Policy GNLP3054: Site at St Mary’s Works and St Mary’s House


St Mary’s Works is a city centre brownfield site measuring approximately 1.1 hectares which contains two Grade I Listed medieval churches and their churchyards, St Mary’s Church to the south fronting St Marys Plain and St Martin’s Church to the North fronting Oak Street and St Martins Lane.  The locally listed early 20C former Sexton, Son & Everard Ltd shoe factory lines the east side of Oak Street and addresses St Marys Plain to the south. The remainder of the site is occupied by a series of 20th century offices, workshops and warehouses.


There is a high concentration of heritage within and in proximity to the site. Designated heritage assets include listed buildings and the city centre conservation area; non-designated heritage assets include locally listed buildings and the area of main archaeological interest, and items as yet unidentified.


There are further heritage assets within close proximity of the site, which may also be impacted by proposed development . Designated heritage assets include listed buildings at Pykerells House on Rosemarys Lane Listed Grade II*, 47 & 49 St Martins Lane, 57, 59 & 61 Duke Street, 67 Duke Street and 69 -89 Duke Street Listed Grade II and locally listed buildings include the Zoar Baptist Chapel St Marys Plain, St Marys School Hall and 43, 45, 47-49, 51- 55 Duke Street.  Depend upon the scale of any proposals, further heritage assets may also be affected.  A comprehensive Heritage statement and heritage impact assessment will be required in support of any proposals.


The site is located within the City Centre Conservation Area, with the majority of the site and its heritage assets located in the ‘Colegate Character Area’ and the north-eastern corner of the site occupied by a 20C office building being located in the ‘Anglia Square Character Area’.


Mature trees within the churchyards are protected by conservation area status.


The site is situated within the Area of Main Archaeological Interest; this area offers potential to reveal more about the history of the early City.  It is likely that the archaeological potential across the whole site will be of interest.  Archaeological investigation below any areas of construction or altering of the ground will likely be required to assist in the understanding of the City.


The site is situated in a prominent location within the Northern City Centre strategic regeneration area, as defined in policy 7.1 of this plan, and is likely to accommodate a minimum of 150 homes. The site was previously allocated in the now expired Northern City Centre Area Action Plan for mixed use development and benefits from extant outline consent for redevelopment including around 151 residential units, office floor space, and a hotel, accordingly the principle of development is accepted


Development of the site must address a number of constraints including its location in the City Centre Conservation Area and Area of Main Archaeological Interest, the relationship with neighbouring statutory and locally listed buildings and gateway to the city, site ground conditions, possible contamination, risk of flooding from Flood zone 2 and surface water flooding.  A noise impact assessment and air quality assessment will be required, and the development must be designed to mitigate the impact of noise from the main road.

Policy GNLP3054

The site at St Mary’s Works and St Mary’s House (1.05 ha) is allocated for comprehensive mixed-use development to include residential and employment uses, with the possible addition of a hotel. The site will deliver a minimum of 150 homes.

The development will achieve the following site-specific requirements:

  1. Achievement of a high quality, locally distinctive design of a scale and form which respects its historic and industrial context, the significance and setting of heritage assets on and off site, and the character and appearance of the City Centre Conservation Area;
  2. There will be a general presumption in favour of the repair and re-use of heritage assets on site as part of any site regeneration, however any application for redevelopment will be considered on its merit.  Great weight will be given to the conservation of all designated heritage assets.  Proposals will include the protection of the listed and locally listed buildings on the site and the enhancement of the significance of the setting of designated heritage assets both on and off site;
  3. Conversion of the locally listed St Mary’s Works factory, including the façade of the locally listed frontage to Oak Street / St Mary’s Plain should be retained as part of a development scheme.  Proposals which seek to convert, alter or demolish the locally listed buildings or have a harmful impact on the significance of their setting will be considered on their merits.  Clear justification for all proposals will be required;
  4. Respect the setting of grade I listed St Martin at Oak and St Mary Coslany churches and create enhanced views of the buildings and respect the setting of grade II listed Folly House and Pineapple House;
  5. Development proposals should draw upon local character and distinctiveness and preserve or enhance the character and appearance of the conservation area;
  6. Proposals will be required to adopt and implement a strategy of heritage interpretation;
  7. Residential development should be provided in response to identified local community needs demonstrated through a future planning application to be appropriate for this edge of City Centre site.
  8. Achieve high quality landscaping, planting and biodiversity enhancements, including enhancements to the adjacent churchyards along with improved public access;
  9. Ensures a level of surface water flood resilience and incorporates appropriate flood mitigation measures addressing identified risks from surface water flooding;
  10. A noise impact assessment and air quality assessment will be required, and the development must be designed to mitigate the impact of noise from the main road;
  11. The scale of buildings fronting onto St Martin’s Lane and the two historic churches will be lower than those facing Duke Street and St Crispin’s Road and should reflect the tight urban grain of development predominant in the conservation area;
  12. Increased connectivity between the site and the surrounding townscape. Pedestrian and cycle access through the area will be created by the design of routes between St Mary’s Plain and St Crispin’s Road.
  13. Car free or low car housing in accordance with Policy 2 is appropriate in this location.

Policy Map

Policy Map GNLP3054