Policy HEL4/GNLP1019: Land northeast of Reepham Road, Hellesdon


This site was allocated in the 2016 Broadland Local Plan and it is intended to carry this allocation forward, recognising the public benefit in providing informal open space.  Site GNLP1019 seeks to maintain this allocation for recreational open space in the new local plan to 2038.

Policy HEL4/GNLP1019

Land northeast of Reepham Road, Hellesdon (approx. 11.9 ha) is allocated for recreational open space.

The development will be expected to address the following specific matters:

  1. Access onto Reepham Road.
  2. Off-site requirements may include a footway along the north-east side of Reepham Road, extended street lighting to a point 100m west of the entrance, and increased pedestrian access from surrounding areas.
  3. Norfolk Minerals and Waste Core Strategy Policy CS16 applies, as this site is underlain by safeguarded minerals resources.  The benefits of extracting the minerals, if feasible, will be taken into consideration.

Policy Map

HEL4 Policy  Map