Policy 5 - Homes

Policy 5 - Homes

Residential proposals should address the need for homes for all sectors of the community having regard to the latest housing evidence, including a variety of homes in terms of tenure and cost. New homes should provide for a good quality of life in mixed and inclusive communities and major development proposals should provide adaptable homes to meet varied and changing needs.

This will be achieved as follows:

Affordable Housing

Major residential development proposals98 and purpose-built student accommodation will provide:

  • at least 33% affordable housing on-site across the plan area, except in Norwich City Centre where the requirement is at least 28%, or where

a) the site is allocated in a  Neighbourhood Plan for a different percentage of affordable housing, or

b) for brownfield sites where the applicant can demonstrate that particular circumstances justify the need for a viability assessment at decision-making stage;

  • affordable housing on-site except where exceptional circumstances justify off-site provision;
  • a mix of affordable housing sizes, types, and tenures in agreement with the local authority, taking account of the most up-to-date local evidence of housing need. This will include 10% of the affordable homes being available for affordable home ownership where this meets local needs;
  • affordable housing of at least equivalent quality to the market homes on-site.

The sub-division of a site to avoid affordable housing provision will not be permitted.

Space Standards

All housing development proposals must meet the Government’s Nationally Described Space Standard for internal space or any successor.

Accessible and Specialist Housing

Development proposals providing specialist housing options for older people’s accommodation and others with support needs, including sheltered housing, supported housing, extra care housing and residential/nursing care homes will be supported on sites with good access to local services including on sites allocated for residential use. Irrespective of C2 or C3 use class classification, specialist older people’s housing will provide 33% affordable housing or 28% in the city centre.

Proposals are particularly encouraged where Norfolk County Council identifies a strategic need for extra care housing.

To meet changing needs by providing accessible and adaptable homes, proposals for major housing development are required to provide at least 20% of homes to the Building Regulation M4(2)[1] standard or any successor.

Gypsies and Travellers, Travelling Show People and Residential Caravans 

Development for Gypsy and Traveller sites, Travelling Show People sites and residential caravans will be acceptable where proposals:

  • have safe and sustainable access to schools and facilities;
  • have suitable vehicular access;
  • provide for ancillary uses and landscaping;
  • are of a scale which is in keeping with its surroundings, including small-scale extensions to existing sites. 

For transit pitches the following additional criteria apply:

  • the site is conveniently accessible to the main ‘A’ and ‘B’ class road network; and,
  • an agreement is in place for satisfactory site management, including the maximum period and frequency of stay.

Purpose-built Student Accommodation

Development proposals for purpose-built student accommodation will be supported at the UEA campus where they are in accordance with the UEA Development Framework Strategy (DFS).

Away from UEA campus, proposals for purpose-built student accommodation will be supported where the need for the development is justified by the current or proposed size of Norwich’s higher educational institutions and the proposal will:

  • be in a location otherwise suitable for residential development with sustainable access to the institutions served;
  • be of a scale large enough to provide for high standards of student welfare;
  • contribute to a mixed and inclusive neighbourhood, not dominating existing residential comm unities;
  • provide a mix of accommodation types for a wide range of students; and
  • make provision for a policy compliant proportion of affordable housing that would be expected if the site were developed for general needs housing. Such provision may be made off-site through a commuted sum as set out in supplementary planning documents.

All consents will be restricted so the use of the accommodation is secured for students only.


Except for flats, at least 5% of plots on residential proposals of 40 dwellings or more should provide serviced self/custom-build plots unless:

  •                  a lack of need for such plots can be demonstrated;
  •                  plots have been marketed for 12 months and have not been sold.


9810 dwellings or more