MM17 - Policy 7.5
Page 119
Delete current policy wording and replace with new wording:
Small scale residential development will be permitted adjacent to a development boundary or on sites within or adjacent to a recognisable group of dwellings where:
· Cumulative development permitted under this policy will be no more than 3 dwellings in small parishes or 5 dwellings in larger parishes (as defined in appendix 7) during the lifetime of the plan; and· The proposal respects the form and character of the settlement; and· The proposal would result in no adverse impact on the landscape and natural environment; and· The proposal accords with other relevant Local Plan policies
Positive consideration will be given to self and custom build.
POLICY 7.5 - SELF-BUILD AND CUSTOM BUILD WINDFALL HOUSING DEVELOPMENT OUTSIDE DEFINED SETTLEMENT BOUNDARIES (NB development within settlement boundaries is covered under Policy 7.4) (to be underlined)
Small scale residential development of up to 3 dwellings for self-build and custom build homes for people who meet the eligibility criteria for Part 1 of the relevant district's self-build register will be permitted:
1. On sites that are adjacent to settlements with a defined settlement boundary; and
2. On sites within or adjacent to other settlements without a defined settlement boundary.
To prevent incremental sprawl, for the operation of this policy such development will not be considered to have extended the defined settlement boundary, or where there is no boundary, the built form of the settlement.
For all development covered by this policy the scheme will need to respect the form and character of the settlement including:
- · Housing density is reflective of the density in the settlement and surrounding built up area; and
- · The ratio of the building footprint to the plot area is consistent with existing properties nearby which characterise the settlement; and
- · The proposal would result in no significant adverse impact on the landscape and natural environment; and
- · The proposal accords with other relevant Local Plan policies.
When considered cumulatively with other development, the scheme should not result in a level of development in any settlement that would be contrary to the Sustainable Growth Strategy outlined in Policy 1.
Make consequential changes to the following paragraphs of supporting text:
389. This policy applies to all parishes. Its purpose is to allow for a limited number of additional dwellings in each parish beyond those allocated or allowed for as larger scale windfall sites through other policies in this plan. The policy limits the number of homes on small scale windfall sites to three in each smaller parish and five in each larger parish (as defined in appendix 7) to prevent over development in rural areas. For the purposes of this policy, the number of dwellings allowed relates to permissions granted after adoption of the plan.
390. Policy 7.5 promotes small scale self-build and custom build housing development, including self/custom build. This complements policies 5 and 7.4 which also support self/custom build.
391. To achieve this, the policy provides limited additional opportunities for the development of self-build and custom build homes:
- On sites that are within or adjacent to settlements with
development boundaries;a defined settlement boundary. - or on sites within or adjacent to
a recognisable group of dwellings which do not have a development boundaryother settlements without a defined settlement boundary.
392. The policy also requires such developments to respect the form and character of the settlement and landscape.
Amend Policy 7.5 subtitle:
Policy 7.5 Small Scale Windfall Housing Development Policy 7.5 Self Build and Custom Build Windfall Housing Development Outside Defined Settlement Boundaries
Delete Appendix 7
To ensure plan is effective and justified