met. If there are viability concerns update the Viability Assessment.

Consider whether a review of the plan should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure identified housing needs can be met.

Consider alternative means of delivering affordable housing, infrastructure, and other needs.


Site of former Start Rite Factory, 28 Mousehold Lane, Norwich.

Residential development.


  1. Approximately 40 homes.
  2. 33% affordable housing.
  3. Potential for a care home.

Infrastructure and other requirements:

  1. High quality design that takes account of site topography, surface water, and drainage issues.
  2. Vehicular access from Mousehold Lane with junction improvements for right-turning vehicles into the site.
  3. Enhancement to existing pedestrian crossing point, pedestrian/cycle link to Templemere, and exploration of shared access for adjoining premisses at 26 Mousehold Lane.
  4. 10% Biodiversity Net Gain, whilst retaining existing belt of woodland.

A minimum of 40 homes in accordance with the trajectory.

Provide around 13 affordable homes.

Provision of infrastructure and other requirements as indicated in policy.

Fewer than 40 homes are permitted.

The site is not delivering in line with the trajectory.

Affordable homes, infrastructure and other requirements not permitted in line with policy requirements.

Assess why the housing targets are not being met. If there are viability concerns update the Viability Assessment.

Consider whether a review of the plan should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure identified housing needs can be met.

Consider alternative means of delivering affordable housing, infrastructure, and other needs.


Site of former Van Dal Shoes, Norwich.

Residential development.


  1. Approximately 25 homes.
  2. 33% affordable housing.

Infrastructure and other requirements:

  1. Assessment of the heritage significance and viability for retaining or converting the former shoe factory building.
  2. New housing designed to the context of the surroundings and to make the best of the potential for views over the city.
  3. Remediating potential site contamination.
  4. Address access, including stopping up or diversion of the highway, and enhanced pedestrian and cycle links to Mousehold Avenue and Gertrude Road.
  5. 10% Biodiversity Net Gain, including green infrastructure links to neighbouring green spaces and connections to Mousehold Heath.

A minimum of 25 homes in accordance with the trajectory.

Provide around 8 Affordable homes.

Provision of infrastructure and other requirements as indicated in policy.

Fewer than 25 homes are permitted.

The site is not delivering in line with the trajectory.

Affordable homes, infrastructure and other requirements are not permitted or delivered in line with policy requirements.

Assess why the housing targets are not being met. If there are viability concerns update the Viability Assessment.

Consider whether a review of the plan should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure identified housing needs can be met.

Consider alternative means of delivering affordable housing, infrastructure, and other needs.


Land east of Starling Road, Norwich.

Residential development.


  1. Approximately 23 homes.
  2. 33% affordable housing.

Infrastructure and other requirements:

  1. Scheme designed to establish a strong built frontage to Starling Road, and to take account of City Centre Conservation Area. and locally listed terraces on Magpie Road.
  2. Address and remediate potential site contamination.
  3. Mitigation of traffic noise and noise from industrial/commercial uses.
  4. Multiple access points and development phasing.
  5. 10% Biodiversity Net Gain.

A minimum of 23 homes in accordance with the trajectory.

Provide around 8 Affordable homes.

Provision of infrastructure and other requirements as indicated in policy.

Fewer than 23 homes are permitted.

The site is not delivering in line with the trajectory.

Affordable homes, infrastructure and other requirements are not permitted or delivered in line with policy requirements.

Assess why the housing targets are not being met. If there are viability concerns update the Viability Assessment.

Consider whether a review of the plan should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure identified housing needs can be met.

Consider alternative means of delivering affordable housing, infrastructure, and other needs.


Heigham Water Treatment Works, Waterworks Road, Norwich.

Residential led mixed-use development.


