Table 2 - Site Progress Indicators - Key Service Centre Sites



Development type and indicators


Trigger for action



Land west of Acle.

Residential development.


  1. Approximately 340 homes.
  2. 33% affordable housing.

Infrastructure and other requirements:

  1. Masterplan.
  2. Link road between Norwich Road and South Walsham Road of sufficient standard to accommodate HGV/agricultural traffic.
  3. Access (vehicular and pedestrian) through allocation to the east.
  4. Public right of way along Mill Lane protected.
  5. Footway provided along the west of Mill Lane and east at South Walsham Road.
  6. Open space and green infrastructure enhancements.
  7. 10% Biodiversity Net Gain.

Provide a minimum of 340 homes in accordance with the trajectory.

Provide around 112 affordable homes.

Provision of infrastructure and other requirements as indicated in policy.

Fewer than 340 homes are permitted.

The site is not delivering in line with the trajectory.

Affordable homes, infrastructure and other requirements are not permitted or delivered in line with policy requirements.

Assess why the housing targets are not being met. If there are viability concerns update the Viability Assessment.

Consider whether a review of the plan should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure identified housing needs can be met.

Consider alternative means of delivering affordable housing, infrastructure, and other needs.


Land to the north of Norwich Road, Acle.

Residential development.


  1. Approximately 140 homes.
  2. 33% affordable housing.

Infrastructure and other requirements:

  1. Access (vehicular and pedestrian) from Norwich Road.
  2. Additional pedestrian access via Mill Lane.
  3. Access to adjacent allocation to be provided.
  4. 10% Biodiversity Net Gain.

Provide a minimum of 140 homes in accordance with the trajectory.

Provide around 46 affordable homes.

Provision of infrastructure and other requirements as indicated in policy.

Fewer than 140 homes are permitted.

The site is not delivering in line with the trajectory.

Affordable homes, infrastructure and other requirements are not permitted or delivered in line with policy requirements.

Assess why the housing targets are not being met. If there are viability concerns update the Viability Assessment.

Consider whether a review of the plan should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure identified housing needs can be met.

Consider alternative means of delivering affordable housing, infrastructure, and other needs.


Land south of Acle Station, Acle.

Residential and employment development.


  1. Approximately 30 homes.
  2. 33% affordable housing.


  1. Class E(g) employment.

Infrastructure and other requirements:

  1. Access (vehicular and pedestrian) from New Reedham Road.
  2. Pedestrian access to rail station.
  3. Bus shelter at Beighton Road.
  4. 10% Biodiversity Net Gain.

Provide a minimum of 30 homes in accordance with the trajectory.

Provide around 10 affordable homes.

Provision of infrastructure and other requirements as indicated in policy.

Fewer than 30 homes are permitted.

The site is not delivering in line with the trajectory.

Affordable homes, infrastructure and other requirements are not permitted or delivered in line with policy requirements.

Assess why the housing targets are not being met. If there are viability concerns update the Viability Assessment.

Consider whether a review of the plan should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure identified housing needs can be met.

Consider alternative means of delivering affordable housing, infrastructure, and other needs.


Land at the former station yard, west of B1140, Acle.

Employment development.


  1. Class B2.

Infrastructure and other requirements:

  1. Access (vehicular and pedestrian) from New Reedham Road.
  2. Retention of appropriate water supply.
  3. Possible need for land contamination study.
  4. 10% Biodiversity Net Gain.

Provide employment uses within class B2.

Provision of infrastructure and other requirements as indicated in policy.

B2 employment uses are not permitted.

Infrastructure and other requirements are not permitted or delivered in line with policy.

Assess why the employment needs are not being met.

Consider whether a review of the plan should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure identified employment needs can be met.

Consider alternative means of delivering infrastructure and other needs.


Land adjacent to Norwich Camping and Leisure, off Yarmouth Road, Blofield.

Residential development.


  1. Approximately 15 homes.
  2. 33% affordable housing.

Infrastructure and other requirements:

  1. Provision of a frontage footway.
  2. Appropriate visibility splay.
  3. Retention of tree belt and hedgerows with appropriate compensatory planting.
  4. 10% Biodiversity Net Gain.

A minimum of 15 homes in accordance with the trajectory.

Provide around 5 affordable homes.

Provision of infrastructure and other requirements as indicated in policy.

Fewer than 15 homes are permitted.

The site is not delivering in line with the trajectory.

Affordable homes, infrastructure and other requirements are not permitted or delivered in line with policy requirements.

Assess why the housing targets are not being met. If there are viability concerns update the Viability Assessment.

Consider whether a review of the plan should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure identified housing needs can be met.

Consider alternative means of delivering affordable housing, infrastructure, and other needs.


