Policy GNLP0463R: Land off Langley Road, Chedgrave


Although this site is elevated and would be quite prominent it is allocated subject to a design brief and masterplan, which should indicate open space to the south to reduce leisure visits to the Broads and enhance the green infrastructure network, and acknowledge the site’s setting adjacent to the historic park landscape.  The allocation is subject to visibility improvements and frontage development at Langley Road to the north.  A 2m footway will be required at the site frontage to link with existing facilities.  The proximity to the Broads may also mean development impacts on nearby SSSI/Natura 2000 designated sites, which must be mitigated. The site is allocated at a lower gross density than usual, as the heritage/landscape mitigation, surface water drainage and open space requirements are significant. The net density will be in line with the indicative minimum in Policy 2.

Policy GNLP0463R

Land off Langley Road, Chedgrave (approx. 5.58 ha) is allocated for residential development. This site is likely to accommodate at least 60 homes and open space.

More homes may be accommodated, subject to an acceptable design and layout being achieved and any infrastructure issues addressed.

The development will be expected to address the following specific matters:

  1. A design brief for landscape impacts will be required.
  2. Any development must conserve and enhance the significance of Langley Park to the west of the site, including its associated listed buildings and any contribution made to its significance by setting.
  3. Open space in the elevated southern part of the site to provide leisure opportunities and enhance the green infrastructure network
  4. An ecological assessment must be carried out, and any identified impacts on nearby sites mitigated
  5. A ground contamination survey will be required
  6. A transport survey will be required, and implementation of any agreed measures, including off-site measures
  7. Visibility improvement and frontage development at Langley Road to the north.
  8. A 2.0m footway will be required for the full extent of the site frontage, extending southwards to Hillside to link site frontage with existing facilities in Loddon.
  9. Carriageway widening may be required at Langley Lane
  10. Mitigation and further investigation with regards to the site’s susceptibility to surface water flooding.

Policy Map

GNLP0436R policy map