East Norwich


East Norwich, which consists of brownfield regeneration sites by the rivers Wensum and Yare at Carrow Works, the Deal Ground and the Utilities Site, and land in front of ATB Laurence Scott fronting the Wensum, linking to allocation CC16 (Land adjoining Norwich City Football Club north and east of Geoffrey Watling Way), is defined in map 9 below. It has the potential in the long-term to create a new sustainable urban quarter for Norwich, to act as a catalyst for additional regeneration in neighbouring urban areas and to contribute significantly to growth of the Greater Norwich economy. As a result, it is identified as a strategic regeneration area on the Key Diagram.


To ensure growth is co-ordinated, overcomes local constraints and is well-designed in a sensitive location in and adjacent to the Broads Authority area, the policy requires regeneration to be guided by an area-wide masterplan supplementary planning document. The masterplan will be produced by consultants, with procurement being well advanced.  Funding is being provided from the site landowners and other partners in the East Norwich Partnership (a new public sector led partnership led by the city council) including Homes England and Network Rail. Significant additional funding has recently been secured from the Towns Fund to progress the masterplan and acquire land in order to maximise the chances of successful delivery.  It is expected that the masterplan’s findings will inform implementation of this strategy and ensure that possible blockages to delivery can be overcome.


The masterplan will promote development of a high density sustainable mixed-use community, co-ordinate delivery of new transport infrastructure and services, enhance green links, provide for a local energy network, enhance heritage assets, protect Carrow Abbey County Wildlife Site and address local issues including the active railway, the protected minerals railhead and flood risk issues.

Map 9 - Norwich City Centre, the Northern City Centre Strategic Growth Area and the East Norwich Strategic Regeneration Area

Map 9 - Norwich City Centre, the Northern City Centre Strategic Growth Area and the East Norwich Strategic Regeneration Area