Policy GNLP0253: Colney Hall, Watton Road, Colney


This allocation at Colney Hall is made for the unique opportunity it presents.  Providing specialist older people’s accommodation, as well as showcasing and furthering knowledge and research about wellbeing in later life. The Colney Hall location has been chosen to take advantage of its proximity to the nearby university research and healthcare facilities.  The allocation is specifically made so as to secure a residential-led development for older people that is supplemented by related university research space and healthcare facilities.


To address the difficulties of the site’s edge of settlement location, development is contingent on a transport assessment and implementation of any agreed improvement measures.  These are likely to include a new junction along the B1108, as well as extra pedestrian and cycle connections to existing facilities.  In addition, development will need to be guided by a masterplanning exercise to address the sensitive heritage and ecological characteristics of the site.  Continuous engagement with local people and interested groups will be essential so that the development is fully integrated with the wider community.

Policy GNLP0253

Colney Hall, Watton Road, Colney (approx. 24.99 ha) is allocated for specialist housing for older people and for university research and healthcare uses to support wellbeing in later life. Uses will include dementia care, extra care housing, university research space E(g)(ii), and healthcare facilities D1. The site is to accommodate a dementia care unit of approximately 80 beds, approximately 120 units of extra care housing, and the conversion of Colney Hall.

The development will include the following specific matters:

  1. A masterplan for the whole site.  Comprising a mix of uses that is majority C2 but includes research E(gii) and healthcare D1 facilities to make the development exceptional for wellbeing in later life.  The layout of the development will need to retain the significant trees across the site, incorporate high quality landscaping to enhance the woodland setting and provide informal recreational green space.
  2. A transport assessment with the implementation of any agreed highway mitigation measures.
  3. Site access from the B1108 with a new traffic signal junction, as well as shared use cycleway/footway from access extending eastwards to connect to existing cycle facility.
  4. Sensitive conversion of the Grade II listed Colney Hall and its gardens.
  5. Consideration to protecting the distinctive characteristics of the River Yare valley.
  6. Historic Environment Service to be consulted to determine any need for archaeological surveys prior to development.
  7. A site-specific flood risk assessment is required.
  8. A site-specific ecological survey is required.
  9. Norfolk Minerals and Waste Core Strategy Policy CS16 applies, as this site is underlain by safeguarded minerals resources.  The benefits of extracting the minerals, if feasible, will be taken into consideration.  Remediation maybe required due to former landfill site.

Policy Map

Policy Map GNLP0253