Policy GNLP2161: Land adjacent to Norwich Camping & Leisure, off Yarmouth Road, Blofield


Residential development in Blofield is limited due to the level of existing commitment and capacity issues with the A47 roundabout, however this site is considered to be of a suitable size to allocate.  The allocation is subject to provision of frontage footway and possible ‘de-engineering’ of the former trunk road.  The promoter would need to demonstrate availability of appropriate visibility splay.  Consideration will need to be given to how the site relates to the existing delivery and service yard of Norwich Camping and Leisure. The access and amenity impacts of the adjacent site and the A47 mean this site has been allocated at a lower than usual gross density but the net density is in line with the indicative minimum density in Policy 2.

Policy GNLP2161

Land adjacent to Norwich Camping & Leisure, off Yarmouth Road, Blofield (approx. 0.91 ha) is allocated for residential development. This site is likely to accommodate at least 15 homes.

More homes may be accommodated, subject to an acceptable design and layout, as well as infrastructure constraints.

The development will be expected to address the following specific matters:

  1. The design and layout of the scheme must mitigate amenity impacts relating to the neighbouring business to the east, addressing in particular access to the service yard.
  2. Early assessment of the junction and the A47 at this location is required.
  3. Provision of a frontage footway. 
  4. Availability and achievability of an appropriate visibility splay
  5. Possible alterations of former trunk road.
  6. Avoid contamination of groundwater.
  7. The trees and hedgerows surrounding the site will be protected, enhanced and incorporated into the scheme.

Policy Map

GNLP2161 Policy Map