Land to the south of A47 and north of Yarmouth Road, Blofield.

Mixed-use development.


  1. Approximately 175 dwellings.
  2. 33% affordable housing.


  1. Maximum floor space of 4,000 m² of E(g) use class.

Infrastructure and other requirements:

  1. Vehicular access from Yarmouth Road.
  2. On-site public open space.
  3. Provision of allotments.
  4. 10% Biodiversity Net Gain.

Provide a minimum of 175 homes in accordance with the trajectory.

Provide around 58 affordable homes.

Provision of infrastructure and other requirements as indicated in policy.

Fewer than 175 homes are permitted.

The site is not delivering in line with the trajectory.

Employment use (class E(g)) is not permitted.

Affordable homes, infrastructure and other requirements not permitted in line with policy requirements.

Assess why the housing targets are not being met. If there are viability concerns update the Viability Assessment.

Assess why the employment needs are not being met.

Consider whether a review of the plan should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure identified housing and employment needs can be met.

Consider alternative means of delivering affordable housing, infrastructure, and other needs.


Land north of Grove Road, Hethersett.

Extra care housing.


  1. 40 places of extra care housing.

Infrastructure and other requirements:

  1. Vehicular access from north of site via adjacent allocation.
  2. Masterplanned alongside adjacent site.
  3. 10% Biodiversity Net Gain.

Provide extra care housing.

Provision of infrastructure and other requirements as indicated in policy.

Extra care housing is not permitted.

Infrastructure and other requirements are not permitted or delivered in line with policy requirements.

Assess why extra care housing has not been provided.

Consider whether a review of the plan should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure identified housing needs can be met.

Consider alternative means of delivering housing, infrastructure, and other needs.


Land west of Poppyfields, Hethersett.

Informal Open Space.

  1. Part of site not permitted as access road to adjacent development should remain open and undeveloped.
  2. Archaeological surveys.
  3. 10% Biodiversity Net Gain.

Provision of informal open space.

Provision of infrastructure and other requirements as indicated in policy.

Informal open space is not permitted.

Assess why informal open space has not been provided.


Land south of Norwich Road, Hingham.

Residential development.


  1. Approximately 80 homes.
  2. 33% affordable housing.

Infrastructure and other requirements:

  1. TPO oak trees on south side of Norwich Road to be retained.
  2. Provision of adequate visibility splay incorporating footways.
  3. Pedestrian refuge in proximity of Ironside Way.
  4. Connectivity to Public right of way Hingham F9.
  5. 10% Biodiversity Net Gain.

Provide a minimum of 80 homes in accordance with the trajectory.

Provide around 26 Affordable homes.

Provision of infrastructure and other requirements as indicated in policy.

Fewer than 80 homes are permitted.

The site is not delivering in line with the trajectory.

Affordable homes, infrastructure and other requirements are not permitted or delivered in line with policy requirements.

Assess why the housing targets are not being met. If there are viability concerns update the Viability Assessment.

Consider whether a review of the plan should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure identified housing needs can be met.

Consider alternative means of delivering affordable housing, infrastructure, and other needs.


Land adjacent to Hingham Industrial Estate at Ironside Way, Hingham.

Employment development.


  1. Use classes E(g)/B2/B8.

Infrastructure and other requirements:

  1. Transport Statement.
  2. Retention of existing tree belts along northern, eastern and southern boundaries.
  3. Archaeological assessment.
  4. 10% Biodiversity Net Gain.

Provide a mixture of employment uses within use classes E(g), B2 and B8.

Provision of infrastructure and other requirements as indicated in policy.

Appropriate mix of employment uses is not permitted.

Infrastructure and other requirements are not permitted or delivered in line with policy.

Assess why the employment needs are not being met.

Consider whether a review of the plan should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure identified employment needs can be met.

Consider alternative means of delivering infrastructure and other needs.


Land to the east of Beccles Road, Loddon.

Residential development.


  1. Approximately 180 homes.
  2. 33% affordable housing.

Infrastructure and other requirements:

  1. Two points of vehicular access.
  2. Trees/hedgerows surrounding the site will be protected enhanced and incorporated.
  3. Ecological assessment.
  4. 10% Biodiversity Net Gain.

Provide a minimum of 180 homes in accordance with the trajectory.

Provide around 59 affordable homes.

Provision of infrastructure and other requirements as indicated in policy.

Fewer than 180 homes are permitted.

The site is not delivering in line with the trajectory.

Affordable homes, infrastructure and other requirements are not permitted or delivered in line with policy requirements.

Assess why the housing targets are not being met. If there are viability concerns update the Viability Assessment.

Consider whether a review of the plan should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure identified housing needs can be met.

Consider alternative means of delivering affordable housing, infrastructure, and other needs.


