Health Care


Forward planning for healthcare services is a high priority. The Greater Norwich Local Plan Infrastructure Report includes the need for health care infrastructure established through the Health Infrastructure Delivery Plan (HIDP) drawn up by the Sustainability and Transformation Partnership (STP). The HIDP has been produced in collaboration with the local Clinical Commissioning Groups (Norwich, North Norfolk and South Norfolk) and NHS Foundation Trusts (Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital, Norfolk Community Health and Care and the Norfolk and Suffolk trusts).


The HIDP aims to promote the allocation of land for healthcare uses, securing land by planning obligations from developers, or negotiating contributions to expand existing buildings and facilities. The HIDP also identifies a range of potential funding sources to provide for growth requirements, including loans, disposals and partnerships.


A full estate strategy is being developed which will impact on the infrastructure requirements from the HIDP included in this plan. Therefore, only currently identified issues are included this strategy. Updated information will be provided in the trust’s completed strategy. This will be included in the GNLP.


The needs resulting from growth in Greater Norwich identified in the study are set out in appendix 1.