Policy CC18 (CC19): Land at 140-154 Oak Street and 70-72 Sussex Street


The site was allocated in the previous Local Plan as two separate sites part of CC18 and CC19 which are now in the same ownership. Neither allocation has yet been developed but the northern part fronting Sussex Street (previously CC19) has a previous unimplemented consent for 17 homes intended to be delivered as a co-housing scheme, with the land fronting Oak Street (CC18) having been allocated for a minimum of 10 homes. The principle of development on the site has already been accepted, and it is expected that development will take place within the new local plan time-period up to 2038. The site is re-allocated for residential development. As an existing allocation it has been considered in the calculation of the housing requirement.


The site is bounded by Oak Street to its west, Sussex Street to the north and Chatham Street to the east. There is housing surrounding the eastern side of the site and commercial uses to the west and south, along with the listed Great Hall on the opposite side of Oak Street.


The site provides the opportunity for new housing on a brownfield site with excellent access to jobs and services in the city centre and neighbouring shopping facilities at Anglia Square/St Augustine’s/Magdalen Street Large district centre.


The City centre conservation area appraisal identifies the site as being part of the “Northern Riverside” area of the city centre, in which former industrial and commercial uses are steadily being converted to or replaced by housing. The Oak Street area north of the ring road is particularly identified as a major development opportunity.


Mid 19th century terraced houses to the east of the site on Sussex Street and Chatham Street are locally listed and houses further east on Sussex Street are listed. The appraisal identifies the rest of Sussex Street as a positive frontage and as one of the most interesting streets of its type in the city centre. Chatham Street beyond the site is identified as providing a positive vista towards landmarks within the city centre. The Great Hall, west of the site on the opposite side of Oak Street, is a 15th century grade II listed building.


Redevelopment of this site represents an opportunity to reinstate the historic building line along Sussex Street, as well as Oak Street and Chatham Street. This will complete the terrace on the south of Sussex Street and provide an improved setting for the Great Hall listed building. In addition development may need to address possible contamination issues. Consideration should be given to retaining the willow tree, the importance of which is highlighted in the appraisal, on the street frontage.


The location of the site within an Area of Main Archaeological Interest requires an archaeological investigation to be carried out prior to development. 


The site is served by an off-site combined foul and surface water sewer. Adoption of this facility into a proposed drainage strategy must be pre-agreed with the appropriate management company.


The site is likely to accommodate at least 27 homes. More may be accommodated, subject to an acceptable design and layout etc. being achieved.

Policy CC18 (CC19)

Land at 140-154 Oak Street and 70-72 Sussex Street, Norwich (approx. 0.27ha) is allocated for residential use. This will accommodate a minimum of 27 homes.

The development will achieve the following site-specific requirements:

  1. Achievement of a high quality, locally distinctive design of a scale and form which preserves and enhances its location within the City Centre Conservation Area and nearby listed buildings (including Grade II listed Great Hall) (including any contribution made to their significance by setting) and secures an improvement in townscape.
  2. Create strong built frontages to Oak Street, Sussex Street and Chatham Street, if feasible, reinstating historic layouts by grouping buildings around an internal courtyard.

Policy Map

Policy Map for CC18