Land adjacent to Loddon Industrial Estate, Little Money Road, Loddon.

Employment development.


  1. Use classes E(g)/B2/B8.

Infrastructure and other requirements:

  1. Vehicular access from Little Money Road.
  2. Landscape enhancements to western and southern boundaries.
  3. Ecological assessment.
  4. Archaeological assessment.
  5. 15m exclusion zone Provide around pumping station at northern end of site.
  6. 10% Biodiversity Net Gain.

Provide a mixture of employment uses within use classes E(g), B2 and B8.

Provision of infrastructure and other requirements as indicated in policy.

An appropriate mix of employment uses is not permitted.

Infrastructure and other requirements are not permitted in line with policy.

Assess why the employment needs are not being met.

Consider whether a review of the plan should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure identified employment needs can be met.

Consider alternative means of delivering infrastructure and other needs.


Land off Langley Road, Chedgrave.

Residential development.


  1. Approximately 60 homes.
  2. 33% affordable housing.

Infrastructure and other requirements:

  1. Design brief for landscape impacts.
  2. Open space in elevated southern part of the site.
  3. Ecological Assessment.
  4. Ground contamination survey.
  5. Transport Statement.
  6. Visibility improvement and frontage development at Langley Road to the north.
  7. 2-metre-wide footway required for full extent of site frontage.
  8. Carriageway widening at Langley Lane.
  9. 10% Biodiversity Net Gain.

Provide a minimum of 60 homes in accordance with the trajectory.

Provide around 20 Affordable homes.

Provision of infrastructure and other requirements as indicated in policy.

Fewer than 60 homes are permitted.

The site is not delivering in line with the trajectory.

Affordable homes, infrastructure and other requirements not permitted in line with policy requirements.

Assess why the housing targets are not being met. If there are viability concerns update the Viability Assessment.

Consider whether a review of the plan should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure identified housing needs can be met.

Consider alternative means of delivering affordable housing, infrastructure, and other needs.


Ex MOD site, Pine Loke, Poringland.

Employment development.


  1. Use class E(g).

Infrastructure and other requirements:

  1. Landscape buffer to reduce noise impacts on neighbours.
  2. Appropriate access.
  3. Drainage assessment.
  4. Archaeological assessment.
  5. 10% Biodiversity Net Gain.

Provide employment uses within class E(g).

Provision of infrastructure and other requirements as indicated in policy.

Class E(g) uses are not permitted.

Infrastructure and other requirements not permitted in line with policy.

Assess why the employment needs are not being met.

Consider whether a review of the plan should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure identified employment needs can be met.

Consider alternative means of delivering infrastructure and other needs.


Land off Broomhill Lane, Reepham.

Residential led mixed-use development.


  1. Approximately 100 homes.
  2. 33% affordable housing.

Other potential uses:

  1. Community facilities including cemetery land and recreational open space.

Infrastructure and other requirements:

  1. Vehicular access from realigned and improved Broomhill Lane.
  2. Pedestrian access linking to Park Lane and Broomhill Lane.
  3. Extension to town cemetery.
  4. Ecological appraisal.
  5. 10% Biodiversity Net Gain.

Provide a minimum of 100 homes in accordance with the trajectory.

Provide around 33 affordable homes.

Provision of infrastructure and other requirements as indicated in policy.

Fewer than 100 homes are permitted.

The site is not delivering in line with the trajectory.

Affordable homes and infrastructure and other requirements are not permitted or delivered in line with policy requirements.

Assess why the housing targets are not being met. If there are viability concerns update the Viability Assessment.

Consider whether a review of the plan should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure identified housing needs can be met.

Consider alternative means of delivering affordable housing, infrastructure, and other needs.


Land at former station yard, Station Road, Reepham.

Mixed-use development.


  1. Approximately 20 homes.
  2. 33% affordable housing.


  1. Use classes E(g) and B2.

Infrastructure and other requirements:

  1. Access (vehicular and pedestrian) from Station Road.
  2. 10% Biodiversity Net Gain.

Provide a minimum of 20 homes in accordance with the trajectory.

Provide around 7 affordable homes.

Provide employment use in classes E(g) and B2.

Provision of infrastructure and other requirements.

Fewer than 20 homes are permitted.

The site is not delivering in line with the trajectory.

Employment use classes E(g) and B2 are not permitted.

Affordable homes and infrastructure and other requirements are not permitted or delivered in line with policy requirements.

Assess why the housing targets are not being met. If there are viability concerns update the Viability Assessment.

Assess why employment targets are not being met.

Consider whether a review of the plan should be undertaken and additional sites allocated to ensure identified housing and employment needs can be met.

Consider alternative means of delivering affordable housing, infrastructure, and other needs.