  1. Approximately 60 homes.
  2. 33% affordable housing.

Infrastructure and other requirements:

  1. High-quality, flood-resilient design.
  2. Consultation with the Health and Safety Executive.
  3. Retention and enhancement of historic boundary wall on Waterworks Road; the locally listed Pump House 1 and Eastgate Lodge, and adjacent assets Pump House 2 buildings and grade II listed/scheduled monument St. Bartholomew’s Church.
  4. Open space in accordance with Policy 7.1 of River Wensum Strategy.
  5. Addressing and remediating potential site contamination.
  6. Archaeological assessment.
  7. 10% Biodiversity Net Gain.

A minimum of 60 homes in accordance with the trajectory.

Provide around 20 affordable homes.

Provision of infrastructure and other requirements as indicated in policy.

Fewer than 60 homes are permitted.

The site is not delivering in line with the trajectory.

Affordable homes, infrastructure and other requirements are not permitted or delivered in line with policy requirements.

Assess why the housing targets are not being met. If there are viability concerns update the Viability Assessment

Consider whether a review of the plan should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure identified housing needs can be met.

Consider alternative means of delivering affordable housing, infrastructure, and other needs.


Mile Cross Depot, Norwich.

Mixed-use development.


  1. Approximately 170 homes.
  2. 33% affordable housing.

Infrastructure and other requirements:

  1. High-quality design, reflecting edge of river valley location, the setting of the Mile Cross Conservation Area and open space.
  2. Enhanced pedestrian and cycle links through the site to Marriott’s Way.
  3. Remediating potential site contamination.
  4. Vehicular access from Mile Cross Road with emergency access and pedestrian/cycle links from Valpy Avenue.
  5. 10% Biodiversity Net Gain.

A minimum of 170 homes in accordance with the trajectory.

Provide around 56 affordable homes.

Provision of infrastructure and other requirements as indicated in policy.

Fewer than 170 homes are permitted.

The site is not delivering in line with the trajectory.

Affordable homes, infrastructure and other requirements not permitted in line with policy requirements.

Assess why the housing targets are not being met. If there are viability concerns update the Viability Assessment.

Consider whether a review of the plan should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure identified housing needs can be met.

Consider alternative means of delivering affordable housing, infrastructure, and other needs.


The Norwich Community Hospital site, Bowthorpe Road, Norwich.

Hospital led mixed-use development.

Primary use:

  1. Hospital development.


  1. A minimum of 80 homes.
  2. Key worker accommodation.
  3. Supported living and care accommodation.
  4. 33% affordable homes.

Other potential uses:

  1. Ancillary activities.

Infrastructure and other requirements:

  1. Masterplan for the whole site.
  2. Retention of locally listed Woodside House.
  3. Pedestrian and cycle links between Bowthorpe Road and Dereham Road via Woodlands Park to the north of the site and to Godric Place.
  4. Site contamination and geotechnical constraints assessed and mitigated.
  5. Design and configuration of development to have regard to existing telecommunications equipment on-site.
  6. High quality green infrastructure, including formal and informal public and private open spaces and the retention of existing trees.
  7. Biodiversity links between the site and neighbouring green spaces.
  8. 10% Biodiversity Net Gain.

Provide a minimum of 80 new homes in accordance with the trajectory.

Provide around 26 affordable homes.

Provide a mix of other potential uses.

Provision of infrastructure and other requirements as indicated in policy.

No hospital uses are permitted.

Fewer than 27 homes are permitted.

The site is not delivering in line with the trajectory.

Affordable homes, infrastructure and other requirements are not permitted or delivered in line with policy requirements.

Assess why the housing targets are not being met. If there are viability concerns update the Viability Assessment.

Consider whether a review of the plan should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure identified housing needs can be met.

Consider alternative means of delivering affordable housing, hospital infrastructure and other needs.


Site of former Earl of Leicester Public House, 238 Dereham Road, Norwich.

Residential development.


  1. Deliver a minimum of 10 homes.
  2. 33% affordable homes.
  3. Car-free or low car housing.

Infrastructure and other requirements:

  1. If vehicular access is provided it should take account of the proximity of the traffic light-controlled junction.
  2. Heritage interpretation relating to previous use of the site.
  3. 10% Biodiversity Net Gain.

