Chapter contents
- POLICY B.CA.GT1 Land off Buxton Road, Eastgate, Cawston
- POLICY B.FO.GT1 The Oaks, Land off Reepham Road, Foulsham
- POLICY B.HE.GT1 Land off Brick Kiln Road, Hevingham
- POLICY B.SS.GT1 Woodland Stable, Shortthorn Road, Stratton Strawless
- POLICY S.CR.GT1 Romany Meadow, The Turnpike, Carleton Rode
- POLICY S.CR.GT2 Upgate Street, Carleton Rode
- POLICY S.KE.GT1 Ketteringham Depot land east of Station Lane, Ketteringham
- POLICY S.WY.GT1A/B Land at Strayground Lane, Wymondham
Land off Buxton Road, Eastgate, Cawston
9.1 This privately owned greenfield site is located on the Buxton Road in the hamlet of Eastgate to the south-east of Cawston.
9.2 Additional landscaping is required as part of the design and layout of the scheme to enhance screening and to maintain the residential amenity of the neighbouring property to the west.
9.3 An archaeological assessment is required prior to development due to the site being close to an area of Roman settlement.
Land off Buxton Road, Eastgate, Cawston (0.09 hectares) is allocated for a permanent residential Gypsy and Travellers site. The site will accommodate approximately 2 residential Gypsy and Traveller pitches.
The development will achieve the following site-specific requirements:
- Access will be via Buxton Road. Any trees or hedgerow lost to form the access or visibility splay must be compensated for with new planting within the development.
- Landscaping, including species appropriate to the local area, will be provided to enhance screening and to maintain the residential amenity of the neighbouring property to the west.
- A desk based archaeological assessment and, if necessary, a programme of archaeological fieldwork, will be required prior to development.
- The site falls within Source Protection Zone 3. Therefore, pollution control techniques should be incorporated to ensure that development of the site does not lead to pollution of the water environment.
- The residential pitches shall not be occupied by any persons other than Gypsies and Travellers and their families.

The Oaks, Land off Reepham Road, Foulsham
9.4 This site allocation would extend a well-established privately owned Gypsy and Traveller site by 5 further pitches. The site is located off the Reepham Road, approximately 2 kilometres from the edge of the village of Foulsham which has a limited range of services and facilities including Foulsham Primary School.
9.5 Further development of the site will require investigations into highway safety, including vehicle speeds along Reepham Road, with widening of the visibility splay at the site entrance if required.
9.6 The Bacton to Kings Lynn gas pipeline crosses from east to west below the site at its mid-point. This will require further investigation, engagement with the Health & Safety Executive (HSE), National Gas Transmission and National Grid and consequent consideration of site design. A surface water flow path that crosses the southern portion of the site is also likely to limit where caravans and other structures can be located.
9.7 An ecological assessment is needed due to the presence of several County Wildlife Sites within 2.5 kilometres.
9.8 The site allocation for policy B.FO.GT1 allows for its expansion from the existing 2 pitches to 7 pitches in total.
The Oaks off Reepham Road, is allocated for a residential Gypsy and Traveller site (3.1 hectares). The site will accommodate approximately 5 additional residential Gypsy and Traveller pitches.
The development will achieve the following site-specific requirements:
- Access will be via the existing access on Reepham Road. A highway safety assessment is required, and an appropriate visibility splay must be achieved.
- A flood risk assessment is required. Caravans and other structures should be positioned to avoid areas of flood risk.
- An ecological assessment must be carried out to identify impacts on protected species.
- Landscaping and tree planting will be required to preserve the landscape character of the surrounding area and to protect views of nearby listed buildings.
- Development will be designed to avoid impacts to and from the underground gas pipeline.
- The site falls within Source Protection Zone 3. Therefore, pollution control techniques should be incorporated to ensure that development of the site does not lead to pollution of the water environment.
- The residential pitches shall not be occupied by any persons other than Gypsy and Travellers and their families.

