

The Greater Norwich Energy Infrastructure Study (March 2019) concludes that failure to address local energy constraints through local plan policy could threaten the delivery of growth in this plan. These result partly from regulatory barriers to network operators investing in new energy supply infrastructure. Reflecting the requirements of the NPPF, the study highlights the importance of having both positive energy efficiency polices and policies to promote sustainable energy development. This will help both to address climate change and to overcome network constraints.


The policy reflects the recommendations of the study in relation to improving network supply capacity. Policy 2 reflects its recommendations through policies which aim to reduce the carbon emissions, promote local energy networks and minimise energy demand in new developments.


Therefore, the policy commits the Greater Norwich authorities to lobbying for improvements to the capacity of the energy supply network by the service provider, UK Power Networks to ensure improvements are delivered to serve growth needs and/or to innovative approaches which could off-set the need for capacity improvements. It particularly highlights the substations at which the study identifies capacity concerns. These are at Sprowston, Peachman Way (Broadland Business Park), Earlham and Cringleford.