Provide a minimum of 10 new homes in accordance with the trajectory.

Provide around 3 affordable homes.

Provision of infrastructure and other requirements as indicated in policy.

Fewer than 10 homes are permitted.

The site is not delivering in line with the trajectory.

Affordable homes, infrastructure and other requirements are not permitted or delivered in line with policy requirements.

Assess why the housing targets are not being met. If there are viability concerns, update the Viability Assessment.

Consider whether a review of the plan should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure identified housing needs can be met.

Consider alternative means of delivering affordable housing, infrastructure, and other needs.


Land at Kett’s Hill and east of Bishop Bridge Road, Norwich.

Residential development.


  1. A minimum of 80 homes.
  2. 33% affordable homes.
  3. Car-free or low car housing.

Infrastructure and other requirements:

  1. Public access to Kett’s Heights.
  2. Protection and enhancement of key green infrastructure, biodiversity and geodiversity assets.
  3. Mitigate site contamination.
  4. Main vehicular access from Bishop Bridge Road.
  5. 10% Biodiversity Net Gain.

Provide a minimum of 80 new homes in accordance with the trajectory.

Provide around 26 affordable homes.

Provision of infrastructure and other requirements as indicated in policy.

Fewer than 80 homes are permitted.

The site is not delivering in line with the trajectory.

Affordable homes, infrastructure and other requirements are not permitted or delivered in line with policy requirements.

Assess why the housing targets are not being met. If there are viability concerns, update the Viability Assessment.

Consider whether a review of the plan should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure identified housing needs can be met.

Consider alternative means of delivering affordable housing, infrastructure, and other needs.


Site of former Gas Holder at Gas Hill, Norwich.

Residential development.


  1. Deliver a minimum of 15 homes.
  2. 33% affordable homes.
  3. Car-free or low car housing.

Infrastructure and other requirements:

  1. Development will not take place prior to the revocation of the hazardous substance consent.
  2. Flood mitigation.
  3. Protection and enhancement of key green infrastructure, biodiversity and geodiversity assets within the site.
  4. Address and mitigate site contamination from previous uses.
  5. 10% Biodiversity Net Gain.

Provide a minimum of 15 new homes in accordance with the trajectory.

Provide around 5 affordable homes.

Provision of infrastructure and other requirements as indicated in policy.

Fewer than 15 homes are permitted.

The site is not delivering in line with the trajectory.

Affordable homes, infrastructure and other requirements are not permitted or delivered in line with policy requirements.

Assess why the housing targets are not being met. If there are viability concerns, update the Viability Assessment.

Consider whether a review of the plan should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure identified housing needs can be met.

Consider alternative means of delivering affordable housing, infrastructure, and other needs.


Land west of Eastgate House, Thorpe Road, Norwich.

Residential development.


  1. A minimum of 20 homes.
  2. 33% affordable homes.
  3. Car-free or low car housing.

Infrastructure and other requirements:

  1. Flood mitigation.
  2. High quality landscaping, biodiversity enhancements including the provision of new trees and enhancing the green frontage to Thorpe Road.
  3. 10% Biodiversity Net Gain.

Provide a minimum of 20 new homes in accordance with the trajectory.

Provide around 7 affordable homes.

Provision of infrastructure and other requirements as indicated in policy.

Fewer than 20 homes are permitted.

The site is not delivering in line with the trajectory.

Affordable homes and infrastructure and other requirements not permitted in line with policy requirements.

Assess why the housing targets are not being met. If there are viability concerns, update the Viability Assessment.

Consider whether a review of the plan should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure identified housing needs can be met.

Consider alternative means of delivering affordable housing, infrastructure, and other needs.


John Youngs Limited, 24 City Road, Norwich.

Residential development.


