This is the second document that makes up the Greater Norwich Local Plan. It contains planning allocations for the sites to deliver the strategy, including undeveloped allocations carried forward from the Broadland, Norwich and South Norfolk Local Plans.. The sites document identifies and allocates strategic housing and mixed use sites as well as strategic sites for employment. Other allocations provide housing sites and sites for other uses (including employment, recreation, open space and community uses) to meet the strategic needs set out in the GNLP Strategy, without being strategic in themselves.
This document is organised according to the settlement hierarchy by:
- Norwich and the fringe parishes
- Main towns,
- Key service centres
- Broadland village clusters
- Non-residential allocations in South Norfolk
Maps and site policies are included for all allocated sites
This document does not contain any residential sites in smaller South Norfolk villages as South Norfolk Council are preparing a separate village clusters plan covering new and carried forward sites for housing in their village clusters. The GNLP has considered non-residential sites in South Norfolk villages.
As this is a strategic plan sites of less than 0.5 hectares and those proposed as settlement boundary extensions have not been included. Current inconsistencies between Broadland and South Norfolk regarding the inclusion or non-inclusion of carried forward allocations within settlement boundaries will be rectified for final adoption of the plan.