Policy GNLP0520: Land south of Norwich Road, Hingham


The site boundary has been drawn to avoid areas of surface water flood risk and the most significant historic environment impacts.  The site is well located on the eastern approach into the village adjacent to a site allocated in the last local plan, and will form the gateway to Hingham when approaching from the east.  The allocation is subject to provision of adequate visibility splays and layout of the development to create an active frontage at B1108.  Footways need to be provided at the site frontage, along with a pedestrian crossing refuge in the vicinity of Ironside Way.  Consideration should also be given to connectivity with PROW Hingham F9. The site is allocated at a lower gross density than usual, as the surface water drainage area needs to be significant and the need to mitigate impact on nearby listed buildings and protect TPO trees has been taken into account. The net density will be in line with the indicative minimum in Policy 2.

Policy GNLP0520

Land south of Norwich Road, Hingham (approx. 6.92 ha) is allocated for residential development. This will accommodate approximately 80 homes.

More homes may be accommodated, subject to an acceptable design and layout being achieved, and any infrastructure issues addressed.

The development will be expected to address the following specific matters:

  1. TPO oak trees on south side of Norwich Road to be retained.
  2. Design and layout of the site to create an active frontage along Norwich Road and show regard to the site’s gateway role.
  3. Provision of an adequate visibility splay incorporating footways, to be provided along the whole site frontage.
  4. Pedestrian refuge in the proximity of Ironside Way, to access local employment opportunities.
  5. Connectivity of the site to Public Right of Way (PRoW) Hingham F9.
  6. Mitigation and further investigation with regards to the site’s susceptibility to surface water flooding.
  7. Avoid contamination of groundwater.
  8. Mitigation of impacts on Sea Mere SSSI
  9. Any development must conserve and enhance the significance of Lilac Farmhouse and Blenheim Cottage to the south of the site, including any contribution made to that significance by setting. This includes but is not limited to landscaping along the southern edge of the site.

Policy Map

GNLP0520 Policy Map