  1. A minimum of 45 homes.
  2. 33% affordable homes.
  3. Car-free or low car housing.

Infrastructure and other requirements:

  1. Retain and convert the Victorian building in the north-east corner of the site for residential uses, subject to viability.
  2. Vehicular access if required should be taken from City Road.
  3. Pedestrian/cycle link between Hall Road and City Road.
  4. High quality green infrastructure, including the protection of trees along the southern boundary and enhance the landscape setting.
  5. 10% Biodiversity Net Gain.

Provide a minimum of 45 new homes in accordance with the trajectory.

Provide around 15 affordable homes.

Provision of infrastructure and other requirements as indicated in policy.

Fewer than 45 homes are permitted.

The site is not delivering in line with the trajectory.

Affordable homes, infrastructure and other requirements are not permitted or delivered in line with policy requirements.

Assess why the housing targets are not being met. If there are viability concerns, update the Viability Assessment.

Consider whether a review of the plan should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure identified housing needs can be met.

Consider alternative means of delivering affordable housing, infrastructure, and other needs.


Land at The Neatmarket, Hall Road, Norwich.

Employment development.


  1. Deliver employment and light industrial use development (use classes B2/B8 and E(giii))

Infrastructure and other requirements:

  1. Comprehensive development of the site unless suitable justification for phased/piecemeal development.
  2. Noise protection for adjacent residential occupiers and noise protection of the development from the railway.
  3. High quality green infrastructure, including the retention of trees on and adjacent to the site.
  4. Assess and mitigate any potential site contamination from previous uses.
  5. Construct main vehicular access road into the site in the first phase.
  6. Off-site improvements to the junction of Hall Road and The Neatmarket as necessary.
  7. Pedestrian and cycle link across the site to link with the Yare Valley Walk and Cooper Lane Picnic Area.
  8. Mitigate any risks from the Calor Gas installation to the north.
  9. 10% Biodiversity Net Gain.

Provide employment and light industrial development.

Provision of infrastructure and other requirements as indicated in policy.

Site not permitted for employment/ light industrial uses.

Infrastructure and other requirements are not permitted or delivered in line with policy requirements.

Assess if there are viability concerns, update the Viability Assessment.

Consider whether a review of the plan should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure identified employment needs can be met.

Consider alternative means of delivering infrastructure and other needs.


Land west of Bluebell Road, and north of Daisy Hill Court/Coralle Court, Westfield View, Norwich.

Residential development for older people (over 55s).


  1. Deliver approximately of 100 homes and/or elderly care accommodation.
  2. 33% affordable homes.

Infrastructure and other requirements:

  1. Improvements to the strategic Yare Valley green infrastructure corridor.
  2. Secure provision for 17.5 hectares of public open space on land adjoining the site and arrangements for its management and maintenance in perpetuity. Public open space to provide improved pedestrian/cycle access to and within the valley, including improvements to the Yare Valley Walk.
  3. Protect and enhance environmental assets within and adjacent to the site, including the retention of tree belts.
  4. 10% Biodiversity Net Gain.
  5. All dwellings built to Building regulations M4(2) Accessible and Adaptable Homes standard, of which a proportion are M4(3) standard (fully wheelchair accessible).

Provide around 100 new homes for older people in accordance with the trajectory.

Provide around 33 affordable homes.

Provision of infrastructure and other requirements as indicated in policy.

Fewer than 100 homes are permitted.

The site is not delivering in line with the trajectory.

Affordable homes and infrastructure and other requirements are not permitted or delivered in line with policy requirements.

Assess why the housing targets are not being met. If there are viability concerns, update the Viability Assessment.

Consider whether a review of the plan should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure identified housing needs can be met.

Consider alternative means of delivering affordable housing, infrastructure, and other needs.


Land adjoining the Enterprise Centre at Earlham Hall, Norwich.

University related development.