Land off Brick Kiln Road, Hevingham
9.9 This is an 0.75-hectare greenfield site which will extend a well-established privately owned Gypsy and Traveller site located off Brick Kiln Road, Hevingham.
9.10 The site consists of grassland with mature trees and hedgerows bordering and within it. As such, it has the potential to support priority habitats as well as protected species such as bats, reptiles and breeding birds, so a preliminary ecological appraisal is required.
9.11 The land shown as B.HE.GT1 already has planning permission for one pitch, reference (20131495). This allocation allows for its expansion from the existing pitch to six pitches in total. It therefore adds five pitches to the already established site.
9.12 The Bacton to Roudham Heath gas pipeline crosses from east to west across the far northern end of the site. This will require further investigation, engagement with the Health & Safety Executive (HSE), National Gas Transmission and National Grid and consequent consideration of site design. A surface water flow path that crosses the northern border of the site is also likely to limit where caravans and other structures can be located.
Land off Brick Kiln Road, Hevingham (0.75 hectares) is allocated for a permanent residential Gypsy and Travellers site. The site will accommodate approximately 5 additional residential Gypsy and Traveller pitches.
The development will achieve the following site-specific requirements:
- Access will be via Brick Kiln Road. Any trees or hedgerow lost to form the access or visibility splay must be compensated for with new planting within the development.
- A flood risk assessment is required. Caravans and other structures should be positioned to avoid areas of flood risk.
- Development will be designed to avoid impacts to and from the underground gas pipeline located just within the northern site boundary.
- The site falls within Source Protection Zone 3. Therefore, pollution control techniques should be incorporated to ensure that development of the site does not lead to pollution of the water environment.
- An ecological assessment must be carried out to identify impacts on protected species.
- The residential pitches shall not be occupied by any persons other than Gypsies and Travellers and their families.

Woodland Stable, Shortthorn Road, Stratton Strawless
9.13 This is a privately owned greenfield site which will extend a well-established privately owned Gypsy and Traveller site known as Woodland Stable which is located on Shortthorn Road in Stratton Strawless. The site allocation for policy B.SS.GT1 allows for an expansion from the existing 9 pitches to 17 pitches in total.
9.14 Prior to development an ecological assessment is required due to the surrounding trees and the potential habitat for protected species.
9.15 The land shown as B.SS.GT1 already has planning permission for 4 pitches (20211657). This allocation therefore adds 4 pitches to the number already consented at Woodland Stable.
Woodland Stable, Shortthorn Road, Stratton Strawless (0.33 hectares) is allocated for a residential Gypsy and Traveller site. The site will accommodate approximately 8 additional residential Gypsy and Traveller pitches.
The development will achieve the following site-specific requirements:
- Access should be via the existing access off Shortthorn Road that serves the Woodland Stables site.
- An ecological assessment and arboricultural survey must be carried out to identify impacts on protected species; and, to retain as many existing trees on site as possible or to replant where removal is deemed necessary.
- The residential pitches shall not be occupied by any persons other than Gypsies and Travellers and their families.

Romany Meadow, The Turnpike, Carleton Rode
9.16 This is a privately owned greenfield site which will extend a well-established Gypsy and Traveller site known as Romany Meadow on The Turnpike, Carleton Rode. The site allocation policy for S.CR.GT1 allows for an expansion from the existing 6 pitches to 12 pitches in total.
9.17 Site-specific issues will impact on the design of the development. A surface water flow path that crosses the southern part of the site is likely to limit where caravans and other structures can be located, and additional landscaping is required at the boundaries of the site to protect views of nearby listed buildings. An ecological assessment is also required due to the proximity of nearby mature trees and hedgerows.
Land off the B1113 (0.54 hectares) at Romany Meadow, The Turnpike, Carleton Rode is allocated for a residential Gypsy and Traveller site. The site will accommodate approximately 6 additional residential Gypsy and Traveller pitches.
The development will achieve the following site-specific requirements:
- Access should be via the existing access off The Turnpike that serves the Romany Meadow site.
- A flood risk assessment is required. Caravans and other structures should be positioned to avoid areas of flood risk.
- An ecological assessment must be carried out to identify impacts on protected species.
- Landscaping and tree planting will be required to preserve the landscape character of the surrounding area and to protect views of nearby listed buildings.
- The site falls within Source Protection Zone 3. Therefore, pollution control techniques should be incorporated to ensure that development of the site does not lead to pollution of the water environment.
- The residential pitches shall not be occupied by any persons other than Gypsies and Travellers and their families.

Upgate Street, Carleton Rode
9.18 This is an existing privately owned Gypsy and Traveller site located on Upgate Street, Carleton Rode. The site allocation policy for S.CR.GT2 allows for its expansion from the existing 2 pitches to 6 pitches in total.
9.19 Further development of the site will require investigation of highway safety, including of vehicle speeds along Upgate Street, with widening of the visibility splay at the site entrance as appropriate.
9.20 An ecological assessment prior to development is required due to the presence of a veteran tree on the northern boundary of the site and because New Buckenham Common is approximately 250 metres to the south-west.
9.21 A possible fragment of the scheduled monument Bunn’s Bank linear earthwork is approximately 230 metres to the west of the site. Therefore, development must ensure that the nearby historical site is protected. An archaeological assessment prior to development of S.CR.GT2 is required to ensure that any historical interest is investigated.
Upgate Street, Carleton Rode (0.62 hectares) is allocated for a residential Gypsy and Traveller site. The site will accommodate approximately 4 additional residential Gypsy and Traveller pitches.
The development will achieve the following site-specific requirements:
- Access should be via the existing access off Upgate Street. A highway safety assessment is required, and an appropriate visibility splay must be achieved.
- An ecological assessment must be carried out to identify impacts on protected species.
- The site falls within Source Protection Zone 3. Therefore, pollution control techniques should be incorporated to ensure that development of the site does not lead to pollution of the water environment.
- A desk based archaeological assessment and, if necessary, a programme of archaeological fieldwork, will be required prior to development.
- The residential pitches shall not be occupied by any persons other than Gypsies and Travellers and their families.

