MM11 - Policy 5
Page 85
Amend Policy 5 to read:
POLICY 5 - HOMES (underlined in the original)
Residential proposals should address the need for homes for all sectors of the community having regard to the latest housing evidence, including a variety of homes in terms of tenure and cost. New homes should provide for a good quality of life in mixed and inclusive communities and major development proposals should provide adaptable homes to meet varied and changing needs.
This will be achieved as follows:
Affordable Housing (underlined in the original)
Major residential development proposals98and purpose-built student accommodation will provide:
atAt least 33% affordable housing on-site across the plan area, except in Norwich City Centre (as defined in map 10) where the requirement is at least 28%, or where
a) the site is allocated in a Neighbourhood Plan for a different percentage of affordable housing, or
b)for brownfield sites wherethe applicant can demonstrate that particular circumstances justify the need for a viability assessment at decision-making stage;.affordableAffordable housing on-site except where exceptional circumstances justify off-site provision;.aA mix of affordable housing sizes, types, and tenures in agreement with the local authority, taking account of the most up-to-date local evidence of housing need.This will include 10% of the affordable homes being available for affordable home ownership where this meets local needs;affordableAffordable housing of at least equivalent quality to the market homes on-site.
The sub-division of a site to avoid affordable housing provision will not be permitted.
Space Standards (underlined in the original)
All housing development proposals must meet the Government's Nationally Described Space Standard for internal space or any successor.
Accessible and Specialist Housing (underlined in the original)
Development proposals providing specialist housing options for older people's accommodation and others with support needs, including sheltered housing, supported housing, extra care housing and residential/nursing care homes will be supportedpermitted on sites with good access to local services including on sites allocated for residential useunless there are significant adverse impacts that justify a refusal of planning permission. Irrespective of C2 or C3 use class classification, specialist older people's housing will provide 33% affordable housing or 28% in the city centre.
Proposals are particularly encouraged where Norfolk County Council identifies a strategic need for extra care housing.
The identification by Norfolk County Council of a strategic need for specialist housing which the proposal can address will be a material consideration.
To meet changing needs by providing accessible and adaptable homes, proposals for major housing development are required to provide at least 20% of homes to the Building Regulation M4(2)[1] standard or any successor.
Gypsies and Travellers, Travelling Show People and Residential Caravans (underlined in the original)
Planning applications that result in the loss of authorised pitches or plots will not be permitted unless:
- · Replacement pitches or plots are provided: or
- · It is demonstrated that the pitches or plots are no longer needed.
The need for 52 pitches for Gypsies and Travellers will be provided for by:
- Allocations in the Sites Plan for a minimum of 30 deliverable pitches;
Sites |
Pitches |
Land north of Shortthorn Road, Stratton Strawless |
4 |
Romany Meadow, The Turnpike, Carleton Rode |
6 |
Land off Upgate Street, Carleton Rode |
4 |
Land at the Oaks, Reepham Road, Foulsham |
5 |
Land at Strayground Lane, Wymondham |
12 |
Land off Brick Kiln Road, Hevingham |
5 |
Land off Buxton Road, Eastgate, Cawston |
2 |
Total Pitches |
38 |
- An allocation for approximately 10 developable pitches at Ketteringham Depot; and
- The anticipated delivery of at least 12 windfall pitches.
The need for 43 Travelling Showpeople plots will be provided through windfall proposals.
Development for Gypsy and Traveller sites, Travelling Show People sites and residential caravans will be acceptable where proposals Windfall proposals for new Travelling Showpeople plots, pitches for Gypsies and Travellers and for residential caravans can be within or outside settlement boundaries. Subject to meeting other policies in the development plan, proposals will be permitted where the site:
have safe and sustainable access to schools and facilities;Is within reasonable travelling distance of schools, services and shops, preferably by foot, cycle or public transport;haveHas suitable vehicular access;provide for ancillary uses andProvides for appropriate landscaping;areIs of a scale which is in keeping with its surroundings, including small-scale ;extensions to existing sites.; and- For Travelling Showpeople plots, provides necessary storage for equipment.
For transit pitches providing temporary accommodation the following additional criteria apply:
theThe site is conveniently accessible to the main 'A' and 'B' class road network; and,anAn agreement is in place for satisfactory site management, including the maximum period and frequency of stay.
Purpose-built Student Accommodation (underlined in the original)
Development proposals for purpose-built student accommodation will be supported at the UEA campus where they are in accordance withwill have regard to the UEA Development Framework Strategy (DFS) or any successor documents. Purpose-built student accommodation within the boundaries of the UEA campus will not be required to provide an onsite or commuted sum contribution to affordable housing.
Away from the UEA campus, proposals for purpose-built student accommodation will be supported where the need for the development is justified by the current or proposed size of Norwich's higher educational institutions and the proposal will:
beBe in a location otherwise suitable for residential development with sustainable access to the institutions served;beBe of a scale large enoughto provide for high standardsso that services and amenities are provided on-site to ensure high standards of student welfare;contributeContribute to a mixed and inclusive neighbourhood, not dominating existing residential communities;provideProvide a mix of accommodation typesfor a wide range of studentsto meet a range of needs in the student accommodation market; andmake provision for a policy compliant proportion of affordable housing that would be expected if the site were developed for general needs housing. Such provision may be made off-site through a commuted sum as set out in supplementary planning documentsBe required to pay a commuted sum sufficient to provide an off-site policy compliant level of affordable housing for which a supplementary planning document will give more detailed guidance on the methodology for calculating equivalent dwellings from student accommodation.
All consents will be restricted so the use of the accommodation is secured for students only.
Self/Custom-Build (underlined in the original)
Except for flats and in other schemes where it would be clearly impractical, at least 5% of plots on residential proposals of 40 dwellings or more should provide serviced self/custom-build plots unless:
aA lack of need for such plots can be demonstrated; orplotsPlots have been marketed for 12 months and have not been sold.
To ensure the plan is effective and justified