
7. The July 2021 submission of the GNLP to the Secretary of State stated that a further 64 pitches for Gypsies and Travellers will be required across Greater Norwich by the end of the plan period in 2038. Since then, the Partnership has kept its requirement under review and has continued working with RRR Consultancy (‘RRR’) to produce a new Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment (‘GTAA’) (examination document B8.3) which was produced in June 2022.

8. The GTAA, with the most recent updates, shows there are 132 permanent authorised Gypsy and Traveller pitches in Greater Norwich. This consists of 98 existing authorised pitches, 24 potential sites with planning permission that will be built, 4 vacant pitches, and 6 transit pitches (although the latter are currently not occupied). Also, the 2011 Census shows there were 354 Gypsies and Travellers living in the area, representing 0.09% of the total population.