Greater Norwich Development Partnership Board 6 January 2020

The GNLP consultation documents do not contain any sites in smaller South Norfolk villages as South Norfolk Council intend to prepare a separate village clusters housing allocation plan covering new and carried forward sites for housing in their village clusters. There should be a separate consultation document in the near future about sites in these settlements. To find out more about the progress of this document, please contact the South Norfolk planning team on 01508 533805 or email 

Greater Norwich Development Partnership Board Papers 6 January 2020
Draft Plan (Regulation 18) Greater Norwich Local Plan Strategy Document
Draft Plan (Regulation 18) Greater Norwich Local Plan Sites Document
Settlement Chapters: Key Service Centres
Acle.pdf (4.96 MB)
Blofield.pdf (2.22 MB)
Brundall.pdf (5.38 MB)
Hethersett.pdf (7.47 MB)
Hingham.pdf (3.98 MB)
Poringland.pdf (8.39 MB)
Reepham.pdf (5.72 MB)
Wroxham.pdf (2.85 MB)