Approximately 5,000 m² of:

  1. Offices (use class E(gi)).
  2. Research and development (use class E(gii)).
  3. Educational (F1).

Infrastructure and other requirements:

  1. Low rise development with high quality landscaping, planting and biodiversity enhancements.
  2. Provide links to the river valley and across the site to link with the existing cycle and pedestrian network.
  3. Vehicular access from the existing access via University Drive.
  4. No additional parking.
  5. Transport assessment and updated travel plan.
  6. 10% Biodiversity Net Gain.

Delivery of university related development to meet the needs of the UEA.

Provision of infrastructure and other requirements as indicated in policy.

University growth plans not progressing on campus.

Infrastructure and other requirements are not permitted or delivered in line with policy requirements.

Consider alternative means of delivering educational needs, infrastructure, and other needs.


Land north of Cow Drive (the Blackdale Building, adjoining Hickling House and Barton House), at the University of East Anglia, Norwich.

University related development.

Infrastructure and other requirements:

  1. High-quality landscaping, planting and biodiversity enhancements, retaining and enhancing existing landscape features. Improved public access to the Broad and to the Yare Valley green space.
  2. Pedestrian and cycle routes across the site connecting with the cycle network.
  3. Access to the site to be informed by a transport assessment and updated travel plan. No vehicular access from Bluebell Road, access to be via existing university site only with access only for service vehicles and managed pick-up/drop-off for students for any residences provided.
  4. 10% Biodiversity Net Gain.

Delivery of university related development to meet the needs of the UEA.

Provision of infrastructure and other requirements as indicated in policy.

University growth plans not progressing on campus.

Infrastructure and other requirements not permitted in line with policy requirements.

Consider alternative means of delivering educational, infrastructure and other needs.


Land between Suffolk Walk and Bluebell Road, Norwich.

University Student Accommodation development.


  1. Deliver approximately 400 student bedrooms.

Infrastructure and other requirements:

  1. High quality landscaping, planting and biodiversity enhancements, providing for the retention and enhancement of existing landscape features and the protection, enhancement and management of and public access to the adjacent Blackdale Plantation.
  2. 10% Biodiversity Net Gain.

Provide around 400-student bedrooms in accordance with the trajectory.

Provision of infrastructure and other requirements as indicated in policy.

Fewer than 400 student bedrooms are permitted.

The site is not delivering in line with the trajectory.

Infrastructure and other requirements are not permitted or delivered in line with policy requirements.

Assess why the housing targets are not being met. If there are viability concerns, update the Viability Assessment.

Consider whether a review of the plan should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure identified housing needs can be met.

Consider alternative means of delivering student accommodation, infrastructure, and other needs.


Land at the UEA Grounds Depot Site, Bluebell Road University of East Anglia, Norwich

University student accommodation development.


  1. Approximately 400 student bedrooms.
  2. Car-free development (access for service vehicles, pick-up/drop off and disabled only parking spaces).

Infrastructure and other requirements:

  1. Flood mitigation.
  2. Low-rise development (2 to 3 storeys).
  3. High quality landscaping, planting and biodiversity enhancements, providing for the retention and enhancement of the existing landscape and a substantial green edge to the University Broad.
  4. Enhanced pedestrian and cycling connection through the site from Bluebell Road to the Broad and linkages to and along the river valley landscape to the south and east, linking to improved open space access at the former Bartram Mowers. Pedestrian and cycle routes across the site to connect with the existing cycle network and cycleway improvement at site frontage.
  5. A transport assessment and updated travel plan including details of management of vehicle movements on arrival and departure days.
  6. 10% Biodiversity Net Gain.

Provide around 400-student bedrooms in accordance with the trajectory.

Provision of infrastructure and other requirements as indicated in policy.

Fewer than 400 student bedrooms are permitted.

The site is not delivering in line with the trajectory.

Infrastructure and other requirements are not permitted or delivered in line with policy requirements.

Assess why the housing targets are not being met. If there are viability concerns, update the Viability Assessment.

Consider whether a review of the plan should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure identified student housing needs can be met.

Consider alternative means of delivering infrastructure and other needs.