Policy REP1: Land off Broomhill Lane, Reepham


This site was allocated in 2016 as part of the Broadland Local Plan but has not yet been developed.  The principle of development is already accepted and it is expected that development will take place within the new local plan time-period up to 2038.  The site is considered in the calculation of the housing requirement, providing at least 100 homes, but more may be accommodated, subject to an acceptable design and layout, etc. being achieved.  The site is allocated at a lower gross density than usual, as the highway improvements, ecological mitigation and open space requirements are significant. The net density will be in line with the indicative minimum in Policy 2.

Policy REP1

Land off Broomhill Lane, Reepham (approx. 8.2ha) is allocated for residential development & community facilities (including cemetery land, recreational open space and a sports hall). This comprises land to the north (approx. 5.7 ha) and south (approx. 2.5 ha) of Broomhill Lane, Reepham. The site will accommodate approximately 100 homes in total.

More homes may be accommodated, subject to an acceptable design and layout, as well as infrastructure constraints.

The development will be expected to address the following specific matters:

  1. Vehicular access to be from a realigned and improved Broomhill Lane, incorporating appropriate traffic management measures and footway provision, with pedestrian access linking to Park Lane and Broomhill Lane.
  2. Off-site improvements to the highway network may also be necessary, as required by the highway authority, potentially including extension of the 30mph speed limit on Whitwell Road and consideration of extending the 20mph speed limit to the High School.
  3. Provision of a sports hall for the high school to be located in proximity to the existing school facilities.
  4. Provision to be made for an extension of the existing town cemetery.
  5. Due to the proximity of Broomhill Meadows CWS, an ecological appraisal will be required prior to development, to include evaluation of drainage impacts, provision of net gain biodiversity and buffering measures
  6. Mitigation and further investigation with regards to the site’s susceptibility to surface water flooding.
  7. Avoid contamination of groundwater.
  8. Norfolk Mineral and Waste Core Strategy Policy CS16 applies as this site is underlain by safeguarded mineral resources. The benefits of extracting the minerals, if feasible, will be taken into consideration.

Policy Map

REP1 Policy Map