

The varied landscape character areas42 in and adjacent to Greater Norwich area consist of: the fens and marshes of the Broads to the east of Greater Norwich (area 80 on map 5 below); a more intimate landscape of small fields and hedgerows adjacent to the Broads, also in the east (area 79); rolling landscapes of varied geology including woodland, heath and former parkland estates in the west and north (areas 84 and 78) and an extensive open clay plateau in the south (area 83).


These nationally identified landscape character areas inform local landscape character studies. Locally significant landscapes include strategic gaps between settlements, river valleys (including the Wensum, Waveney, Bure, Tiffey, Tas, Chet), undeveloped approaches to Norwich and the setting of the Broads.


Greater Norwich does not have a nationally designated Green Belt. National policy is clear that new Green Belts should very rarely be established. Therefore this plan will need to carry forward policies for protecting our valued landscapes.

Map 5 - Natural England Landscape Character Areas

Map 5 - Natural England Landscape Character Areas