Ketteringham Depot land east of Station Lane, Ketteringham
9.22 This site is on publicly owned land located east of Station Lane, Ketteringham. It is currently used as a depot which is expected to be relocated.
9.23 Assessments and appropriate mitigation will be required prior to development. These are an assessment of possible land contamination from previous uses, an ecological survey for the potential for hibernating bats in the existing buildings and an investigation of potential noise and dust from neighbouring depot and waste processing businesses nearby.
Land east of Station Lane, Ketteringham, (0.7 hectares) is allocated for a residential Gypsy and Traveller site. The site will accommodate approximately 10 residential Gypsy and Traveller pitches.
The development will achieve the following site-specific requirements:
- Access should be via the existing access that is currently serving the depot.
- Investigation is required of the potential for the conversion of existing buildings, particularly at the frontage, as part of the redevelopment.
- Noise and air quality investigations are required, and the layout and design of the site should include boundary treatments that protect residential amenity.
- A contaminated land assessment is required to ensure necessary remediation is completed prior to occupation.
- The site falls within Source Protection Zone 3. Therefore, pollution control techniques should be incorporated to ensure that development of the site does not lead to pollution of the water environment.
- An ecological assessment must be carried out to identify impacts on protected species.
- The residential pitches shall not be occupied by any persons other than Gypsies and Travellers and their families.

Land at Strayground Lane, Wymondham
9.24 This site consists of a privately owned piece of land that has been put forward by the owner (part A) and a publicly owned brownfield site that is expected to become vacant due to the decision to relocate Wymondham Recycling Centre (part B).
9.25 The site is located towards the southern end of Strayground Lane, Wymondham. Strayground Lane is a quiet road that connects to the built edge of the town to the north via Whartons Lane and out to the open countryside.
9.26 The Bays River Meadow North County Wildlife Site is adjacent to and partly overlaps the site on its west, and an established paving business is also adjacent to the site. There are former mineral extraction activities on the land to the north-east and east. The Norwich to Cambridge railway line is to the south.
9.27 The redevelopment of this site will require local highways improvements, consideration of noise and dust from neighbouring activities, investigation of possible land contamination from previous uses, pollution control measures for the groundwater source protection zone and conducting an ecological assessment prior to development due to the neighbouring county wildlife site. Assessments will be required prior to development and mitigation put in place.
9.28 Part A of S.WY.GT1A/B lies adjacent to the River Bays which is defined as a main river. Consequently, it is recommended that developers engage in early discussions with the Environment Agency and it is likely that a written consent will be required from the agency for a flood risk activity permit. The policy requires the development to allow the agency access to the river for maintenance purposes and to avoid compromising the flood defences.
Land at Strayground Lane, Wymondham (1.1 hectares for part A and 0.07 hectares for part B) is allocated for a residential Gypsy and Traveller site. The site will accommodate approximately 12 residential Gypsy and Traveller pitches.
The development will achieve the following site-specific requirements:
- Access will be via Strayground Lane. For part A, either the existing access point at the north-east corner of the site or a new access on the eastern boundary will be used. If a new access is provided, any loss of trees or hedgerows will be compensated for by new planting within the site. Part B of the site will use the existing vehicular access for the recycling centre.
- Highway improvements will be required to the passing bays along Strayground Lane and an adequate visibility splay is required at the junction of Whartons Lane with London Road (the B1172).
- A contaminated land assessment is required to ensure necessary remediation is completed prior to occupation.
- Landscape screening will be required at the site, most particularly on the boundaries of Part A to reduce adverse effects on landscape character and to enhance the residential amenity of the occupants of the site.
- An ecological assessment must be carried out to identify impacts on protected species.
- The site falls within Source Protection Zone 3. Therefore, pollution control techniques should be incorporated to ensure that development of the site does not lead to pollution of the water environment.
- Maintenance access to the River Bays must be provided and flood defences must not be compromised.
- The residential pitches shall not be occupied by any persons other than Gypsies and Travellers and their families.