Policy GNLP5024 Upgate Street, Carleton Rode

53. This is an existing privately owned Gypsy and Traveller site located on Upgate Street, Carleton Rode. The allocation of GNLP5024 will result in an expansion from the existing 2 pitches to 6 pitches in total.

54. Further development of the site will require investigation of highway safety, including of vehicle speeds along Upgate Street, with widening of the visibility splay at the site entrance as appropriate. An ecological assessment prior to development is required due to the presence of a veteran tree on the northern boundary of the site and because New Buckenham Common is approximately 250 metres to the south-west.

Policy GNLP5024

Upgate Street, Carleton Rode (0.62 ha) is allocated for a residential Gypsy and Traveller site. The site will accommodate approximately 4 additional residential Gypsy and Traveller pitches.

The development will address the following site-specific matters:

  1. Access should be via the existing access off Upgate Street. A highway safety assessment is required, and an appropriate visibility splay must be achieved.
  2. An ecological assessment must be carried out and any identified impacts on protected species and nearby sites mitigated.
  3. Pollution mitigation measures are required as the site is within the catchment of groundwater source protection zone (III).
  4. The residential pitches shall not be occupied by any persons other than Gypsies and Travellers and their families.

Policy Map

Map showing proposed Gypsy and Traveller site at Upgate Street, Carleton Rode