Policy GNLP0351: Land at Heathwood Gospel Hall, Green Lane West, Rackheath


This is a brownfield site within the existing settlement limit where development is acceptable in principle.  Constraints on the site for residential development are relatively few, although some mitigation may be necessary due to the location of industrial buildings to the rear and the loss of employment land will need to be considered.  The site is allocated subject to footpath connections and development being limited to the site frontage. 


If the site were to be extended to be over 1ha in size then Norfolk Minerals and Waste Core Strategy Policy CS16 would apply as the site is underlain by sand and gravel and is within a minerals and waste consultation area.

Policy GNLP0351

Land at Heathwood Gospel Hall, Green Lane West, Rackheath (approx. 0.64ha) is allocated for residential development.  This will accommodate at least 15 homes.

More homes may be accommodated, subject to an acceptable design and layout being achieved.

The development will be expected to address the following specific matters:

  1. Mitigation measures to manage the compatibility of neighbouring residential and industrial estate uses will be required.

Policy Map

GNLP0351 Policy Map