Policy COL 3: Redevelopment of existing hospital and science park uses within the Colney Development Boundary


The Colney development boundary was defined in 2015 as part of the South Norfolk Local Plan and seeks to guide the range of uses permitted.  Retention of the development boundary and policy to guide the uses permitted is considered justified. Policy COL 3 protects the science and hospital activities in this location and ensures the range of uses taking place at Norwich Research Park are compatible with each other.

Policy COL 3

Redevelopment of existing hospital and science park uses within the Colney Development Boundary, Colney

Any proposed redevelopment of sites currently in use for Hospital and Science Park development will be considered positively where it accords with the criteria set out in Policy COL 1, to the extent that is proportionate to the scale and nature of the proposal.

Policy Map

COL 3 Policy Map