Policy COS4: Redevelopment of existing uses within the Costessey Longwater Development Boundary


The Longwater Employment Area development boundary was defined in 2015 as part of the South Norfolk Local Plan and seeks to guide the range of uses permitted.  Retention of the development boundary and policy to guide the uses permitted is considered justified.  Policy COS 4 protects the commercial activities in this location and ensures the range of uses taking place at Longwater are compatible with each other.

Policy COS 4

Redevelopment of existing uses within the Costessey Longwater Development Boundary, Costessey.

Within the Costessey Longwater Development Boundary proposals for the redevelopment or change of use of existing employment, retail, commercial and leisure uses will demonstrate that retention of the site for the same or similar uses has been fully explored without success. This would involve:

  1. Six months marketing for the permitted and similar uses, using an appropriate agent; and
  2. Confirmation that the site has been offered on a range of terms agreed in advance to be reasonable on the advice of an independent assessor; or
  3. It can be demonstrated that the area is already adequately served for the type of use to be lost.


Where this has been demonstrated, sites within Costessey, Longwater Development Boundary, will be considered positively for  E(g) employment uses or other employment uses ancillary and complementary to the strategic employment function of the area where they are not defined as a Main Town Centre use in the National Planning Policy Framework, specifically further car showrooms and petrol filling stations.

Policy Map

COS 4 Policy Map