Policy SL2007/GNLP4061/HNF3: Land at Abbey Farm Commercial, Horsham St Faith


Site HNF3 at Abbey Farm Commercial was allocated in the 2016 Broadland Local Plan but has yet to be developed at the base date of this plan. The principle of development on the site has already been accepted and it is expected that development will take place within the new local plan time-period up to 2038. The site is re-allocated for employment/commercial development with a small extension to include site GNLP4061, which is already partly built out.

Policy SL2007/GNLP4061/HNF3

Land at Abbey Farm Commercial, Horsham St Faith (approx. 4.39 ha) is allocated for employment uses (Use Classes E(g) B2, B8).

The development will be expected to address the following specific matters:

  1. Vehicular access off Church Street either via the existing access or a new access.
  2. Off-site improvements to the highway network may also be necessary which might include upgrading the Church Street/A140 junction.
  3. The site contains an historic environment record and therefore further investigation is likely to be required in respect of archaeology.  Any development must also consider the archaeological sensitivity of proximity to the scheduled St Faith Priory, including any contribution made to that sensitivity by setting.
  4. The site is adjacent to Horsham Meadows County Wildlife Site.  Potential impacts of development on the local hydrology and changes in drainage must be addressed through any planning application

Policy Map

Policy SL2007/GNLP4061/HNF3 Map